Clearblue pregnancy test

The Clearblue pregnancy test is a modern device that allows you to determine with high accuracy whether conception has occurred or not. The test is commercially available and is simple and convenient to use, however, before using the device, you should carefully read the instructions to minimize the risk of a false positive or false negative result.

Clearblue is a subsidiary of the well-known Swiss company Procter and Gamble. In addition to the fact that the tests are produced by such a reputable manufacturer with an excellent reputation, their quality has been tested by time. Clearblue has been developing and producing pregnancy tests since 2008.

Types of Clearblue Pregnancy Tests

There are several types of tests from Clearblue, the main difference of which is the principle of using the device.

The following types of tests are available for sale:

  • Inkjet;

  • Electronic;

  • Digital.

Accordingly, the more complex the test is, the higher its price category will be. It is noteworthy that the manufacturer of this test system guarantees a reliably positive or negative result not only after the first day of a missed period. It turns out that Clearblue tests allow you to determine pregnancy already a few days before the next menstruation.

How Clearblue tests work

The principle of operation of the Clearblue test devices is based on the determination of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine of a woman. Its level is known to rise after conception occurs. The highest concentration of the hormone in the urine is observed in the morning, although the device can detect even its small doses. The sensitivity of the tests is extremely high and is 10-25 mIU / ml.

After the liquid enters the test, it moves up through the channels in the paper indicator and, reaching the mark, gives either a positive or a negative result. Depending on the type of test, it is also possible to determine the gestational age with an accuracy of 1-2 weeks.

Reasons for getting an inaccurate result

Like any other early pregnancy detection system, the Clearblue test can give a false result. First of all, it depends on the correctness of the testing procedure. However, even with strict adherence to the instructions, an error cannot be ruled out.

The reliability of the result may be affected by the following factors:

  • A woman takes drugs for the treatment of infertility, which include hCG.

  • The woman has an irregular menstrual cycle and took the test too early.

  • If a woman has recently been pregnant (even if the pregnancy did not end in childbirth), the result may be a false positive.

  • A woman has an ectopic pregnancy, an ovarian cyst, endometriosis, a hormone-producing tumor, myoma nodes.

If a woman still has doubts about the reliability of the results, then you should consult a doctor.

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