Clarinase – action, indications, dosage, contraindications

The preparation is used in the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis with congestion of the mucosa.

Clarinase (Schering-Plough)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. extension release (10 tablets) OTC (over-the-counter) loratadyna, pseudoefedryna (loratadine, pseudoephedrine)

SUBSTANCE 1 tablet contains: 0,005 g of loratadine, 0,12 g of pseudoephedrine sulphate


Combined preparation containing an antagonist of H1 receptors and a sympathomimetic amine.


Symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis with congestion. Orally; regardless of meals, take the tablets whole. Adults and children after 12 years of age 1 tablet every 12 hours, not longer than 10 days.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation or sympathomimetic amines, renal or hepatic dysfunction or failure, use of MAO inhibitors (concurrently or within the last 14 days), angle-closure glaucoma, urinary retention, cardiovascular diseases (e.g. ischemic disease tachyarrhythmia, severe hypertension), hyperthyroidism, history of haemorrhagic stroke, risk factors for haemorrhagic stroke, difficulty swallowing, stenosis of the upper gastrointestinal tract, abnormal esophageal movements, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Do not use in people over 60 years of age. Do not use in children up to 12 years of age.


Treatment with the preparation should not exceed 10 days. Treatment should be discontinued in the event of hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations or arrhythmias, nausea, or other neurological symptoms (e.g. headache). Particular caution should be exercised in patients with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, tachycardia or arrhythmias, a history of myocardial infarction, bladder stenosis, history of bronchospasm, and in those receiving digitalis glycosides. Use with caution in people taking other sympathomimetic drugs (decongestants of the nasal mucosa, suppressing appetite, psychostimulants, such as amphetamines), tricyclic antidepressants, drugs that lower blood pressure, other antihistamines.

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The ingredients contained in the preparation may cause central nervous system excitation with convulsions or cardiovascular collapse with hypotension (the risk is higher in children and the elderly). Use with caution in patients with glaucoma, peptic ulcer disease, pyloric obstruction, prostatic hyperplasia, cardiovascular diseases and increased intraocular pressure, as well as in patients with migraine taking ergot alkaloids. The preparation should be discontinued 24 hours before the planned surgery. The preparation should be discontinued 2 days before skin tests. The consumption of alcohol should be avoided during treatment. The preparation contains lactose; a patient with an intolerance to some sugars should contact a physician before using the preparation. The preparation may cause drowsiness; people driving motor vehicles should exercise particular caution.


The pseudoephedrine contained in the preparation during concomitant use with MAO inhibitors (also within 14 days from the end of treatment with these preparations) may lead to a significant increase in blood pressure, potentially life-threatening. The preparation may weaken the effect of antihypertensive drugs (blocking beta-adrenergic receptors) and drugs acting on the sympathetic system, e.g. methyldopa, mecamylamine, guanethidine, reserpine, and some alkaloids. It is not recommended to use the preparation simultaneously with the following drugs: bromryptine, cabergoline, lisuride, pergolide, dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, methylergotamine, linezolid due to the risk of vasospasm and increased blood pressure. Other sympathomimetic drugs (phenylpropanolamine, phenylephrine, ephedrine) may cause vasospasm. Antacids increase the rate of pseudoephedrine absorption, kaolin reduces it.


The following may occur: headache and dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, sedation, dry mouth, throat irritation, cough, pharyngitis, increased sweating or tearing, taste disturbances, gastrointestinal disturbances, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, tremors, pallor, respiratory disorders, cough, bronchospasm, hallucinations, convulsions, suppression of the central nervous system, arrhythmias and cardiovascular collapse with hypotension. Symptoms of hypersensitivity may also occur: skin reactions and angioedema (which may cause difficulty in breathing), anaphylactic reaction. Rarely, abnormal liver function tests. Isolated cases of difficulty urinating and eye accommodation disorders.

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