CLAP smart home, functions and control, equipment, where it is produced, advantages and disadvantages

The CLAP project is a new development of Ukrainian scientists, which stands for Clever Apartment (translated from English – smart home).

It is planned that already in 2018 the system will be widely used and will be installed in tens of thousands of apartments in Kyiv. What are the features of CLAP? How does the device work? How much will the purchase cost? These and other questions will be considered in the article.

What is CLAP, when did the system come on the market?

In simple terms, CLAP is a special complex consisting of a control and executive node.

The task of a smart home is to perform the main tasks – temperature control in rooms, automation of payments for utilities, protection of an apartment or house from fire and flood.

In other words, CLAP is an analogue of a smart home, which was developed and created in Ukraine. Conventionally, Clever Apartment consists of two components:

  • The hardware part is a hub for collecting information and making decisions, as well as a control panel that connects to the intercom.
  • The executive part – thermostats and sensors that control the main parameters in the room (humidity, temperature, movement, and so on). In addition, a smart home may include a door open sensor, automatic water taps, a thermostat for a heating radiator, and other elements.

In terms of security and design, Clever Apartment has much in common with AJAX, but in terms of functionality, the Ukrainian development has more features. When creating a product, the specialists themselves decided what the device should be able to do.

As for the release date, Clever Apartment is a relatively new development that was only introduced in 2017, but its sales and installation are scheduled for 2018.

Where is produced?

As noted, CLAP is a Ukrainian development, and the intellectual center and main facilities are located in Vinnitsa. The company includes a group of testers, creators and engineers. The total number of staff is about fifty people. The company claims that the design of the electrical part is almost ready, and production will be established in Ukraine.

As for the cases, they are planned to be ordered in China. This is due to the fact that in Ukraine there are no manufacturers ready to offer goods made of high-quality plastic.

How does it work?

The basic package of Clever Apartment includes a standard set to protect the apartment from outside interference – a reed switch and a motion sensor.

These elements are connected to the security console and provide a minimum level of security. As an additional function, you can connect video surveillance, flood or smoke sensors. Switching is done using QR codes.

READ ON TOPIC: How to make a smart home on Arduino.

The overlays that are installed on the counters deserve special attention. Their advantage lies in the ability to read the testimony and transmit it to the relevant authorities.

The situation is more complicated with old-style counters. Here, a special type of lining is used, which takes into account the rotation of the disk. For a correct calculation, it is necessary to set the ratio of the number of revolutions to the consumed electricity or the volume of water used (depending on the equipment).

A smart home is able to control the temperature and rely on several factors – weather conditions, time of day and the inclusion of one or another equipment. The solution of the problem is provided due to the presence of special scenarios. They are set by the manufacturer, but can be changed manually by the owner of the apartment.

The Clever Apartment device accurately calculates the cost of space heating, including hryvnia. The user can set a limit and examine the cost schedule. In case of exceeding the limit, he receives a notification.

See also:

The smart home provides the function of making payments for utilities in automatic mode. All CLAP elements are controlled through a special Internet interface.

Features and management Clever Apartment

Smart home CLAP has a wide functionality. Its capabilities include:

  • Remote control from tablet, phone or PC. The system is easy to operate, which allows even a child to deal with it.
  • Temperature control in the room, thanks to the management of batteries, air conditioning, underfloor heating and other equipment. In addition, you can use one of the existing ones or set your own scenario to heat an apartment or house to the desired temperature. For example, heating can turn on 30-40 minutes before the child returns from school. By a similar principle, you can set the air conditioner to turn on when the temperature rises to a certain level.
  • Calling the wizard when determining a malfunction by pressing one button. In a similar action, you can order food or a taxi.
  • Ability to set different access levels for each family member. For example, a child can be allowed to change the temperature only in his own room or allowed to do this in all rooms.
  • Cost analysis and selection of an economical heating option – using a split system, underfloor heating or radiators.
  • Indication of restrictions on the consumption of electricity and heat with notification if they are exceeded. If there are discounts for utility tariffs, you need to set them when planning the scenario. Further, the smart home takes into account the new indicators in the calculation.
  • Analysis of utility costs and the issuance of results in the form of special graphs. If the user has set a limit on spending, and the system has noticed overspending, it notifies you by issuing a message.
  • Automatic filling of payment receipts and payments for utility services. This option allows you to save time on calculations, avoid the need to stand in lines or pay for services in the global network.
  • Independent regulation of various devices. The owner does not need to walk around the apartment to turn the heating systems on or off. This work is performed automatically, taking into account the given scenario. If desired, you can send a command manually from a smartphone, tablet or video intercom.
  • Turn on the alarm with one touch on the display on your smartphone. The Clever Apartment system automatically sets the apartment on guard, reduces heating to a minimum level and thus saves the owner’s budget.
  • Control of children with the help of video cameras that are installed in the room. When installing an external camera, you can see the visitor and decide whether to let him into the apartment or not. In addition, with the help of internal cameras, you can assess the condition of the apartment, the correct operation of certain devices, make sure that there is no smoke, water or strangers. Videos are easy to view in real time or recorded. This option is especially useful for an outdoor camera. With the help of the video archive, it is possible to find out who approached the front door during the absence of the owners.

