Clear urine – what can it mean?

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What can transparent urine show? Is this a symptom of kidney disease? Could this be the result of dietary changes? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

  1. Weronika has been struggling with overweight for years. She started exercising and went on a diet, but notices disturbing symptoms in herself
  2. The woman is weakened and her urine has become almost transparent
  3. This may be a symptom of specific diseases
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What can clear urine show?

Hello, my name is Weronika and I am 28 years old. For many years I have been struggling with overweight, it started when I was about 13, then the first extra pounds appeared. I have tried different diets many times, unfortunately with little success. Now I said enough and signed up for the gym, fitness and dietitian. The effects are starting to show, but I have noticed that I am not feeling very well. I am weak and have no strength. Without thinking for a long time, I performed a blood count and urine analysis.

The morphology was fine for me. However, I think I do urine problem. Already peeing into the urine container, I noticed that it was almost transparent. This is also what I have described in the test results. What could it mean clear urine? Could it be some kind of disease, e.g. kidney disease? Could it be related to my diet and increased physical activity? The dietitian advised me to drink a lot of water, and so I do. Could this have anything to do with clear urine?

I am a bit worried, I have an appointment with the dietitian in two days. I would be grateful for information about transparent urine and whether the transparent color of urine may be a sign of kidney disease. Regards.

The doctor explains why urine may be transparent

The most common cause of transparent urine it is simply diluting it by drinking plenty of water, but sometimes it may be a sign of kidney or metabolic disease.

Often, after intense physical exertion, we drink large amounts of water – this is normal because many fluids have left our body in the form of sweat or while breathing. However, if we drink more water, we may end up with hyperhydration, which a healthy person can easily cope with, producing more diluted urine.

Polydipsia (i.e. increased thirst) and polyuria (passing large amounts of urine, often transparent) are one of the first symptoms of diabetes, these symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fatigue, and increased appetite. If you experience some of the above symptoms, please see your GP – he / she will be able to take a detailed history, test and order fasting blood glucose or random blood glucose tests or OGTT tests, the doctor can confirm or rule out diabetes with the help of the above-mentioned tests. Untreated or late diagnosed diabetes mellitus may result in a severe general condition of ketoacidosis, therefore, if there are disturbing symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Another disease that may be manifested by the passing of large amounts of unconcentrated clear urine is diabetes insipidus, the two main types of which are central and renal diabetes insipidus, and depends on failure in the production of vasopressin by * the posterior pituitary gland or renal vasopressin receptor failure.

Acute kidney injury or nephropathy can also manifest as the production of large amounts of clear, diluted urine.

If clear urine occurs continuously for more than two days, it is not a one-time occurrence, or it clearly appears after drinking large amounts of fluids, visit your GP and present your symptoms, because each of the above-mentioned diseases can be very serious if left untreated Therefore, if disturbing symptoms occur, you should immediately see a doctor.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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