Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

Delicate and charming Clematis Daches of Edinburgh – the decoration of any garden. His appearance is luxurious. White, large, double flowers on vines, climbing to a great height, amaze with their abundance and splendor.

Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

Clematis has long ceased to be exotic for central Our Country. There are many varieties released for different regions with excellent characteristics. Among them is Duches Edinburgh. Thanks to proper agricultural technology and care, the vine is rapidly developing, growing, decorating the garden with its flowering.

Description of clematis Daches of Edinburgh

Clematis is an early flowering variety.

  1. The flowers of the plant are large, white. They can be white with a green center, their diameter is up to 15 cm. The inflorescences are characterized as double and semi-double, spherical, and the stamens are brown.
  2. The stems of the culture are liana-shaped, curly.
  3. The leaves are opposite, entire, trifoliate, bright green.
  4. Roots cord-like, soft.

The plant blooms in late spring-early summer on last year’s shoots. Again – in September on the growth of this year. Clematis variety Daches Edinburgh loves sunny places, tolerates partial shade well. It grows at a moderate rate. Decorative properties are used for vertical gardening, the plant looks good when grown near arbors, fences, trellises. It is able to climb trees, cling to bushes. Liana looks especially great on a dark background.

An adult plant reaches a height of 3 m. Clematis Daches of Edinburgh is winter-hardy, tolerates temperatures down to -34 ⁰С.

The culture loves fertile soil with a pH of 6 to 7 units. Loose sandy or loamy soil should not be waterlogged.

Clematis pruning group Daches of Edinburgh

Pruning is one of the main activities in caring for a plant. It must be carried out in accordance with the biological characteristics of the variety Duches Edinburgh. The procedure allows you to achieve powerful flowering at an earlier date, high-quality development, growth. Thanks to her, the liana grows safely in one place for many years.

Circumcision is not difficult. It is carried out with a pruner at a certain height. The rules are dictated by the belonging of the plant to the pruning group: in Clematis Daches of Edinburgh, it is the second.

In order for the vine to bush and grow better, in the first year after planting, it is worth cutting off all the growth over the third pair of buds.

In the future, the procedure can be carried out in three ways:

  • weak pruning – before winter, weak and unripened shoots are cut out, the rest – no more than a third;
  • moderate – shoots are removed at a level of 1 m from the ground before winter;
  • strong – is carried out in autumn or early spring at the height of the second pair of kidneys.

Planting and caring for clematis Daches of Edinburgh

Before planting, clematis seedlings Daches Eidenburg are stored at a temperature of 0 oC to + 2 oC.

Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

As soon as the buds begin to grow, it is necessary to transfer the plants to a cool, lit place to avoid stretching. They should be planted in a well-lit area protected from cold winds after the threat of frost has passed. Drops from the roof onto the plant are undesirable. After choosing a territory for landing, you must:

  1. Dig a hole with a length, width and depth of 60 cm.
  2. Place a drainage of brick, expanded clay 15 cm thick on the bottom.
  3. Pour soil 5 cm thick.
  4. Fill the hole with a nutrient soil mixture of high-moor peat, earth and compost.
  5. Place the seedling in the hole.
  6. Spread the roots of the plant.
  7. Fall asleep and slightly compact the soil around the roots of clematis.
  8. Water.
  9. Mulch the soil.
  10. Install a vine support.

Further care consists in timely watering, top dressing, pruning, preparation for winter.

The plant does not like excessive moisture. It is enough for him to water once a week, in the heat – three times. Mulching helps retain moisture and looseness of the soil. If it is not carried out, then the soil near the clematis is loosened after each watering.

Top dressing is carried out several times per season. In May – urea, in summer – complex flower fertilizer, potassium sulfate – immediately after flowering.

