Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil

Fusel oils and some other harmful impurities dissolve well in other vegetable oils, but ethyl alcohol diluted with water does not. The most important thing is to use odorless refined sunflower or olive oil for cleaning so that the third-party aroma does not pass into moonshine. This environmentally friendly method is easily reproducible at home. Disadvantage: after cleaning, a second distillation is required.


1. Make sure the refined vegetable oil is odorless.

2. Dilute moonshine with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees.

3. Add oil to the mixture at the rate of 20 ml for each liter of diluted mixture. For example, if you get 5 liters of solution, 100 ml of oil is required for cleaning.

4. Shake the container for 1 minute, then stand for 3 minutes and shake again for 1 minute.

5. Transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 24-5°C for 16 hours. The colder the better, but not below zero so that the mixture does not freeze.

Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil
After mixing, the moonshine will become cloudy, this drawback will be eliminated by filtration

6. After a day, a film of oil will appear on the surface, which has absorbed harmful impurities. Moonshine must be poured into another container through a thin tube, without hitting this film: first, carefully make a funnel in an oily layer with a spoon or in any other way, then lower one end of the tube through the funnel closer to the bottom of the container.

7. Filter the drained moonshine through cotton wool (preferably with coal) to remove the remaining oil particles.

8. Overtake again, dividing the output into fractions (head, body and tails).

Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil
The simplest filter
Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil
Oil with impurities after filtration
Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil
After the second run

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