Cleansers for men’s skin L’Oréal Paris Men Expert

We have a pleasant occasion to talk about men’s skin care once again, as well as take a closer look at the cleansers of the L’Oréal Paris Men Expert line. What’s the occasion? Now you will know.

Benefits of L’Oréal Paris Men Expert cleansers

It just seems that there is nothing special in cleansing male skin: you don’t need to wash off your makeup, but you can wash your face while showering or shaving – as you have to. In reality, men’s skin needs not only to be cleaned twice a day, but also to use special products created taking into account its characteristics.

And there are at least three of them.

  1. Men’s skin is denser and oilier, which means it is potentially prone to the formation of comedones (blackheads, acne). The risk of rashes is especially high at a young age, when sebum production increases due to hormonal changes.

  2. Frequently shaven skin is sensitive, often irritated and prone to dryness.

  3. Beards are a recent trend. On the one hand, a beard makes life easier for a man, freeing him from the obligation to shave every day. On the other hand, facial hair needs to be looked after, and first of all, cleaned.

When it comes to cleanser format, men want a clear, well-foaming formula. Gel is ideal.

Men prefer gel textures. © L’Oréal Paris

Developers of a range with a speaking name But Expert (literally “male expert” or “expert in men”) take into account the full range of features associated with the care of men’s skin (as well as mustaches and beards), and regularly update the range of cleansing products. The evidence is below.

Review of cosmetic products for skin cleansing Men Expert

After carefully studying all the Men Expert ranges, we have chosen six cleansers – five time-tested products and one interesting novelty. Let’s see.

Cleanser “Pure Power. Black coal”

This gel contains black charcoal, a component that is actively used in cleansing formulas for oily and problematic skin for its ability to perfectly absorb excess sebum, impurities and thus cleanse pores. In addition, the list of components includes salicylic acid and menthol – for a feeling of freshness.

Cleanser “Pure Power. Volcanic Mineral”

If a man is familiar with the problem of acne, then we suggest choosing this gel – it cleanses the skin and at the same time fights existing rashes, preventing the appearance of new ones. The focus is on a mineral of volcanic origin (absorbent), salicylic acid (antibacterial and exfoliating component) and zinc (regulates sebum production). Please note: It is recommended to use once a day.

Hydra Sensitive Daily Wash for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin, especially with regular contact with a razor blade, has a weakened protective barrier. It must be cleaned carefully with the help of gentle formulas, for example, such as those of a gel enriched with birch sap. The composition does not contain ethyl alcohol.

Hydra Power Daily Cleansing Gel. Purification and freshness

Intensely cleanses and cools with a generous dose of menthol. And for the hydro-effect stated in the name, glycerin is responsible – a component that moisturizes and softens the skin.

3-in-1 cleansing gel for beard, face and hair Men Expert Barber Club with cedarwood oil)

Here it is, a dream in the flesh – a means by which you can wash your face, wash your head and clean your beard. The gentle formula makes sure that the skin and hair receive a delicate cleansing. Read more about the line for bearded men read here.

Invigorating face wash “Hydra Energetik”

This novelty is distinguished by a very original formula, which includes two energy drinks:

  1. guarana extract – a plant that grows in the Amazon basin, the tonic properties of which were used with might and main by the Indians. Contains caffeine.

  2. Vitamin C is one of the most famous antioxidants.

The gel perfectly copes with pollution and creates a tangible effect of freshness and vigor, which men love so much.

If you happen to try something new, please share your experience.

Men Expert: washing rules

The procedure for applying Men Expert gels is traditional. Everything is simple and familiar. There are two ways:

  1. apply the gel directly on the face;

  2. pre-foam it in the palms.

In the instructions you will find an exact guide to action.

The set of general rules is as follows:

  • wash your face twice a day;

  • if you shave, wash your face before shaving;

  • apply the product on wet skin;

  • evenly distribute the gel over the face in a circular motion;

  • for oily skin, treat the forehead and chin more carefully, which will provide these areas with more intensive cleansing;

  • do not apply the gel on the skin of the eyelids and avoid contact with the eyes;

  • Rinse thoroughly with water at a comfortable temperature.

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