Classic homemade peach tincture

Peach tincture on vodka or other strong alcoholic base turns out to be fragrant, moderately sweet with a well-detectable fruit taste. It is only important to adhere to the correct recipe, which allows you to extract all the necessary substances without heat treatment, which worsens the taste.

To prepare the tincture, ripe fresh or frozen (pre-thaw) peaches of any variety are suitable, the more aromatic and juicy the fruit, the better. Damaged and rotten parts of the pulp must be removed. The recommended alcohol base is vodka or cheap cognac. You can also use diluted ethyl alcohol or well-purified moonshine.


  • peaches – 1 kg;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 1 liter;
  • sugar (liquid honey) – 200 grams;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick (optional);
  • almond oil – 2-3 drops (optional).

peach tincture recipe

1. Wash the peaches, remove the pits, cut the pulp into slices and put in a jar.

When insisting on strong alcohol, harmful substances are released from the seeds – hydrocyanic acid and cyanides. To get the almond flavor, it is better to use oil.

2. Pour sugar (pour in honey), close the jar with a lid, shake several times. Put in a sunny place, such as a windowsill, for a day. This time is enough for the peaches to release their juice.

3. Optionally add cinnamon and almond oil.

4. Pour in the alcohol base, mix, close the lid tightly.

5. Insist in a dark room at room temperature for 20 days. Shake every 2-3 days.

6. Strain the finished peach tincture through cheesecloth. Squeeze the pulp well (can be used for desserts and other dishes). Pour the drink into bottles for storage and seal tightly.

Away from sunlight, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress – 31-34%.

Classic homemade peach tincture

Peach tincture on vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – a simple recipe

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