Clean and beautiful skin any day!

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It would seem that you cannot be attributed to the risk group: healthy skin, regular care, well-chosen cosmetics … However, at a certain period, you again notice pimples in the most conspicuous place! Let’s figure out why this happens and how you can avoid it.

Unfortunately, the problem of rashes before menstruation is familiar even to the happy owners of clean and healthy skin. It doesn’t matter what type of oily your skin is, how it behaves at normal times and what cosmetics you use … The reason for the monthly appearance of pimples and inflammations is connected with the essence of our feminine nature – with the reproductive cycle. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the chest area, sudden mood swings and those very acne and redness – all these symptoms, better known to us as PMS, can occur both together and separately. Most often, they indicate some disorders in the reproductive system and an imbalance in sex hormones.

However, one should not be afraid ahead of time. Let’s find out what is evidenced and why skin inflammations associated with the female cycle occur. As you probably noticed yourself, most often pimples and redness appear in the second half of the cycle, shortly before menstruation. This period corresponds to the so-called luteal phase of the cycle. It begins after ovulation and is characterized by a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen and an increase in the production of another hormone, progesterone. This hormone is responsible for preparing the inner layer of the uterus for the emergence and consolidation of a fertilized egg. Unfortunately, in addition, progesterone enhances the work of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, the production of sebum … In addition, in women prone to allergies, it can increase the body’s sensitivity to various allergens or unfavorable environmental factors. Thus, it is obvious that “progesterone” pimples are almost impossible to remove with the help of decorative or caring cosmetics. Instead of vainly masking the problem, it is wiser to turn to its source and normalize the balance of hormones in the body.

Of course, we should not immediately talk about taking potent hormonal drugs. Their principle of action, including the often recommended contraceptives, is based on creating an artificial hormonal background, and not on restoring your own. This leads to the fact that often after stopping the use of hormonal drugs, the problems, unfortunately, return.

Recently popular “natural” preparations based on various herbs and plants deserve special mention. It seems to us that such a composition guarantees their safety, but in most cases this is a dangerous delusion. Before you start taking this or that herbal preparation, you should carefully study its composition. There are a number of plants (angelica Chinese, sacred vitex, sweet clover, wild yam, hay fenugreek, cimicifuga, twig, soybean, red clover), which are called “phytohormones” or “phytoestrogens”. In some cases, they act similarly to their synthetic counterparts and can cause serious harm to the body. In no case should such drugs be taken without appropriate tests and consultation with a specialized specialist.

Fortunately, in most cases, such “heavy artillery” is actually not required. There is a great way to normalize hormonal balance – this is cyclic vitamin therapy. The complex scientific name hides a very simple method – taking the right combination of vitamins corresponding to a specific phase of the cycle. An example of such a vitamin-mineral complex is a two-phase drug “Cyclovita”… It does not contain hormones (including those of plant origin) – only specially selected vitamins and minerals required by our body during each phase of the cycle. So, “Cyclovita-1” supports the follicular phase (the phase of the cycle that lasts from the first day of menstruation until the release of the egg – ovulation), and “Cyclovita-2” promotes the correct flow of the luteal phase. At the same time, it is impossible to confuse the sequence of administration, since all tablets are numbered in accordance with the days of the cycle. Only three courses “Cyclovites” contribute to the restoration of the reproductive system and the normalization of the balance of sex hormones. Taking the complex can not only alleviate all the symptoms of PMS, but also lead to the long-awaited improvement in the condition of the skin.

Now you can forever forget about worries about your appearance and attempts to cover up pimples and inflammations that have jumped out at the wrong time. It is possible to be the most beautiful and attractive every day if you entrust the care of your women’s health to a special vitamin and mineral complex “Cyclovita “!

Vitamin and mineral complex for women “Cyclovita”

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