Clean Thursday in 2023: customs and signs
Pure (Great) Thursday falls on the seventh week of Great Lent and is celebrated three days before Easter. We talk about the traditions and history of this day

When is Maundy Thursday celebrated?

Three days before Easter, believers meet the arrival of Maundy Thursday. In 2023, the holiday falls on 13 April.

history of the holiday

According to biblical tradition, three days before the crucifixion, Jesus gathered the apostles for the Last Supper. In his teachings, Christ affirmed that one should lead a humble life and love one’s neighbor. So that evening the Savior washed the feet of those assembled and shared bread and wine with them.

At the same time, the Bible says that it was at that meeting that Jesus told the disciples that one of them would betray the teacher in the near future. The Lord foresaw the sin of Judas, but chose not to name him. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. On the night of Thursday to Friday, Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

None of the researchers could explain why the devoted disciple did this to the Savior. There are several versions. One of the most popular is that Judas became disillusioned with Jesus as a teacher. According to another hypothesis, the traitor wanted to see if Christ could be saved and demonstrate the ability. In addition, a number of historians believe that in this way the apostle expected to raise an uprising in Jerusalem.

Nevertheless, believers revere this day. It is read that on Maundy Thursday there is a renewal, forgiveness before the terrible execution of Jesus Christ.


On Maundy Thursday, the Orthodox will certainly perform ablution. But this should not be done in the evening, as many people think, but early in the morning – before sunrise. At the same time, it is believed that you need to wash your face from silver dishes, even a spoon will do. Just scoop her water and pour it on her face. The ancestors believed that in this way one can be cleansed of sins.

After washing and bathing, they carefully cleaned the houses: they wiped the dust, washed the floors, windows, looking into all corners of the dwelling. It was believed that along with room dust, everything bad leaves life.

Also on Clean Thursday it is customary to count all the money. And not once, but three times – before sunrise, at noon and after sunset. This tradition “lured” wealth.

And the main tradition of Maundy Thursday is baking Easter cakes and painting eggs. The dough was set on Thursday morning, and in the evening, after reading a prayer, they got down to business. By the way, the quality of baking depended on what the year would be. If the Easter cake turned out magnificent – wait for happiness and prosperity. If stale – to disease and poverty.


To remove damage from yourself, you need to wash yourself before sunset, saying the following words: “I wash off what they let on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on Maundy Thursday.”

If a girl does not get married, during the cleaning it is necessary to say: “as Maundy Thursday is bright and red, so I will be beautiful for everyone.”

From frequent quarrels in the family, they take bread, pour salt on it and say: “salt, salt, sprinkle, I return happiness and peace to the house.”

Salt in principle was considered sacred on this day. Believers poured a handful into a small bag and kept for a year. It was believed that such Thursday salt acquires healing qualities.

How is it celebrated around the world?

Clean Thursday is revered in many countries around the world. AT Spain religious processions take place. The most massive – in the city of Seville. Pilgrims come there and honor Jesus Christ.

In France events take place in the city of Lourdes. Believers also gather there and wash each other’s feet in the street.

В Italy housewives cook mussel soup, bake bread with rosemary and raisins and treat guests.

В Greece bake national bread “tsoureki” and paint Easter eggs.

В Finland On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to make Easter bunnies yourself. This animal is considered a symbol of fertility and a harbinger of spring.

В USA just like in Our Country they bake Easter cakes and paint eggs.

В Mexico they are actively preparing for mass celebrations, preparing fireworks and masquerade costumes for Sunday.

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