Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques: video

Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques: video

With excessive consumption of foods containing animal fats, cholesterol plaques form on the inner walls of blood vessels. At the same time, less nutrients and oxygen from the blood are supplied to the cells of the tissues of the body. After cleansing the vessels from harmful deposits, the blood will circulate freely in the body, and it will begin to work in the correct mode and rhythm.

Folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels

Cleaning blood vessels with garlic and lemon

Garlic is a popular folk remedy with anti-sclerotic properties. Garlic allows you to cleanse blood vessels well, dissolves cholesterol plaques and salts, destroys microbes and viruses. It contains adenosine, which normalizes platelet count and prevents blood clotting.

Garlic should not be used immediately after chopping, but after 15 minutes. This is exactly how long it takes for enzyme reactions to occur in it, stimulating the activity of substances beneficial to health. Even if you just eat garlic for 3 months, the number of cholesterol plaques will decrease by 12-20%. Folk recipes for cleansing blood vessels with garlic have many positive reviews.

Garlic, lemon and honey contain many healing substances that cleanse the vessels affected by atherosclerosis, and also increase the elasticity of their walls

To cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, take 4 lemons with the peel and 4 peeled heads of garlic. Pass them through a meat grinder, transfer to a clean 3 liter jar and fill with warm boiled water. Stir the mixture from time to time. Insist it for three days at room temperature. After that, strain the tincture and put it in the refrigerator or in another cold place.

It is recommended to take ready-made garlic-lemon tincture 100 g 3 times a day. In total, you need to drink 4 cans of infusion. This course of vascular cleaning will take you about 40 days. It should be carried out once a year. At the end of the course, pressure will normalize, headaches will disappear, cholesterol levels will decrease (you can make sure of this by taking a blood test).

How to clean vessels with walnuts

There are other folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. For example, using walnuts. Their green outer shell is especially useful for this purpose. However, you can also use the walnut core to cleanse the vessels.

Take 1,5 kg of shelled walnuts and mince them. Put the crushed mass in a jar in the refrigerator or in another cool place. Eat 1 tablespoon each. with a top of ground nuts 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening – 30 minutes before meals, washed down with 100 ml of water.

It is recommended to consume ready-made honey-nut mass 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon each. before eating. Such a remedy must be prepared every morning for the next day. The course of this cleaning method is 1 month.

Continue taking this remedy daily until you have eaten all the nuts. It will take you about 2 months. After a course of cleaning blood vessels with walnuts, your blood pressure will normalize, migraines will disappear, pains that were caused by varicose veins and thrombophlebitis will disappear. This cleansing course should be carried out 1-2 times a year.

Another peeling option: Take 5 chopped walnut kernels and mix them with 1 tablespoon. natural honey of light color. Add 1 chopped fresh pineapple to the finished mixture, then mix the whole mass. Place it in a dark glass container, close the lid tightly and put it in a cool place for a day.

Tibetan way of cleaning blood vessels

Take 100 g of St. John’s wort, chamomile, birch buds, immortelle. Grind everything, mix in a container and close the lid.

In the evening 1 tbsp. pour 0,5 liters of boiling water into the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, strain through a cloth and squeeze. Pour the liquid into a glass, dissolve 1 tsp in it. honey and drink before bed. In the morning, steam the remaining liquid and dissolve 2 tsp in it. honey. Drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Repeat this procedure every day until the prepared mixture is finished. The cleansing course can be repeated no earlier than 5 years later.

Such a remedy makes blood vessels more elastic, cleans them of limestone and fat deposits, improves metabolism and relieves dizziness. It is used not only to cleanse the blood, but also during aging, a decrease in the body’s defenses, diseases of the cardiovascular system, to improve metabolism and prevent hypertension and atherosclerosis.

There are many different ways to cleanse cholesterol plaques, including using medications (for example, based on verbena). However, it is important to remember that each method has its own contraindications, and therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Food to lower blood cholesterol

Cholesterol plaques appear mainly due to excessive consumption of animal products: butter, fatty meat, lard, fatty dairy foods, etc.

Accordingly, the dissolution and removal of plaques in the vessels requires a revision of the diet.

It needs to be built on the use of light-salted and low-calorie foods. 70% of the diet should be fruits, berries and vegetables, 20% – easily digestible protein. But fats can only be represented by unrefined vegetable oil.

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