Cleansing the body – the best ways. The path to health and well-being

The body is endowed with natural body cleansing mechanisms. The liver and kidneys serve this purpose, thanks to which food remains are removed along with toxins. However, the current lifestyle (stress, eating foods with artificial additives, breathing polluted air) make it necessary to help our body. How to do it?

Cleansing the body – methods

There are many ways to cleanse the body. These include appropriate, often restrictive diets, fasts lasting several days or hydrocolonotherapy, i.e. washing out deposits from the large intestine.

However, it is enough to change the diet, give up – at least for a while – harmful products, introduce certain products into the diet or increase their amount to deprive the body of unnecessary ballast.

You can also use appropriate supplementation with preparations based on natural ingredients, e.g. Borio Farm – a liquid supplement has in its composition purges, paddling, hookworm or Japanese knotweed, which have a positive effect on the body, cleansing it and improving the functions of individual systems, including . digestive and immune. We also recommend other cleansing and detoxifying supplements that you can find at

Herbal teas also work well, such as Detox Bio Yogi Tea or Detox with Lemon Bio Yogi Tea, which can be purchased at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

When to cleanse the body?

The organism itself lets us know that we eat unhealthy and that we should support its cleansing. The most common signals are:

  1. digestive disorders: constipation, gas and gas,
  2. feeling of constant fatigue,
  3. irritability, malaise,
  4. lack of energy,
  5. gaining weight,
  6. beauty defects: gray skin, dull, weakened hair, brittle nails.

Where to start cleansing the body?

First you have to give up (or severely limit your consumption) such products as: sugar, white flour, red meat and its products, milk and its products, stimulants. However, the diet should be enriched with large amounts of vegetables and fruits, groats, especially millet, herbal teas, natural juices. Products such as arugula, pomegranate, cranberry, algae, beetroot, apples, green tea, aloe juice show especially detoxifying properties. You can buy 100% Natjun aloe juice at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

  1. Read more: Pomegranate juice – action and properties

To cleanse the body, try Cleansing – a freeze-dried organic tea containing nettle, violet and elderberry.

Water for purification

The best “medicine” to cleanse the body of toxins and deposits is water. Everyone knows you should drink 2 liters of water a day, and even more in hot weather and increased physical exertion, however, not everyone follows this recommendation. As a result, not only do we feel tired, our metabolism is slow, but the body is unable to remove harmful metabolic residues. Meanwhile, the right amount of water means more urine and more efficient defecation, and with them – excretion of toxins.

To enhance the cleansing effect of water, you can enrich it with a dietary supplement with chlorophyll. The substance supports the production of oxygen and oxygenation of cells, which directly contributes to the reduction of toxins from the body.

Dietary fiber for cleansing the body

Fiber is, right after water, a food component that should not be missing in our food. Its rich sources are fruits and vegetables. However, it is worth enriching the diet with preparations rich in fiber, supporting the cleansing of the body. The properties of fiber are: absorption of water, thanks to which it regulates the defecation cycle, allows you to maintain proper peristaltic movements of the intestines. The intestines, in a way, cleanse themselves, no deposits are formed, no fermenting residues linger.

We recommend Cleansing the body – Pharmovit drop extract, which includes:

  1. milk thistle seed extract,
  2. dandelion root extract,
  3. nettle leaf extract.

Aloe juice

Aloe vera juice also helps detoxify the body. The leaflet informs about its properties. Among other things, it regulates the work of the entire digestive system. It contains a lot of fiber, absorbs toxins and removes them from the body.

Aloe can be found in the composition of Pukka Cleanse – Biowitalni cleansing tea, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

It is best to cleanse the body in a natural way, i.e. by introducing an appropriate diet. This is a process that should not only be occasional but also ongoing. A healthy diet is the basis for the proper functioning of the body. These are the opinions of nutritionists and doctors. We also see it ourselves.

Do you want to cleanse the body of toxins? Try a dietary supplement with artichoke and milk thistle, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and contributes to the acceleration of the fat burning process.

Cleansing the body of toxins can be supported by bathing with the use of a special iodine-bromine spa salt for the Zabłocka bath. You can now buy it on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

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