Classic Uzbek manti: all the cooking tricks. Video
Uzbek manti is a very popular and common dish of Uzbek home cuisine, which is steamed. Thanks to this cooking technology, during cooking, the value of all food components is preserved and manti becomes easily assimilated by the body, even despite their high calorie content.
Uzbek manti: cooking video
Ingredients for making Uzbek manti
To cook Uzbek manti, you will need: – water – 400 milliliters; – wheat flour; – lamb fillet – 1 kilogram; – onions – 1,5 kilograms; – fat tail fat – 200 grams; – salt – 1 teaspoon; – white onion – 1,5 kilograms; – ground black pepper; – ground red pepper.
Recipe for cooking Uzbek manti
Place the water in the freezer for about 30-40 minutes to make it ice cold. Now dissolve the salt in it and gradually add the flour. You should have a tough, elastic dough that won’t stick to your hands. Roll the dough into a ball, place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for half an hour.
While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling. Cut the meat and fat tail into small cubes, but do not stir. Peel the onion, chop and combine with the meat, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
Freeze the bacon to make it easier to cut.
From the mantle (steamer), remove the tiers from the top and put on fire. Pour more water into the lower pot so that you do not have to top up later.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut it into wedges, and the wedges into small slices. The thickness of the slice depends on the size of the manti you are going to cook.
Form a ball from each slice and roll it into a flat cake approximately 1 millimeter thick. In this case, the edges of the cake should be thinner than the middle. Put 1 tablespoon of minced meat and 2 pieces of fat tail fat on each tortilla. Shape the manti by pinching the edges so they won’t come unstuck.
Fill all the tiers of the mantle, after dipping the bottom of each mantle in vegetable oil. Cover and cook for 40-50 minutes.
Constantly monitor the amount of liquid, if the water does boil away, add more
Gently remove the finished manti without damaging the dough, put in a large bowl and pour over melted vegetable oil. Cover the bowl and wrap in a towel.
Now cut the white onion into thin half rings, squeeze thoroughly and sprinkle with red pepper. You can pre-soak the onions in vinegar for 30 minutes, then squeeze and sprinkle with pepper. Or make a sour cream, garlic, and cilantro sauce.
Arrange the finished manti on plates and sprinkle with spicy onions and chopped herbs.