Clematis Diamond Ball: reviews, cultivation features, photos

Large-flowered clematis Diamond Ball belongs to the varieties of Polish selection. It has been on sale since 2012. The originator of the variety is Shchepan Marchinsky. Diamond Ball won the gold medal at the 2013 Grand Press in Moscow.

Description of clematis Diamond Ball

Clematis Diamond Ball: reviews, cultivation features, photos

The lashes of Clematis Diamond Ball reach a length of 2 m. To grow upwards, they need a strong support. The plant is photophilous, blooms in June-July with large double flowers. Flowering is lush, almost from the base of the bush. Re-Diamond Ball blooms in August, but not so abundantly.

The leaves of clematis are light green, trifoliate, compound or solitary, up to 10 cm long. Corollas of flowers are 10-12 cm in diameter, painted blue and white, reminiscent of a dahlia in shape.

Clematis Diamond Ball (pictured above) is recommended for growing in zones 4-9. Tolerates temperatures down to -34 °C. Resistant to diseases, responds well to top dressing, soil mulching.

Clematis pruning group Diamond Ball

Clematis Diamond Ball belongs to the second pruning group. It is pruned slightly in the fall, because the first flower buds are laid on last year’s shoots. The second wave of flowering occurs in the summer. At this time, flowers bloom on young, annual shoots.

Advice! Pruning in autumn is carried out at a height of 1,5 m from the ground. If you cut the clematis low, the flowers will be small, flowering will not be plentiful and will come 3-5 weeks later than the due date.

Planting and caring for clematis Diamond Ball

To create good conditions for Clematis hybrid Diamond Ball, it is necessary to ensure timely watering and fertilizing, proper pruning, protection from diseases and pests. Shoots for normal growth need a strong support.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in autumn in September or in spring. Choose a sunny place with fertile loamy soil. It is advisable to prepare a large hole for clematis with a depth and diameter of 60 cm, put drainage on the bottom, and add the following components to the soil:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus or compost;
  • 1 st. complete mineral fertilizer;
  • 1 st. ash;
  • 150 g superphosphate;
  • 100 g of bone meal.

The pit is filled with about half the prepared soil mixture, a mound is made and clematis is planted with a root neck deepening of 8-12 cm. The bush is well watered, the soil is mulched. Cover when the first frosts begin.

In spring, excess mulch is removed from under clematis, leaving a layer 5-7 cm thick. It will retain moisture in the soil and protect it from overheating, and prevent weeds from germinating. It is undesirable to leave a large layer of mulch, the bases of the sprouts will freeze, the density of the bush will suffer.

Clematis Diamond Ball requires light pruning before bud break in April. If the bushes are low, they can not be cut in the fall. In the spring, the branches are cleaned by hand from dried leaves. Then cut out weak, diseased and broken shoots. The remaining lashes are cut at a height of 1,5-1,7 m above strong buds, directing them to grow along the support. Thin and dead shoots are cut off near the ground, dry petioles are removed. If left, they can serve as breeding grounds for disease. After the first flowering, sanitary and formative pruning can be carried out, removing broken branches that thicken the bush and faded buds.

Knowing the features of growing Clematis Diamond Ball, you can provide him with good care. In the first half of summer, organic fertilizers are given to the plant – compost, rotted manure. Mineral top dressing will also be superfluous. Abundant flowering stimulates the introduction of trace elements (boron, magnesium, iron, calcium) and potassium-phosphorus preparations. Horse manure can be used as mulch. When watering, the soil is deeply moistened. Clematis has a powerful root system and a large vegetative mass by 3-5 years.

Preparation for winter

Clematis Diamond Ball: reviews, cultivation features, photos

In clematis of the second group, pruning of the first year of life, the lashes are cut at a height of 10 cm from the soil level. In the spring, new shoots of renewal will begin to grow, and in the second year of the whip, you can try to save it in the winter.

In regions with a cold climate, clematis is removed from the support, shoots are shortened at a height of 1,5 m from the ground, laid on a layer of mulch covering the soil under the bush. From above, an air-dry shelter is built, as for roses – a spunbond is pulled over a frame or over a spruce spruce branch.

Important! It is advisable to treat the soil and plant with a fungicide before sheltering to prevent wilt.


Varietal clematis large-flowered Diamond Ball is most often propagated by cuttings. To obtain planting material, the lash is cut off and divided into parts, leaving 2 internodes on each.

Order of rooting cuttings:

  1. The lower leaves are cut off, the upper ones are shortened to reduce the area of ​​moisture evaporation.
  2. Prepare a mixture of garden soil and sand.
  3. The cuttings are dipped with the lower cut into Kornevin and planted in small pots with prepared soil.
  4. Then watered with settled warm water.
  5. They make a greenhouse for each cutting from a two-liter bottle, cutting off the bottom.
  6. Water as the soil dries out.
  7. Put in diffused sunlight.
  8. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Clematis can also be propagated by layering or dividing the bush during transplantation. This method gives a 100% guarantee of rooting, but a young bush grows for a long time. It takes 3-5 years for the plant to become an adult after rooting the cutting and layering or dividing the bush.

Diseases and pests

Clematis most often suffer from wilt. This disease manifests itself in the withering of the shoots. The second group of pruning often causes disappointment for flower growers precisely because of the wilt, it is more intended for professional, experienced gardeners.

It is a pest resistant plant. Aphids can settle on juicy young leaves and buds. For prevention, the bushes are treated with any systemic insecticide.


Clematis Diamond Ball is distinguished by beautiful double flowers of a bluish color. It belongs to the second group of pruning, it needs shelter for the winter. The variety is frost-resistant, has strong immunity, is rarely affected by diseases and pests.

HOW TO PRODUCE CLEMATIS BY LAYERS – reproduction of clematis by layering – success is guaranteed

Clematis Reviews Diamond Ball

Irina Motygina, 42 years old, Tver
Clematis have been growing in my garden for a long time, but they are all from the third pruning group. I have never had any particular problems with them – I will cut them to the ground in the fall, and powerful, healthy lashes grow in the spring. I bought the Diamond Ball variety because I liked the flowers – the color is unusual and beautiful, terry shape. She cut the scourge in the fall in the same way as the rest of her clematis, she was afraid that the Diamond Ball would not bloom. To my delight, double white and blue flowers bloomed in the summer. The bush has become a little larger than last year.
Denis Sergeev, 52 years old, Moscow
I saw Diamond Ball clematis seedlings in the nursery and wanted to buy. I had no experience in growing varieties from the second pruning group. I decided to plant my clematis in a large 20-liter container in order to bring it to a warm veranda for the winter. In the summer I put the vine in a flower bed in a little shading, dug the support directly into the container, fed and watered it all summer. When the first frosts hit in the autumn, he brought a container of clematis into the house. The main shoot had to be cut off, it dried up, but a lot of young sprouts went from the root. By the middle of winter, the lashes grew by 1,5 m and flower clusters appeared. In the spring, terry bluish balls of flowers bloomed, when he brought the vine to the flower bed, the beauty is incredible.

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