Autogenic training (auto-training, from the Greek autos — myself + gennao — I give birth) is a wide-range psychotherapeutic method used to treat diseases of both a functional and organic nature. It is also used as a means of psychological self-regulation of conditions.
The classic method of autogenic training was developed by the German psychotherapist I. G. Schultz (1932). The widespread introduction of autogenic training into clinical practice began in the 1950s, primarily for the treatment of neurosis, depressive states, and psychosomatic diseases.
In the traditional sense, the main element of autogenic training is the formation of the ability to cause the desired organic and mental effects with the help of verbal formulations (self-hypnosis formulas) and operate them in accordance with a predetermined goal (relaxation, falling asleep, activation, removal of negative emotional experiences, etc.). A necessary condition for this is the concentration of attention on the sphere of one’s own sensations and experiences, self-observation of the course of internal processes and the representation of the desired change. During the course of autogenic training, stable connections are formed between self-hypnosis formulas and the occurrence of certain changes in the corresponding psychophysiological systems. The effectiveness of such connections depends on the development of self-observation skills, individually used systems of figurative representations and ideomotor acts.
There are two stages of autogenic training (according to Schultz):
1) Lower stage – teaching relaxation with the help of exercises aimed at causing a feeling of heaviness, warmth, mastering the rhythm of cardiac activity and breathing.
The lowest level, autogenic training, consists of six standard exercises that are performed by patients in one of three positions:
a) sitting position, «coachman’s position» — the trainee sits on a chair with his head slightly lowered forward, hands and forearms lie freely on the front surface of the thighs, legs are freely apart;
b) lying position — the trainee lies on his back, his head rests on a low pillow, his arms, slightly bent at the elbow joint, lie freely along the body with palms down;
at) reclining position — the trainee sits freely in the chair, leaning on the back, hands on the front surface of the thighs or on the armrests, legs freely apart.
In all three positions, complete relaxation is achieved, for better concentration, the eyes are closed.
2) Highest level — autogenic meditation — the creation of trance states of various levels.
Autogenic training is most effective in the treatment of:
- neurosis (with obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is a phobic syndrome);
- functional disorders;
- psychosomatic diseases;
- neurasthenia (psychogenic sexual disorders and sleep disorders);
- satisfactory results in the treatment of obsessions;
- psychasthenia.
The best results of the use of autogenic training are observed in the treatment of those diseases, the manifestations of which are associated with emotional stress and smooth muscle spasm:
- bronchial asthma;
- obliterating endarteritis;
- dyspnea;
- esophagospasm;
- angina pectoris;
- spastic pains of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation;
- neurotic disorders of speech and phonation (stopping the phenomenon of logophobia; does not cure stuttering as a systemic neurosis);
- peptic ulcer;
- alcoholism and drug addiction (in particular, to eliminate the withdrawal syndrome and the formation of an antitoxic installation);
- organic diseases of the nervous system (stopping of psychogenic disorders);
- correction of personality reaction;
- disease with vascular lesions of the brain;
- residual effects of traumatic brain injury;
- neuroinfections, etc.
Successful removal of emotional stress and anxiety with the help of autogenic training justifies its inclusion in numerous options for psychoprophylaxis of labor pains.
Autogenic training has also been widely used as a psycho-hygienic and psycho-prophylactic agent in the preparation of athletes, people working in conditions of emotional tension and in extreme conditions.
Contraindications for the use of autogenic training: states of unclear consciousness and delirium, especially delirium of attitude and influence. Autogenic training is not recommended during acute somatic attacks and vegetative crises.