
Classifications used by business people to solve practical problems, according to observations, have no more than four or five types. Ask even lovers of the signs of the Zodiac what specific signs (types of people) are in this team — four or five types will be called smartly, and then they begin to stumble. Forget… Classifications of more than 4-5 characters are usually used only by their fans and are no longer for practice, but for theories and reasoning.

Please note: most of the typologies and classifications that you use are not about you and not about your environment. Why? The fact is that the most popular modern typologies were created on the basis of a generalization of observations of the behavior of people who are not the most normal, or even with mental deviations. Choleric and phlegmatic, schizoids and paranoids… And, as a rule, the level of personal development of these people was not the highest, i.e. their behavior was dominated by stereotyped, they are also typological features. And the higher the level of personal development, the more complex the personality pattern becomes, the more difficult it is to fit into the Procrustean bed of typologies. Nevertheless, there are benefits from typologies, at least in that they help to make a first impression about a person, to predict which behavior will be most comfortable for him, and which may be potentially conflicting.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of psychological schools, there are different classifications of psychological types (psychotypes). At the University of Practical Psychology, we analyze this topic quite deeply, and in short, the facts are as follows.

Classifications developed before the 20th century

  • Types of temperaments according to Hippocrates: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. See Types of Temperaments
  • Criminal type by Cesare Lombroso

Classifications developed in the first half of the 20th century

  • Character types according to E. Kretschmer: asthenic, athletic, picnic. See Kretschmer’s Character Theory
  • Types of temperament according to U.G. Sheldon: endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic type. See Sheldon’s Temperament Types.
  • Personality types according to Carl Jung: extrovert — introvert. See Jung Personality Types. The development of this classification was the Myers-Briggs Typology (MBTI).
  • Type of accentuated personality according to K. Leonhard: labile, demonstrative, etc. See Types of accentuations according to K. Leonhard
  • Psychotype according to P.B. Gannushkin. In the book “Clinic of Psychopathies: Their Statics, Dynamics and Systematics”, Gannushkin proposed the following classification: cycloids, asthenics, unstable, antisocial, constitutionally stupid. Additional subgroups have also been described: depressive, excitable, emotionally labile, neurasthenics, psychasthenics, dreamers, fanatics, pathological liars. Elements of his typology were later used in the works of A.E. Lichko

Classifications developed in the second half of the 20th century

  • Internal — external type. Author: Julian Rotter.
  • Psychotypes according to A.E. Lichko: Paranoid, Epileptoid, Schizoid, Hysteroid, Hypertim, Psychasthenic, Sensitive and others. See Types of accentuations
  • Socionic types. In the 70-80s of the XNUMXth century in the USSR, Aushra Augustinavichyute, on the basis of Jung’s typology, proposed a number of hypotheses about psychological types, calling her typology «socionics». See socionic type

Classifications created in the 21st century

For the most specific practical tasks, psychologists develop a variety of classifications of psychotypes.

  • Psychological test by N.I. Kozlov “What kind of bird are you?” divides people into types Hawk, Dove, Ostrich. These three types correspond to three main styles of influence: Silovik, Dushka, Tactician. At the University of Practical Psychology, each student learns to use any of these styles at the right time. The business equivalent of this test is the Red-Blue-Green test by Walter Stein.
  • Typology according to Aristotelian categories: Personalist, Veshchist, Temporary worker, Viceroy, Processor, Philosopher. See →
  • There are people who, by their nature, tend to experience, and there are people who, by their nature, tend to act.
  • Classification Four elements
  • Enneagram of Personality (Enthusiast, Confronter, Achiever, Peacemaker, Individualist, Observer, Helper, Skeptic, Reformer).
  • Types of leaders according to I. Adizes.

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