Clean air is the basis for well-being. How to choose an air purifier for the whole year?
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The air we breathe is as important as what we eat and drink. Therefore, we should make sure that it is clean in our apartments – without smog, allergens, mold and bacteria. Modern air purifiers will help us in this, they remove even the smallest harmful particles, which reduces the risk of diseases, alleviates allergy symptoms, and has a positive effect on our well-being and appearance.

During the day, we inhale from 10 to 20 thousand. liters of air. We do not absorb food or drink in such amounts. When we hear Fr. air pollution, we usually assume that it poses a threat only outside buildings. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Indoor air can be several times more polluted than outdoor air. And even if we work a lot and stay away from home, we still breathe the air in our apartment every day for at least 8 hours of sleep.

We breathe polluted air all year round

In Poland, during the heating season, we breathe the most polluted air in the European Union. Almost all over the country, the permissible pollution standards are exceeded for a quarter of the days of the year. There are times when the smog in Polish cities reaches the levels of New Delhi or Beijing. This type of smog arises mainly in the winter season due to inappropriate heating of houses.

The higher the temperature, the more willingly we open windows and forget about air pollution. Meanwhile, the end of winter is not the end of smog, because it does not disappear, but only falls on the streets and lawns, so it is constantly driven up by the slightest air movement and gets into our lungs. It also occurs summer smog also called secondary, which is formed by the reaction of sunlight with the components of car exhaust gases: carbon monoxides, hydrocarbons and nitrogen. This is how, among others, ozone and formaldehyde – oxidants hazardous to health.

Closing windows will not eliminate contamination. Harmful particles enter homes through ventilation. but also many poisonous substances and gases are produced indoors. Renovations and new furniture release the harmful volatile organic compounds, incl. formaldehyde, toluene and benzene – many of them are carcinogenic.

In addition, poisonous substances are produced by such mundane activities as cleaning and cooking. Mold is also common in our homes, especially in poorly ventilated rooms, such as bathrooms, basements and kitchens. Microscopic spores of mold fungi easily float in the air and in an allergic person they can cause symptoms of allergic rhinitis, asthma or atopic dermatitis.

Allergy or infection?

Allergens are one of the most common air pollutants. Pollen from trees and grasses they appear seasonally, but house dust mites whether our animal hair is with us all year round. The most common inhaled allergen is dust mites, which are found in house dust. These microscopic arachnids feed primarily on human and animal exfoliated epidermis, and one gram of dust can contain up to 80 of them.

More and more people are struggling with unpleasantness symptoms of inhalation allergiessuch as runny nose, itchy, frequent sneezing, redness and tearing of the conjunctiva and a headache. While hay fever cannot be cured, it should not be taken lightly because it leads to chronic sinusitis. In addition, allergy can cause much more severe bronchial asthma.

Thanks to the elimination of allergens from the environment, we can significantly alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Therefore, when choosing a cleanser, it makes sense to buy one that indicates allergen levels floating in the air and effectively removes them from the environment. It has been proven that in people suffering from pollen allergy who use appropriate air purifiers, allergy symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, redness of the eyes, itchy nose, itchy skin and runny nose are much less bothersome. Really effective purifiers are recommended by the Polish Society of Allergology.

How to choose a fast and effective air purifier?

Speed ​​and cleaning efficiency depend on the 2 most important variables – the CADR parameter and filters, which are at the heart of every device. Parameter CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate, expressed in m3 / h), it specifies purifier performance, which is the amount of clean air supplied by the device in one hour. It is a measure of the rate of air purification. CADR represents the airflow multiplied by the efficiency of the purge filters.

The air flow itself is irrelevant, as it only means unfiltered air, that is, untreated air. Airflow only determines how much air the purifier can pass through, but without the filters. The latest purifier Philips Dual Scan AC3858/50 With a CADR of 500 m3 / h, it will clean the air in a 20 m2 room in just 6 minutes. On the other hand, the 3D circulation function means that clean air reaches every place in the room faster.

At choosing a purifier it is necessary to pay attention to the filters, because they trap impurities. Modern NanoProtect HEPA filters – remove 99,97 percent. pollutants, including particles 100 times smaller than standard HEPA filters. The first filter layer (the so-called pre-filter) retains large particles such as dust and animal hair.

Second – NanoProtect HEPA – filters microscopic pollutants with a size of 0,003 micrometers, i.e. smog particles (PM 2,5), pollen and other allergens, mold and fungus spores and even bacteria.

The third layer of the activated carbon filter removes harmful gases, including volatile organic compounds and unpleasant odors. In the Philips Dual Scan AC3858 / 50 purifiers, the filter is integrated, so 3 layers of filters are combined into 1. This is a great solution, because only one filter is replaced, in addition after approx. 1 years.

The sensor is also important – it scans the air in the apartment, controls its condition and the operation of the purifier. Best-in-class particle and gas sensors scan the air 1000 times per second, so they instantly detect any change in quality. The purifier shows on the display the current concentration of allergens, harmful gases and PM 2,5 particles (creating smog) in the air.

When choosing the purifier, it is also worth checking whether it is equipped with a night or quiet mode – thanks to this, we can be sure that it will not disturb our sleep.

Let’s breathe clean air all year round

Clean Air is one of the basic pillars of our health. An air purifier is not a seasonal gadget or a passing trend – unfortunately, polluted air accompanies us all year round. Therefore, let’s protect ourselves from its negative effects, reduce the symptoms of allergies, ensure better sleep, improve the body’s regeneration and concentration. Let’s not make false compromises and choose devices that will really improve our quality of life.

Good air purifier, taki jak Philips Dual Scan AC3858/50, posiadający filtry NanoProtect HEPA, wysoki współczynnik CADR i wysokiej klasy czujnik wymaga od nas tylko włączenia – resztą zajmie się sam, automatycznie wykrywając i usuwając zanieczyszczenia. Nam pozostanie tylko głęboko odetchnąć.

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