Cleansing the liver – diet, cleansing treatments

The human liver is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of toxins. It can be damaged by bad eating habits, medications, food contaminants, viruses and bacteria. Nevertheless, the liver is the only human organ that can regenerate itself (up to 50 percent) in the event of damage.

In most cases, the cause of liver malfunction and damage is due to excessive alcohol consumption. Another cause of malfunction liver it may turn out to be fatty. This organ is able to break down fatty acids, make fats from them and send them further to the body. However, when there is too much fat, liver grows in size and does not function properly. Steatosis can also be a result of drug abuse. The use of acute slimming diets (especially the so-called one-sided diets, such as cabbage, protein or long-term fasting) also has a bad influence on this organ. Liver in addition, it works incorrectly when the daily diet lacks raw foods rich in digestive enzymes and fiber.

Liver – symptoms of malfunction

When liver is in a bad condition, the surrounding protective capsule (peritoneal membrane) is stretched and the pressure on the adjacent intestines and stomach increases. In this case, there is an unpleasant stinging in the side, stretching under the ribs. Other symptoms include:

  1. slower metabolism and, as a result, a tendency to overweight or obesity, no effects on weight loss,
  2. chronic fatigue,
  3. high blood pressure
  4. flatulence, diarrhea, constipation,
  5. bitterness in the mouth,
  6. mood swings (from depression to euphoria),
  7. craving for sugar, craving for sweets,
  8. worsening of allergic symptoms, hay fever, asthma,
  9. skin changes: numerous pigmented marks and warts, brown spots near the hair roots,
  10. cold, moist body and skin of the hands,
  11. yellow tinged underside of the tongue,
  12. reddening of the skin on the inside of the hand around the thumb and little finger,
  13. cramps in the calves and fingers.

Support liver function, bile production and bile flow with herbal teas based on St. John’s Wort, Artichoke, Rowan, Chicory and Calendula. Buy now ECO tea supporting liver function. Also try the artichoke herb, from which you will prepare an infusion that is beneficial to the liver.

Liver – detoxification

Cleansing the liver with a detoxification treatment can support the liver to free it from impurities and speed up its regeneration. Eight weeks are required for a complete cleansing of the liver.

The detoxification process can be supported by proper supplementation. Choose the best preparation from the Medonet Market offer for you. Cleansing and detoxifying supplements constitute a diverse category in which everyone will surely find something for themselves. Buy today, for example, the liquid dietary supplement DuoLife Chlorofil, whose natural composition cleanses and strengthens the body. Try Detox – a Panaseus dietary supplement that supports detoxification of the body and helps with weight loss. We also recommend natural herbal teas, such as Herbal detox, Pukka Feel New – detoxifying tea or Purification – freeze-dried organic tea.

Liver – a diet that cleanses the liver

Diet is based on replacing three larger meals with smaller ones, eaten 5 or 6 times a day. Meals should be fresh, not reheated. Products that require heat treatment should be steamed or boiled in a small amount of water, covered. Frying should be avoided. It is good to stew dishes in water with the addition of virgin vegetable oils or baking in foil. Worth including in diet stale bread or in the form of toasts.

Among the products that should be included in your daily diet eliminate, there should be:

  1. dairy products: milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, butter, margarine, eggs,
  2. Red meat,
  3. wheat bread,
  4. sweets: sugar, jams, preserves, chocolate, cookies, biscuits, ice cream, salty sticks, roasted peanuts,
  5. mushrooms (including mushrooms),
  6. alcohol,
  7. coffee, strong tea.

W a liver cleansing diet however, there should be:

  1. vegetables: all green, in addition to carrots, beets, peppers, tomatoes, swede, potatoes,
  2. seeds: peas, lentils, rice, linseed, soybeans, walnuts, almonds, sesame, sunflower, oat and rice bran,
  3. bread: dark, coarse,
  4. sweets: a very small amount of honey, molasses, halva,
  5. fresh fish: sardines, trout, tuna,
  6. fats: cold pressed oils, sesame butter, soy paste,
  7. soy milk,
  8. legume sprouts,
  9. fresh vegetable juices,
  10. fresh and dried fruit.

It is worth supplementing the diet with herbal infusions. Choose Pukka Mint Refresh – a cleansing and refreshing tea with mint, licorice, coriander and fennel. We also recommend DetoxMe Health Labs dietary supplements – to support the digestive system, which supports the proper functioning of the liver.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Liver – treatments that support cleansing

Permitting cleansing the liver the diet should be combined with others treatments. Consider drinking cranberry and apple juice. Because of that liver works most actively between 22.00 p.m. and 2.00 a.m., you should drink before going to bed cleansing mixture from grapefruit juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Then go to bed with a hot water bottle or electric pillow on your right side. This treatment should last nine days, followed by a five-day break. The treatment requires four repetitions.

Do you want to buy an electric pillow? Order the device now by choosing from the Medonet Market offer.

Another proven way is regular drinking herbs. For twenty days, before going to bed, drink a glass of dandelion and artichoke root infusion, which have cell regenerating properties liver and they act cholagogue and cholagogue. Tablets containing extracts of milk thistle seeds, the composition of which is beneficial for liver silymarin or tablets based on artichoke herb rich in choleretic cynarine.

At Medonet Market you can buy the Detox Bio Yogi Tea or Detox with Lemon Bio Yogi Tea cleansing teas at promotional prices. licorice, cinnamon, ginger, dandelion.

  1. In cleansing the body of toxins, the iodine-bromine spa salt for bathing in Zabłock may be a support.

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