Cleansing cocktails – home way to feel good. Cocktail diet and health

In recent years, we have observed a clear increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle. We use places where we can exercise more and more often, we are more and more willing to buy healthy food and read the ingredients of food products, and more and more often we decide on various diets. Slimming diets and cleansing diets have been particularly popular in recent years. One example of such a growing interest are cleansing cocktails. A diet based on cleansing cocktails is used so willingly, among other things, because it is healthy, quick and, above all, very tasty. What should you know about cleansing cocktails? When is it worth using such a diet? What is the best way to prepare cleansing shakes? You can learn all of this in the article below.

What is the purpose of cleansing shakes?

Cleansing cocktailsas the name suggests, it is used when we want to cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated in it as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, and above all, inadequate nutrition. In addition to the toxins cleansing cocktails They also help to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, which is why this method is often used by people who are looking for a tasty and quick way to lose weight.

What is the cleansing cocktail diet?

Cocktail diet it is about consuming the right amount cocktails, especially vegetables. They allow the body to provide the right dose of vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the digestive process runs more efficiently. The main task in cleansing cocktails full of antioxidants that contribute to the efficient detoxification of the body and eliminate the so-called. free radicals. Valid in cocktail diet there is, among other things, the variety that supports the entire process.

Cleansing cocktails – what to use?

Wanting to cleanse the body of toxins with the help of cleansing cocktails, it is worth using many different vegetables, because each contains a different set of vitamins and microelements, and thus supports the cleansing process in a slightly different way. Most of all, they are recommended cocktails made of carrots, beets and tomatoes. The most important ingredients of carrots are vitamins A and C, which have a significant impact on the immune system and cleansing the body. Beets are primarily used by our blood and kidneys to remove toxins from the body. These red vegetables are often recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure, liver problems and too few red blood cells in their blood.

Cleansing cocktails – what are the rules for following this diet?

To make a diet involving cleansing cocktails brought us the best result, it is worth remembering to apply a few important rules. Usually cocktail diet is implemented for about 2 weeks, but can be extended accordingly if necessary. Ideally, the specific rules and duration should be agreed with an experienced and qualified person, for example a nutritionist. By applying cleansing cocktails, it is worth giving up eating meat and fish, especially fatty ones. You must not reach for sweets or highly processed products containing preservatives. It is a good idea to give up alcohol and sugar and limit your consumption of coffee and tea as much as possible. Cocktail diet it is worth supporting the use of cold-pressed oils. Because cocktails they are quite filling, it is good to reduce the number of meals consumed, thanks to which we will not only get rid of toxins, but also lose some unnecessary kilograms.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

How and when to drink cleansing shakes?

A glass cleansing cocktail it is worth drinking before each meal. It is easiest to prepare a portion for the day in the morning, but if you have the option to prepare a drink immediately before a meal, it is definitely worth drinking a freshly prepared one cleansing cocktail. It is best to start the treatment with a self-prepared one cocktail beetroot. It is worth drinking it every other day.

How to prepare cleansing shakes?

Beet cleansing cocktail

To be prepared cleansing cocktail from beetroot we need:

  1. 2 beets,
  2. small celery,
  3. parsley,
  4. 2 cloves of garlic,
  5. salt and pepper to taste.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, adding the right amount of water to cocktail it was easy to drink.

Carrot cleansing cocktail

To prepare cleansing cocktail from carrots, you will need:

  1. 3 marchewek,
  2. 0,5 cups of cherries,
  3. 1 orange,
  4. optional honey to taste.

As with cocktail beetroot, all ingredients should be mixed with the right amount of water until a smooth smooth consistency is obtained.

Tomato cocktail

It is also a very tasty and healthy idea cocktail from tomatoes. Tomatoes contain many valuable ingredients and vitamins that the body needs. To prepare the cleanser cocktail tomato, you need:

  1. 1 liter of tomato juice (preferably prepared at home),
  2. 1 small onion
  3. a bunch of dill,
  4. 3 stalks of celery,
  5. salt and pepper to taste.

All ingredients for cleansing cocktail tomato must be thoroughly mixed and seasoned with salt and pepper. If necessary, you can cocktail dilute with mineral water or add a little olive oil or other extra virgin oil.

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