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In addition to the listed functions, Clever Apartment protects the premises from the following hazards:

  • CARBON DIOXIDE. The first symptoms of CO2 poisoning are drowsiness, fatigue and irritability. The CLAP system detects an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in a timely manner and reports the danger. As a result, it is possible to check the room in time.
  • FLOODING. Thanks to Clever Apartment, the owner does not have to worry about the flood in the apartment. The system monitors the level of humidity and reports its increase to the owner. In addition, it automatically closes the taps to prevent the problem from getting worse.
  • HACKING. After turning on the system, the owner can be sure that the premises are protected from outside interference. If a thief tries to get into the apartment through a window or door, the system will identify the intruder and send alarm signals (to the security service and the owner).
  • FROM THE FIRE. When the first signs of a fire inside the premises appear, the smart home sends a message to the fire department and the owner.


The CLAP package is not permanent, because it depends on the category of housing where installation is planned. For this reason, the cost of the new device has not yet been announced. The developers assure that the exact price will be announced by the fall of 2018, when the smart home appears on the open market.

The full version of Clever Apartment looks like this:

  • Coordination center – hub;
  • Multisensor;
  • Smoke, motion, door and window opening, smoke and anti-flood sensors.
  • Thermostat;
  • Control center.

See also:

Additional functionality

In the future, developers want to include Z-Wave support in the smart home. The innovation format has not yet been developed, but it is planned that it will be a special “flash card” for the hub with the ability to add the required functions. In addition, the hub itself is planned to be equipped with Wi-Fi and 3G wireless communications. The control device will have a battery that will provide power to the device during a power failure for 8-10 hours.

It is also planned to create a wireless relay that allows you to control the light sources in the house, electric locks and other devices are being tested.

Today, Clever Apartment has a contract for connection of 20 apartments. When installed in new buildings, the functionality will be higher:

  • Conclusion of an alarm signal to the concierge;
  • Call masters at home with the possibility of evaluating the work;
  • Add-ons for reading information from counters and so on.

See also:


The advantages of the Smart Home system are undeniable. It is easy to connect, has flexible settings, and reliably protects the premises from intruders, floods and fires. In addition, CLAP makes it easy to control utility bills and achieve real savings. Let’s take a look at these and other benefits below.

Advantages of CLAP:

  • Ease of installation. To install and connect the system, no redevelopment or repair is required. The process takes 1-2 hours (it all depends on the level of complexity).
  • Possibility of control by means of the smartphone. Manufacturers have developed mobile applications for iOS and Android operating systems. In addition, control is available using a laptop or computer through a special interface.
  • In a smart home, a special algorithm is “flashed”, which provides savings on utility bills up to 30-40 percent. The advantage of CLAP is the ability to choose the most advantageous option for heating an apartment, taking into account the number of rooms, their placement and other housing features.
  • Ability to work with 2-tariff types of meters. At the end of the month, CLAP informs the owner about the readings of the equipment and the amount of payments to the energy supply organization. For payment, you do not need to go to the bank or anywhere else – the payment is made using a mobile application for the Smart Home system. To make payments, you need to link a bank card.
  • The ability to combine CLAP with other modern equipment, including IP cameras, video recorders, alarms, sensor and other equipment. Collaboration problems are excluded. In addition, CLAP can be combined with complexes for the protection of the premises. Its functionality is enough to transmit a signal to the security console and to the owner’s phone.
  • Smoke and humidity sensors respond quickly and accurately to the appearance of smoke and rising air humidity. So, in case of fire, CLAP sends a signal to the fire department and security, and in case of flooding, it stops the water supply and informs the owner.
  • Accurate statistics on utility bills. Costs are displayed in the form of graphs, which allows you to reduce costs in the future.
  • Broadcast video from video cameras and an intercom installed at the front door with the ability to view through the application on a smartphone.
  • Residents of Ukrbud houses will be able to call an electrician or plumber using the Smart Home system application.

When will CLAP be available for sale?

To date, the developers of Clever Apartment have fully completed the testing process and launched the serial production of the product. There is already an agreement with Ukrbud on the installation of “Smart Home” in 20 apartments in Kyiv without increasing the cost of housing.

The first owners of real estate with the Smart Home system installed will be the buyers of apartments in the Spas Sky residential complex, which is being rented out in the spring of 2018. In particular, there is an agreement to install a smart home in another nineteen LCDs in Kyiv in the next three years (until 2020 inclusive).

Work on the implementation of CLAP is not limited to the execution of contracts only with developers, a lot of work is being done with retail chains. In addition, by the end of 2018, the company plans to enter the markets of the United States, Europe and Canada. Information about the cost of the complex is not yet available. As noted, this parameter will depend on the configuration.

See also:

The CLAP complex has great prospects not only in the Ukrainian market, but in other countries of the world. A smart home provides comfort, guarantees the safety of the home, helps to control and reduce the cost of water, electricity and heat. This is a unique system that can replace dozens of devices.

Smart home Clever Apartment is easy to set up, easy to install and has an affordable price. It remains a little – to wait for its practical application in 2018 and feedback from real users.

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