Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Clematis are considered the most beautiful vines in the world that can only be planted on your site. The plant is able to please every year with a wide variety of shades, depending on the variety chosen. Due to its attractive appearance, the culture is gaining particular popularity among gardeners. Choosing clematis Daniel Deronda, you can get a beautiful carpet of terry buds – such creepers can become a worthy decoration for any garden. In order for the culture to develop correctly and please with its appearance, it is necessary to correctly carry out the planting process. In addition, it should be borne in mind that its distinctive feature is unpretentiousness in care.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Description of clematis Daniel Deronda

Clematis daniel deronda (Daniel Deronda) is a chic vine that produces double flowers during flowering. The color can vary from deep blue to purple. The first flowering occurs in the first half of June, the second flowering can be observed from the second half of August. As practice shows, flowers can reach a diameter of 15 to 20 cm. The plant grows in height from 3 to 3,5 m. The leaf plate is wide, saturated green. Many gardeners compare the culture in appearance with roses.

Important! The hardiness zone of Clematis variety Daniel Deronda is 4-9, as a result of which shelter is required for the winter.

Clematis pruning group Daniel Deronda

Clematis varieties Daniel Deronda belongs to the 2nd pruning group. As practice shows, the 2nd pruning group implies that in the winter period the shoots of the last year will be completely preserved. This cutting group is by far the most popular and is presented on the market for goods and services for sale in a wide range of products.

As a rule, planting material in most cases is imported and is intended for growing in a greenhouse. In winter, clematis is recommended to be pre-covered, otherwise the bushes may freeze and die. In addition, it is worth taking into account the fact that in vines belonging to the 2nd pruning group, lush flowering occurs quite late, while growth is slow when compared with clematis of the 3rd pruning group.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Planting and caring for clematis Daniel Deronda

Before you start planting vines, it is recommended that you first study the photo and description of clematis Daniel Deronda. In order to get plants with an attractive appearance, it is recommended to provide the culture with proper care and attention. Thus, the irrigation system should be regular and moderate, timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil is important. Shelter for the winter is essential.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The first thing it is recommended to start with is to choose a landing site and prepare it before planting the planting material. It is best for such purposes to choose a land plot with a small shade, while it must be protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts. It is important to understand that, depending on the selected clematis variety, planting and care may vary slightly, but, as practice shows, the algorithm is identical in all cases.

The selected piece of land should perfectly absorb moisture, the soil must be loose and porous, with the presence of a large amount of nutrients. An excellent option in this case is the choice of loamy or fertile land.

It is not recommended to plant Daniel Deronda clematis in acidic soil and use peat or manure as fertilizer. This is due to the fact that in such conditions clematis can die. As a result of the fact that the root system can reach a large size, you should not choose areas with a close groundwater flow.

Attention! In the spring, in the second half of May, you can start planting Daniel Deronda clematis in open ground.

Seedling preparation

Since in most cases seedlings of Daniel Deronda variety clematis are purchased in specialized stores, it is recommended to pre-prepare the seedlings before planting the planting material in open ground or greenhouse conditions. Many experienced gardeners advise pre-soaking the root system in clean water for several hours. In order for the culture to take root much better and faster, you can add a rooting agent to the water or treat the root system with a rooting powder in the form of a powder. Only after that you can start planting planting material at a permanent place of growth.

Rules of landing

Before planting clematis of the Daniel Deronda variety at a permanent place of growth, it is recommended to first dig holes, up to a depth of 70 cm. A small amount of crushed stone is laid out on the bottom, after which it is covered with a layer of soil. Before filling the root system with earth, you will need to prepare a substrate using 10 liters of earth, 100 g of slaked lime, 5 liters of humus for this purpose, mix everything.

The root system should be distributed over the entire bottom of the pit and only then sprinkled with a nutrient substrate. Initially, the earth should be covered by about 12 cm, while there is free space in the pit, which is gradually filled with the substrate until autumn.

Advice! If a group landing is planned, then there should be a distance of at least 25 cm between the bushes.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Watering and top dressing

Hybrid clematis Daniel Deronda, like other varieties belonging to this species, does not like stagnation of water in the soil, as a result of which it is recommended to establish an irrigation system to the maximum. Irrigation should be regular, but at the same time in sufficient quantity. Do not allow waterlogging and drying of the soil. In order for the vines to please with their appearance, it is worth fertilizing throughout the season. In this situation, an excellent solution would be the choice of mineral, organic or complex dressings. As a rule, fertilizers are recommended to be applied at least 3 times during the season.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Mulching and loosening

By mulching the soil around the planted plants, the frequency of watering can be reduced. This is due to the fact that the mulch prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil, as a result of which the soil remains much more moist.

In addition, do not forget about loosening. In the process of loosening, it is possible not only to remove the weed that has appeared, but also to provide the root system of the vines with the necessary amount of oxygen, which is required for the normal development of plants.


Clematis varieties Daniel Deronda belongs to the 2nd pruning group and grows to a height of 3-3,5 m. The flowering period captures the following months: June, July, August, September. Pruning is recommended at a height of 50 to 100 cm from the ground. The lower young shoots, on which there are no signs of the disease, should be carefully laid on the ground and covered for the winter. In some cases, vines may need rejuvenation. Then it is worth trimming to the first true sheet.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Preparation for winter

If we take into account the reviews and description of clematis Daniel Deronda, it is worth noting that the plants need appropriate preparation before they are sent for wintering. It is necessary not only to remove damaged and old branches, to make sanitary pruning of vines, but also to prepare shelters. In such situations, it is recommended to use plastic wrap or straw. For greater efficiency, you can initially cover the plants with a layer of straw, and on top with plastic wrap. With the onset of heat, the shelter is removed.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group


If necessary, clematis varieties Daniel Deronda can be propagated independently at home. Reproduction can be done in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush into several parts.

The most common option is the division of the bush, in second place is propagation by cuttings.

Clematis Daniel Deronda: photo, description, pruning group

Diseases and pests

A distinctive feature of all types of clematis, including the Daniel Deronda variety, is a high level of resistance to many types of pests and diseases. It should be taken into account that under adverse conditions, plants can infect diseases. In most cases, due to an improper irrigation system, the root system begins to rot.


Clematis Daniel Deronda is a liana-like plant reaching a height of up to 3,5 m. Due to its attractive appearance, the culture is actively used in landscape design for land design.

Reviews about clematis Daniel Deronda

Galina Sergeeva, 56 years old, Izhevsk
I have been growing clematis in my summer cottage for over 10 years. Creepers with an attractive appearance, growing up to 2 m in height, are an excellent option for decorating arches and arbors. Not so long ago I came across the Daniel Deronda variety, which belongs to the 2nd pruning group, before that I had only 3. I decided to take a chance and try what happens. I didn’t regret my choice. The bushes have taken root well, the flowering is plentiful, and what is most pleasant is the large velvet buds covering the entire bush.
Darya Kravtsova, 34 years old, Penza
Decided to decorate the backyard. Planted a large number of flowers, shrubs, trees. It remains only to beautifully decorate the gazebo. Initially, it was decided that these should be vine-like plants with a large number of flowers. The store advised me to buy Daniel Deronda clematis. Creepers grow in height up to 3-3,5 m, beautifully wrap around a support, namely, a gazebo. During the flowering period, rather large flowers of a rich purple color with creamy yellow anthers appear.
CLEMATIS varieties “Daniel Derondo” – surprise flowers from Nina Petrusha channel Clematis TV

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