Clematis Asao: photo and description, growing conditions

Clematis Asao is one of the old varieties bred by the Japanese breeder Kaushige Ozawa in 1977. It appeared on European territory in the early 80s. Refers to early-flowering, large-flowered clematis. Creepers cling well to supports, they are used for vertical gardening in the summer. The flowers of the Asao variety are moderately growing, suitable for container growing.

Description of clematis Asao

Clematis Asao creepers reach a length of 3 m. Flowering occurs in 2 stages:

  • first – from May to June on the shoots of the previous year;
  • second – from August to September on shoots that appeared in the current year.

The flowers form large, simple or semi-double, with a diameter of 12 to 20 cm. The sepals form a lanceolate or elliptical shape with pointed edges, in an amount of 5 to 8 pcs. Below is a photo of Asao clematis showing its two-tone color: white in the middle, in the form of a stripe and deep pink along the edge. Stamens are large, yellow or yellow with green.

Clematis Asao: photo and description, growing conditions

The frost resistance of Asao hybrid clematis belongs to zones 4-9 and means that the plant withstands maximum winter temperatures of -30 … -35 ° С. But these indicators refer to the preservation of the roots, and the remaining above-ground shoots need quality shelter. Otherwise, reviews of clematis large-flowered Asao describe the plant as unpretentious.

Asao clematis pruning group

Clematis Asao, like most Japanese varieties, belongs to the 2nd pruning group. To get early flowering with the largest and semi-double flowers, the shoots of the current year must be preserved. In autumn, about 10 of the most developed stems are left, shortening them to a height of at least 1 m from the ground. For the winter period they are protected, the best way is air-dry shelter.

Growing conditions for Clematis Asao

According to the photo and description, the conditions for growing clematis large-flowered Asao differ from other large-flowered varieties. Clematis Asao does not tolerate constant direct sunlight on vines. Therefore, they plant it in well-lit areas, but with the possibility of shading at noon.

The base and roots of the plant, like other clematis, should be in constant shade. To do this, low-growing annual flowers are planted at the base of the plants. Often clematis is grown together with roses. To do this, when planting, their root systems are separated by a barrier.

Important! Clematis creepers are very delicate and brittle, so they must be protected from sudden gusts of wind and drafts.

Over the years, the plant builds up a large amount of green mass, so it needs a reliable support. When growing near walls and fences, an indent of 50 cm is made. Rainwater from the roof should not fall on the vegetative part.

Soils for Clematis Asao are suitable for light, fertile and with good water permeability, neutral acidity.

Planting and caring for clematis Asao

The beginning of the growing season for Asao clematis is early. Spring planting is carried out on dormant buds, which is more suitable for regions with a warm spring. In colder regions, Clematis Asao is best left in planting containers until autumn. At this time, the root system is active and the plants take root well in a permanent place.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Clematis Asao is planted in areas with a groundwater level below 1,2 m. Sandy or heavy soils are improved by mixing them with humus and peat. In poor soils, rotted manure and complex mineral fertilizers are applied. Strongly acidic soils are lime. Before planting, the earth is deeply dug up and loosened.

When choosing a site, the planting area is laid with a margin, given the growth of clematis and the fact that the ground around the plant cannot be trampled. Distances between individual plants are kept at 1 m.

Seedling preparation

The root system of the seedling is inspected before planting. It should have more than 5 healthy, well developed roots. Blisters on the roots indicate damage by a nematode; such plants cannot be planted. Roots for disinfection are sprayed with fungicide solutions.

Advice! In spring and summer, clematis Asao is planted along with an earthen clod.

If the seedling started to grow while in the container, planting is carried out only after the lignification of the shoots, the growth point is pinched. If the seedling at the time of planting has a long shoot, it is cut by one third.

Rules of landing

For planting clematis Asao prepare a deep and wide planting hole, 50-60 cm in size on all sides. The excavated soil is then used to fill the hole.

Clematis Asao: photo and description, growing conditions

The excavated soil is filled with 10 liters of compost or humus, 1 tbsp. ash and 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Boarding plan:

  1. At the bottom of the landing pit, 15 cm of drainage is poured.
  2. Add a part of the prepared fertilized earth, pouring it into a mound.
  3. A seedling is released into the planting hole so that the tillering center is 5-10 cm deep.
  4. A sand-ash mixture is poured into the center of the root system.
  5. The planting hole is covered with the remaining soil mixture.
  6. During the season, the soil is gradually poured to the general level of the soil.

Deep planting is important for the formation of a strong tillering center and plant vitality. In the soil in the center of tillering, new buds develop, from which new shoots are constantly formed. Deep planting preserves the roots in frosty winters and from summer overheating.

Watering and top dressing

Clematis is demanding on soil moisture, especially in summer, when it is necessary to supply a large amount of leaf apparatus with moisture. With sufficient watering, the plant tolerates high temperatures well, the leaves do not overheat.

In the middle lane, watered once every 1 days, in the southern regions more often. Water only with warm water, preferably rain.

Advice! For one watering of clematis, Asao use about 30 liters of water for one plant.

