Classification, causes and symptoms of leucorrhoea

What is beli?

Beli – mucous droplets that stand out from the genitals in women. If a woman has such a disease, then, as a rule, this is an indicator of some kind of disease, for example, gynecological, but not always. Specifically, leucorrhoea is the egg-white drops that women can sometimes see on their underwear.

If this is so, then the anemia, as well as the approaching menstrual cycle, could serve as the reason for this. If everything matches, then you have nothing to worry about. Just stick to some rules: walk less, eat more fruits and vegetables, and generally eat better.

If this disease manifests itself too often in you, then it’s time to think about what it needs to be treated, since too frequent appearance of whites can lead to more serious diseases. You can treat whites with the help of enhanced nutrition. But if enhanced nutrition as an easier method of treatment does not help, then douching with various astringent solutions should be used. Well, in general, you just need to seek the advice of a doctor. If whites take on any color – for example, yellow or red – then this is very bad: the body gives a sign that inflammatory processes are underway, which happens with sarcoma, fibroma, cancer, etc.

Causes of whiter

The cause of leucorrhea can be various inflammatory processes, localizations and tumors. But the disease can also appear due to a common infection. Also important is a disease such as diabetes or simple non-compliance with hygiene. But most often the cause of leucorrhoea is the usual inflammation of the genital organs.

Whiter symptoms

To determine the symptoms, you first need to understand what discharge is considered normal. Any woman has a discharge from the genitals, which can increase before the menstrual cycle and decrease after it, and can also be present during pregnancy and after them, during puberty.

If you do not belong to any of these categories, then normal discharge may be no more than one milliliter per day.

If you have an increased secretion of mucus of an opaque color with the presence of an odor or a certain color, for example, white, or the discharge is watery and all this is accompanied by discomfort and certain pain sensations, for example, itching or burning, then be careful: if the discharge is purulent, then there is an infection and an inflammatory process has begun, which if timely – almost immediately – is not started to be treated, then it will develop into a specific female disease. If you have discharge that has the color of blood, then this indicates the process of the tumor.

Whiter classification

Whites are classified depending on the location of the lesion in the body, and they can be divided into the following types.

Vaginal leucorrhea. This is the most common type of bleach. This disease occurs when recovering from other diseases. If you have been ill with diseases associated with your genitourinary system, and after a course of treatment you have recovered, then such whites may occur. A subspecies of such whites are cervical whites. They are located in the cervix and can be caused by chronic gonorrhea or cancer, etc. A rare manifestation of leucorrhoea includes such as uterine and tubal mucus.

Pathological whites. As you guessed, they are very different from all other whites: itching, burning, a constant feeling of moisture, a specific smell, the discharge acquires a specific color, for example, greenish. This manifestation of leucorrhoea may be due to diabetes, violations of personal hygiene, colpitis, or prolapse of the walls of the vagina. Very often this happens simply due to inflammation of the cervix.

Cervical leucorrhoea. The cause of these whites is a violation of the secretion of the cervix. This gland produces a certain normal amount of mucus per day. As soon as the reproduction of normal mucus is disturbed, the disease with leucorrhoea begins. This is due to the inflammatory processes of chlamydial, gonorrheal etiology. There is a purulent discharge with a certain amount of blood. With cancer, blood is necessarily present in the secretions.

Uterine leucorrhea. This disease occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane and neoplasms of the body of the uterus, these include cancer and polyps. Distinctive features of these whites are purulent discharge, but at the beginning of the disease they are watery. With this category of disease running, the discharge takes on a brown color.

Tube whites. This is a fairly rare disease. The cause of it is inflammation of the cervix, fallopian tubes. Mucus accumulates in the fallopian tube until it fills the entire space, then enters the uterus, after which it enters the vagina, and from there it goes out. It can also be caused by cancer of the uterus or fallopian tubes. The discharge is watery and yellow in color.

Age features

We grow, our body changes, and we may develop various diseases on this basis. The reason for everything is hormones, their sharp jump or vice versa, decline. In young people, as a rule, hormones “jump”, and in older people, on the contrary, there is a decline. This can also happen after entering into sexual activity and, conversely, in old age after refusing to have sex for one reason or another. All sudden changes cause the disease not only with whites.

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