Cleansing the Body: Is Detox Really Helpful?

The entire detox industry is booming. In addition to restorative diets based on freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, special preparations, teas, cosmetics, therapeutic procedures, massage courses and even detox tours are offered. Be careful, nutritionist Yves Kalinik warns, not to get too carried away with the newfangled trend.

Have you tried detox massage? Buying a detox smoothie? Have you taken anti-slag nutritional supplements or a special complex in the hope of becoming slimmer, cleaner and healthier? As a rule, the demand for such products and other mandatory «indulgences» soars after the holidays. In addition, a tempting prospect in a month to throw off the kilograms accumulated over a couple of years, because of which a whole stack of chic clothes is hopelessly bored in the far corner of the closet, can push you to buy.

Why I don’t like detox For the promise of not only losing weight, but also providing radiant skin, eliminating the symptoms of indigestion and easing the daily onslaught of toxins. It would seem that everything looks very attractive: mass popularity, approving reviews of advocates of a healthy lifestyle, including many celebrities. Finally, the key purpose is to remove harmful substances from the body. But is it really so?

First of all, it is important to understand the term “detox” itself. In a purely medical sense, it means cleansing the body of dangerous toxic substances: poisons, drugs, alcohol. But recently, a completely different concept has spread — a short-term diet, which usually involves the rejection of specific foods and drinks. The diet can be supplemented with a sophisticated health and beauty program, from body brushes to detox clay masks.

Each person has a mechanism for removing toxins and toxins, thought out by nature itself.

Detoxes are moderate and extreme — basically sugar, caffeine, alcohol, refined oils and processed foods are excluded. Increasingly, however, broader food groups have come under the ban: all dairy products and vegetable proteins. There are also special tablets and tinctures for colon cleansing, along with super-effective liquid fasting complexes. Who needs cleansing juice here?

Frankly, the idea of ​​completely giving up anything is not new. There are cases when people completely refused food for the sake of rejuvenating the body, separate studies confirm that fasting helps to stop inflammatory processes. But these methods are good only for strictly targeted use. All this has nothing to do with the pseudo-medical phenomenon of detoxification. Most of the newfangled concepts give a very vague classification of toxins, which causes even more skepticism about commercialized detox approaches.

Scientific facts

Consider cleaning the body from a scientific point of view. Each person has a high-precision mechanism for removing toxins and toxins, thought out by nature itself. The liver, kidneys, digestive system, lungs, skin, enzymes, cofactors, and gut bacteria are up to the task without any negative consequences. The statement that we accumulate waste and toxic substances all our life is, to put it mildly, not true.

Of course, harmful compounds in one way or another penetrate from the air that we inhale, the food or drinks that we consume. But the claim that the body needs a «reboot» is unfounded. It doesn’t have any scientific proof. Surprised? So I knew.

Worse still, a few days of a protein-free diet (such as an exclusive vegetarian juice diet) can have the opposite effect: proteins are involved in the production of cleansing enzymes. Some invasive and frankly unpleasant detox procedures, such as colon irrigation, are not scientifically justified. Many doctors warn that such programs can do more harm than good. The same goes for any laxatives.

But do these diets seem to work? Of course, any calorie restriction helps to lose weight, but in this case, the result will not last very long. All that the body loses is water and part of the glycogen reserve, that is, the glucose necessary to maintain vitality. It is worth returning to a normal diet, as the body replenishes fluid and glycogen reserves, and the weight immediately returns. If such a diet is prolonged for a long time, there is a threat of disruption of the basic metabolism: the metabolic rate decreases.

It is especially dangerous to get involved in extreme nutrition in chronic diseases — the consequences can be unpredictable. Such diets do not take into account that each person is unique, and everyone’s natural cleaning process is arranged differently. Very rarely, possible digestive problems, hormonal failure, hereditary predisposition and stress are taken into account. At the same time, all these factors significantly affect the result.

Simple truths

Be that as it may, there is a huge benefit to abstaining from refined foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. For many people, detox is associated with giving up negative eating behaviors, excesses, and temptations. There are many benefits to cleansing the taste buds. Simple nutritious food instead of frozen, fried and artificial is taking care of your body.

It’s great when non-alcoholic days become part of the lifestyle. But to say that it’s time for a detox to cleanse the liver is another self-deception. Paradoxically, alcohol in small doses regulates the production of enzymes that break down alcohol, and generally stimulates the liver to neutralize toxins.

The idea of ​​a quick «fix» sounds tempting, but the best way is through healthy habits.

What it really boils down to is that there is nothing better than a balanced lifestyle for natural detoxification. It’s not that hard. Instead of processed foods, choose natural foods, including high-quality fats and fiber, as well as probiotics, and the body will be grateful.

Instead of prohibitions and restrictions, do the opposite — accept everything that is given. Organic, full-fat, local, seasonal foods provide a complete nutritional profile. Remember to move regularly. An active lifestyle also stimulates natural detoxification. Walk, do yoga, enjoy anything that distracts from the endless cycle of technology.

Moreover, a powerful detox effect is created by the simplest actions — drink plenty of water, get enough sleep at night, chew food thoroughly. The idea of ​​a quick “fix” sounds tempting, but the best way to cleanse and strengthen the body is through healthy habits. The method works flawlessly, and most importantly, it does without special devices and painful procedures. This is how true purity is achieved.


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