Water is poured not under the root, but along the diameter, retreating 25-30 cm from the center of tillering. But the best way to water clematis Asao is underground, so moisture does not get on the leaves, does not erode the root zone. Also, drip irrigation does not allow the soil to dry out and reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Mulching and loosening

Loosening is carried out after watering or precipitation, on moist, but not wet soil. Loosening with garden tools can damage tender shoots and roots. Therefore, in order to keep the soil loose, mulching is used. Covered soil does not form a soil crust, so the need for constant loosening is eliminated.

Important! Mulch protects the soil from drying out, retains nutrients from erosion, and reduces the number of weeds.

As a protective layer, peat, humus, compost is applied to the soil. Good materials are also special trunk circles made of coconut fibers or wood chips. Materials and substrates are laid out without affecting the base of the shoots. It is not recommended to use straw or leaves as mulch, due to the possibility of rodents in them.

Pruning large-flowered clematis Asao

The first pruning is carried out after planting, leaving 2/3 of the shoot. Re-pruning is carried out the next year before budding. When sheltering in the first winter, the shoots are cut off completely.

In the future, clematis Asao is formed according to the 2nd pruning group. During the entire vegetative period, dry and broken shoots are removed. Pruning is carried out with a clean, disinfected tool so as not to cause infection.

Preparation for winter

Before shelter, the stems and the soil under the bushes are freed from foliage, sprayed with copper-containing preparations. At the onset of the first frost, the plant is cut off, the remaining shoots are removed from the support and very carefully folded into a ring.

Clematis Asao: photo and description, growing conditions

Spruce branches are laid under the stems and on top, the tillering zone is covered with dry sand. An arc or other frame is installed above the plant and covered with a film. Black material is not used for shelter so that the plants do not overheat. The covering material is fixed, a gap is made from below for the passage of air.

In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually so that return frosts do not damage the kidneys. Clematis Asao starts growing early, so late removal of shelter can also destroy the shoots that have appeared. In the future, reserve buds will sprout, but flowering will be weak.


Clematis Asao is propagated vegetatively using different parts of the plant.

Breeding methods:

  1. Cuttings. Planting material is taken from 2-3-year-old clematis during the budding period. The stalk is cut from the middle of the stem, it should contain: one node, developed leaves and buds. On the cutting, 1 cm of the stem is left above the node and one leaf. The cutting is rooted vertically in a container with wet sand, deepening by 5 cm.
  2. Layers. To do this, the stem is freed from the leaves, pressed to the soil, covered with a sand-ash mixture, and watered. A month later, a new shoot appears from each bud, which is cut off from the mother stem and grown separately.
  3. By dividing the bush. The method is only suitable for adults and strong bushes. To do this, the plant is completely dug up and the rhizome is divided with a sharp tool into independent parts, where the shoot and buds are present.

For clematis, the seed propagation method is also used. It is less popular due to the fact that in many growing regions the seeds do not have time to ripen.

Diseases and pests

Clematis Asao, when properly grown, is rarely subject to disease. But one of the dangerous diseases is wilt – infectious wilt. It is caused by soil fungi that spread through the vessels and block the flow of moisture to the plant.

Withering cannot be treated, infected shoots are immediately removed, the place is sprayed with fungicides. The plant with this disease is not completely damaged and subsequently forms healthy shoots.

To prevent the appearance of pathogenic microflora during planting, the soil around clematis is sprinkled with a mixture of sand and ash. The sand is pre-disinfected. Every year at the beginning of the season, the soil in the place of cultivation is limed.

More rarely, clematis is affected by powdery mildew, rust and ascochitosis, but the appearance of diseases causes great harm to the culture. To prevent their occurrence, clematis is sprayed with copper-containing preparations in the spring before flowering.

A serious pest of the plant is the nematode. You can detect it by swelling on the roots and the gradual withering of the vines. There is no cure, the plants must be destroyed, then it is not grown in the same place for 4-5 years.


Clematis Asao Japanese selection is distinguished by delicate flowering, large volume of leaves. The first flowering is more intense, occurs on the shoots of the previous year, the second begins at the end of summer and, depending on the growing region, can continue until autumn. According to the photo and description, Asao clematis is easy to care for, but demanding for winter shelter.

Clematis large-flowered Asao (clematis asao) 🌿 Asao review: how to plant, clematis Asao seedlings

Clematis Asao Reviews

Lyubov Ilyinskaya, 56 years old, Saratov
Japanese Clematis Asao appeared in my collection a few years ago. Blooming began the next season after planting. The flowers are large, pink-white with yellow stamens. Clematis blooms for contemplation, striking in its tenderness. The cultivation of flowers of the Asao variety has its own characteristics. Unlike other large-flowered plantings, they do not like full sun, the flowers can fade. Shoots before winter must be carefully covered. The main flowering occurs on the shoots of the previous year in the first wave.
Olga Kalinnikova, 45 years old, Liski
Clematis Asao blooms with pale pink flowers with a white, as if luminous center. In the first period of flowering, it forms both simple and double flowers, at the end of summer it blooms more small. Flowers do not fade for a long time. Over the years it becomes densely leafy, grows slowly. Japanese varieties are distinguished by their particular sophistication, they do not like constant sun. Must be grown in shade from the hottest, midday sun. The variety is more suitable for the southern regions due to early awakening and freezing of shoots.

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