Cleansing the liver – diet and effects

The liver is a very important organ for our body – it performs about 500 different functions, and its main task is to cleanse our body. It happens, however, that the liver fails – in such a situation, it is worth considering cleansing the liver through a proper diet, and then enjoying the long-lasting and surprising effects.

Liver – the most important functions

The liver is an organ located on the right side of the abdomen under the ribs. It consists of 4 lobes, and its weight is 1500-1700 g for men and 1300-1500 g for women. The most important functions of the liver are the management of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamin accumulation, heme transformation, body cleansing, bile production and immune functions.

Liver diseases – causes

The most common cause of liver disease is excessive alcohol consumption. It is worth knowing that excessive alcohol consumption does not only mean addiction to alcohol, but also frequent consumption of even small amounts of alcoholic beverages. A few beers in the evening or a glass of wine every day can keep the liver in a similar state to that of a heavy alcoholic.

An improper diet, which leads to fatty liver, is also responsible for liver disease. Food that is too fatty and heavy causes the accumulation of fat in the liver, which leads to disorders in the functioning of the gland.

The cause of liver disease may also be excessive weight loss. Diets based on the dominance of one component, such as a protein diet or fasting, lead to the disturbance of the normal rhythm of the liver.

Liver disease – symptoms

Liver dysfunction produces numerous, easily noticeable symptoms. In addition to pressure around the liver and digestive problems, people with a bad liver often complain of problems such as: problems with metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight, constant fatigue, mood changes, depression, problems with excretion and vomiting. Moreover, liver diseases are often accompanied by the appearance of skin lesions (brown birthmarks), wet hands, frequent cramps of the calves, redness of the thumb and little finger on the inside of the hand, excessive appetite for sweets, increased blood pressure and the appearance of allergies.

Cleansing the liver – diet

In a situation where the liver gives us signals about its poor condition, it is worth considering liver cleansing. The purpose of cleansing the liver is to get rid of toxic substances lingering in the organ. Properly carried out cleansing of the liver gives good results in the form of a significant improvement in the functioning of the organ. The liver has great regenerative abilities, so it is worth making a decision about liver cleansing for your own health.

The liver cleansing diet lasts 8 weeks. During this time, you should follow a few simple rules: eat 5-6 small meals a day, avoid frying and baking – cooked or steamed dishes will be better, meals must be fresh and contain a lot of raw vegetables.

A liver cleansing diet also requires the elimination of several products, mainly: dairy products, white bread, red meat, sweets, mushrooms, coffee, strong tea, and especially alcohol. You should also not eat ready-made, highly processed food, and prepare all meals on a regular basis, with minimal heat treatment.

Cleansing the liver – effects

Properly carried out cleansing of the liver gives the first results after just a few days. Man begins to feel better, is less tired and more willing to be active. The condition of the skin improves and blood pressure is normalized. In addition, cleansing the liver is often associated with weight loss – this is not only due to healthy and low-calorie products, but above all to the normalization of the gland responsible for managing nutrients.

Cleansing the liver allows you to normalize the frequency of passing stools and get rid of cramps. Thanks to cleansing the liver, we are able to control our appetite again and consciously decide what we eat without succumbing to uncontrolled hunger pangs.

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