Cleaning: planting and care
Sedum is a perennial plant often used in landscape design. This small creeping shrub fell in love with gardeners for its attractive appearance and rather unpretentious nature. Sedum, planting and caring for which will not cause much trouble, will be an adornment of any site. And even a novice gardener can grow it.
Stonecrop characteristic: description and photo
This plant is a succulent from the jungle family. That is, sedum, also known as sedum, is capable of retaining and retaining moisture in its leaves for a long time. This makes it much easier to care for the plant. In its natural environment, culture can be found on almost every continent. She did not take root only in Australia. There are more than 500 varieties of stonecrop, and many of them can be grown both in the garden and at home.
Planting and caring for stonecrop won’t be a hassle
The appearance of the sedum, depending on the variety, differs in height, shape and shade of stems and peduncles
Most stonecrops are stunted, creeping shrubs. During the flowering period, they are covered with beautiful buds of various shapes and shades. The following varieties are very popular with gardeners:
- stonecrop prominent;
- telephium;
- compact sedum;
- sedum caustic;
- sedum is false.
Such types will decorate the rock garden, rockery and even the windowsill in the apartment. But for this you need to create good conditions for the plant.
Planting stonecrop in open ground and caring for it
These perennials are distinguished by their unpretentious nature and thrive on almost any soil. The main thing is that the earth is light and breathable. On heavy soils, in lowlands and swampy areas, stonecrop may not take root. In addition, the plant should choose the most illuminated place. In the shade, the shrub will significantly lose its decorative effect. You can plant a crop from late May to October.
For planting, a small depression is dug in the ground with dimensions of 50×50 cm and a depth of 20 cm. The pit should be filled with a mixture of three parts of sand and one share of fertile soil. Next, root the shrub and water it well.
Stonecrop needs minimal care. It is enough to water it during especially dry periods and prepare the plant for the cold season. For this, the entire ground part of the stonecrop is cut off, and, if necessary, the flower garden is covered with any suitable material. If you wish, you can feed the bushes with organics and minerals twice a year. But it must be remembered that sedum does not like an overabundance of fertilizers.
The gentle, attractive sedum will grow rapidly and create a beautiful creeping carpet that will adorn any landscape. At the same time, the culture requires very little attention, so even a novice gardener can take care of it.