Classic squash caviar 

The second half of summer is rich in vegetables. What is not on sale – tomatoes of all colors and any size, hot and sweet peppers, eggplant and, of course, zucchini. And all this is quite inexpensive. But this variety of tasty, healthy vegetables won’t last long. Autumn will come, followed by winter, the prices of imported vegetables will skyrocket. And so I want to prolong the summer abundance. An excellent way out in this situation is canning vegetables for the winter.

Classic squash caviar 

You can harvest almost all vegetables in various combinations. There are many recipes for various salads and marinades, but many people love caviar.

Classic squash caviar 

It can be made from tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, but the classic is zucchini caviar. Many remember its taste from those Soviet times, when the range of canned food was small. The classic zucchini caviar from the store helped many housewives a lot. It’s not difficult to cook it at home, you can eat it right away and it’s very good to preserve it for the winter.

Classic squash caviar 

The classic recipe for zucchini caviar consists not only of zucchini, but also of carrots, onions, spices, spices, tomato paste, salt and sugar in exact and long-verified proportions. But housewives love experiments, so even the classic recipe has many options.

Classic squash caviar 

Classic squash caviar

Attention! An unforgettable taste of this caviar was given by the addition of white roots, which are now almost forgotten.

These are the roots of celery, parsnip, parsley. It takes quite a bit of them, but they change the taste of caviar dramatically, giving it that zest for which this simple, but so beloved dish was appreciated.

Classic squash caviar 

So, for 4 servings of caviar you will need:

  • zucchini, freed from seeds and peel – 1 kg;

    To achieve the desired taste, you should take fully ripe vegetables. Of course, there is more fuss with them, but they have a more pronounced taste.

    Classic squash caviar 

  • medium sized carrot;
  • the same bulb;
  • half a small root of parsley, but the best result is if you use a parsnip, cut it into small cubes and measure out one tablespoon;

    Classic squash caviar 

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, it should be natural, without additives, which simply could not be according to GOST;

    Classic squash caviar 

  • a teaspoon of sugar and salt;
  • frying will require 5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, it is better if it is unrefined, in Soviet times there was simply no other on sale;

    Classic squash caviar 

  • from spices we will use pepper: fragrant – 5 peas and bitter – 10 peas.

 Stages of preparation

Wash all vegetables well, clean, remove seeds from zucchini. We cut them into half rings and alternately fry them in well-heated vegetable oil. When all the pieces of zucchini are ready, put them back in the same pan, add a little – 5 tbsp. tablespoons of water and simmer until the zucchini is soft.

Attention! A thick-walled pan or cauldron is more suitable for stewing. They don’t burn vegetables.

We cut the remaining vegetables into small cubes, fry them with the addition of oil in another pan. They should brown slightly. We add 3 tbsp. spoons of water. Stew vegetables under a lid over low heat until they become soft. To turn stewed vegetables into puree, you will need a meat grinder or blender.

Advice! A blender in this case is preferable, after which the caviar will have a puree-like consistency.

We spread the finished puree in a thick-walled bowl, add tomato paste, continue stewing, stirring until the caviar thickens. This usually happens after about 15 minutes. Grind the peas of black and allspice, add it to the vegetables, salt, season with sugar. Simmer another 10 min. Cool and keep in the refrigerator for a day. Serve to the table, sprinkled with finely chopped onions or green onions.

Classic squash caviar 

To prepare this product for the winter, you need to take all the components at least twice as much. It is unlikely that anyone would want to spend so much time preparing one jar of canned food. The cooking process is the same. As soon as the caviar is ready, immediately transfer it to a sterilized dish and roll it up with lids. If you want caviar to be guaranteed not to spoil during the winter, add a teaspoon of 10% vinegar 9 minutes before cooking. But the taste of caviar from this will change a little. Under factory conditions, caviar was sterilized at a temperature of at least 110 degrees, so it was well stored and did not need the addition of vinegar.

Classic squash caviar 

Here is another recipe that claims to be a “classic”

Recipe No. 2

The products she needs are:

For 3 kg of zucchini, you will need 1 kg of carrots and turnip onions, about 300 ml of refined vegetable oil, and 5 tbsp wheat flour. spoons without a slide, non-acidic tomato paste 3 tablespoons, salt and sugar, respectively, 1,5 and 1 tablespoons.

To give caviar a point, you will need 8 cloves of garlic and 2 g of ground black pepper. And so that the caviar does not deteriorate during storage, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

The cooking process

To cook caviar for the winter, vegetables need to be washed and cleaned well. Cut the zucchini, onion into small cubes, rub the carrots.

Classic squash caviar 

We divide the oil into three parts. On one, we pass the onion until soft, on the other – carrots, the remaining oil will be needed to fry the zucchini in portions until transparent.

Classic squash caviar 

Grind the fried vegetables with a blender, transfer to a cauldron or a thick-walled pan. Vegetables need to cook under the lid for half an hour. The fire must be small. After that, the caviar needs to be salted, peppered, seasoned with sugar and tomato paste. After stirring, cook for another 20 minutes.

Classic squash caviar 

Advice! When cooking, the contents of the pan must be stirred.

Since vegetables absorb salt differently, be sure to taste the caviar and add salt or sugar if necessary.

The flour should be fried in a pan without adding oil to a light cream color. We add it to the vegetables, pour the vinegar there and put the garlic crushed in the press, after thorough mixing, boil the caviar for another 5 minutes.

Classic squash caviar 

As soon as the caviar is ready, immediately transfer it to jars and immediately roll up the lids.

Classic squash caviar 

Attention! Banks must be dry, so it is better to sterilize them in the oven.

Classic squash caviar 

For lovers of spicier dishes, you can advise this recipe:

Classic spicy caviar

It does not contain tomato paste and sugar, but a lot of hot peppers. Its sharpness is softened by a large amount of carrots. The taste of this dish is bright and rich.

For 2 kg of zucchini, you will need 8 medium carrots and the same number of cloves of garlic, 4 pods of hot peppers and the same amount of onions, 8 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, salt is added to taste.

Classic squash caviar 

Caviar is easy to prepare. Zucchini, peeled and without seeds, cut into circles, finely chop the garlic and onion, rub the carrots, chop the hot pepper.

Attention! Be sure to remove the seeds from the capsicum and wash it thoroughly.

Pour vegetable oil into a thick-walled dish, heat it up, add all the vegetables, stirring, fry for 5 minutes, then simmer, season with salt and add a little water. Vegetables should become soft. After cooling a little, turn them into a puree with a blender. The resulting puree should be stewed for another 10 minutes, and packaged in dry and well-sterilized glass jars, covered with lids, they are sterilized for half an hour and rolled up.

Classic squash caviar 

Properly prepared for the winter, caviar according to the classic recipe can be stored in a cool place for up to 2 years, but, most likely, it will not be able to stand for so long. Such a delicious product will be eaten first.

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