Classic cocktail recipe Negroni and Negroni 2

Negroni is a cocktail of contradiction: bitter and sweet, loved by many and hated by many, French with American roots. The history of the cocktail began at the beginning of the 1919th century. Lived in France, a Florentine aristocrat, Count Camillo Negroni. Having mastered the military school, the count went on a visit to America, where he liked the unusual taste of gin, which was popular at that time. But the American government was against the count’s addiction to alcohol, as, indeed, the addiction of several thousand, and maybe millions of inhabitants of his country. And a terrible ban was issued, which went down in history as a “dry law”. And it happened in XNUMX.

Count Negroni, in turn, was an avid opponent of the Prohibition, in connection with which he showed the Yankees a significant gesture and retired to his historical homeland. Without thinking twice, the count signed up as a guest of the Florentine bar Cafe Casoni (current Caffè Giacosa), where he liked to drink his favorite Americano cocktail on the weekend and not very much (to be clear: campari, red vermouth, soda). But nostalgia did not give life to the count, in connection with which, he asked the bartender to add gin to the cocktail instead of soda. This subtle move did not particularly surprise the bartender – he also managed to add a slice of orange, so that the cocktail would differ in appearance from the classic Americano. This is how the Negroni cocktail was born, which today is the bar classic of the IBA.

In the same year, the count decided to open his own business, which was named Antico Negroni. The concept of the business was simple: a ready-made Negroni cocktail from the Negroni Distillerie, which brought worldwide fame to the alcoholic aristocrat. The first documentary mention of the cocktail is in 1947. Then director Orson Welles wrote the following about the cocktail: “bitters are good for the liver, but gin is not. In general, they are combined harmoniously.

Well, an outstanding cocktail – an outstanding recipe.

Cocktail recipe Negroni (aperitif, build)


  • old fashion;


  • Xnumx gin ml;
  • 30 ml Campari;
  • 30 ml sweet red vermouth.


  • rocks (old fashion) fill with ice;
  • pour all the ingredients into a glass and carefully move them with a bar spoon;
  • garnish the glass with an orange slice.

Craftsmen decided to slightly modify these cocktails, or rather, change the recipe and method of preparation. This is how the Negroni 2 cocktail was born.

Negroni 2 cocktail recipe (aperitif, stir-shake)


  • old fashion;


  • Xnumx gin ml;
  • 25 ml Campari;
  • 30 ml sweet red vermouth.


  • rocks (old fashion) fill with ice;
  • pour all the ingredients into the glass part of the boston, and pour ice into the metal part;
  • pour the contents between both parts of the shaker several times (5, for example);
  • pour the chilled cocktail through the strainer into the rocks;
  • garnish the glass with a slice of lemon, cherry and orange zest.

Interesting about the Negroni cocktail

  • There are several other modifications of the cocktail. So, the “Wrong Negroni” is prepared according to the same recipe, but sparkling wine is added instead of gin. If you replace gin with vodka, then it will Cocktail “Negroski”;
  • replace in a cocktail and Campari. For example, in the Chin-Chin cocktail, the bitter aperitif Chinar (Cynar) is used instead of the beater, and the replacement of the beater with orange Aperol will bring to light the Raultini cocktail;
  • the cocktail is found in many works of art and films: in the story of Williams Tennessee and the film of the same name by Woody Allen – “Roman Holiday”; in the story of Ian Fleming in “Rizocco” (the eminent Bondiana); in the series “The Sopranos”; in the memoirs of Gabriel Hamilton.

Bon appetit!

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