Preparation for winter

Variety Duches Edinburgh is not afraid of frost, but of high humidity and decay of roots in winter. Therefore, the protection of culture should be not so much insulating as dry. The rhizome should be protected from spring waters. Shelter time – the beginning of soil freezing. Most often, this is the beginning of November. To protect clematis, you must:

  1. Spud the bushes to a height of 15 cm.
  2. Install bait for rodents.
  3. Lay boards, spruce branches or polystyrene near the bush.
  4. Remove the shoots from the support, twist and put on the base.
  5. Lay boxes, wooden shields on top.
  6. Cover with non-woven material, leaving holes for ventilation.
  7. Cover with snow in winter.

In the spring, Clematis Daches of Edinburgh is gradually released from shelter. The process starts in April and ends in May. This is necessary for the slow adaptation of the plant to the spring sun.

It is worth remembering that Duches Edinburgh shows signs of life very late – in May. You need to wait for this moment and not previously disturb the root system of the plant in search of buds and shoots.


There are five ways to propagate clematis:

  • division of the rhizome;
  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccination.

To propagate in the first way, you need to dig a rhizome, cut it into pieces with a sharp knife or pruner and plant it.

The second way is as follows. Clematis seeds are treated with a growth stimulator and sown directly into the ground, into prepared beds. After the appearance of seedlings, they swoop down in the stage of several leaves, weed, create shade and shelter for the winter. You can transplant a flower to a permanent place in a year.

To propagate clematis of the Dutches of Edinburgh variety, using a layering, select a section of the stem with an internode, leave two leaves and deepen it into the soil. After that, it is necessary to shade the layering. After rooting, the stem is cut off and the seedling is transplanted.

Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

Rooting cuttings lasts several months. They are cut during the budding period of clematis varieties Daches Edinburgh. The cut is made at an angle of 45⁰. Their length should be 8 cm. The leaves are shortened, the cuttings are placed in a wet substrate of peat and sand, deepening to the node. Rooted planting material is transplanted only the next year.

Vaccination is the most time-consuming process, not often ending in success. As a rootstock, the roots of varietal clematis are used, and the scion is the young tops of the shoots. Growth occurs within a month.

Diseases and pests

To prevent diseases, you should periodically inspect the vines. Preventing the spread of infections is easier than curing a plant. Among the most common diseases of the Dutches of Edinburgh identified:

  • withering – damage to the root system as a result of stagnant moisture;
  • gray rot – brown spots on clematis leaves, covering the entire plant, often occur in rainy summers;
  • mučnistaâ rosa – white coating on leaves and flowers, infection occurs through infected weeds;
  • yellow mosaic – an incurable viral disease in which the leaves turn yellow and brittle.

Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

Clematis pests of the Daches Edinburgh variety include:

  • aphid;
  • slippery;
  • spider mite.

To combat them, both folk remedies and chemicals are used – Actellik, Ferramol and others.


Clematis Daches of Edinburgh is a real miracle and a godsend for those who love ornamental plants. The creeper has a lot of advantages: abundant flowering twice a season, large double flowers of white color, winter hardiness. Perennial care is not difficult, not difficult even for beginners, and life expectancy is long. Those who once planted this variety in their garden will no longer refuse such a snow-white miracle on the site.

Clematis Daches of Edinburgh: photo and description

Clematis Reviews Daches of Edinburgh

Kruglova Inna Mikhailovna, 43 years old, Moscow
I love flowers very much. At the dacha I have both perennials and annuals. But most of all I love the large-flowered clematis Daches of Edinburgh. It looks like a bride – white, airy, light. In combination with purple varieties, it looks just wonderful.
Preminova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 50 years old, Desnogorsk
Clematis Duches Edinburgh was the first one I bought and planted on the property. I always thought that this is a plant for the southern latitudes. But it turned out that it winters well, its care is simple, and the view during flowering is indescribable. Since then, this is my favorite flower, I bought 4 more varieties, but the first one is the best.
We propagate clematis / Cuttings of clematis / Clematis from cuttings / My experience and practice 17.07.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX

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