Civil marriage

Town hall wedding

Etymology of the word “marriage”

The term “marriage” comes from the Latin mas, husbands which means: “male”. Marriage implied that the guardianship of the wife passed from the father to the husband. Thereby “Maritare” or to give in marriage, was a passive act by which the link was established but also the new state created by this act.

The suffix “-age”, means, embrace, coding, find …

In video: How to recognize a marriage celebrated abroad?

Conditions for getting married

The civil code and the law relating to marriage set certain rules for future spouses. They must be at least 18 years old. A waiver of age for “serious reasons”, for example pregnancy, can be granted by the public prosecutor of the place where the marriage is celebrated. Another condition, the bride and groom must not have any relationship or alliance between them.

French law prohibits marriage between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, brothers and sisters by blood, but also between father-in-law and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and son-in-law. The law also prohibits polygamy and, therefore, the conclusion of a new marriage as long as the previous one is not dissolved.

On the other hand, it authorizes marriage between first cousins, and tolerates it between aunt or uncle and nephew or niece, subject however to a dispensation granted by the Head of State. It is forbidden to be already married, whether in France or abroad.

Then, each person must provide supporting documents for their personal situation at the time of marriage: identity document, rent receipt, birth certificates, supporting documents etc. If the future spouses have entered into a marriage contract, the notary’s certificate will be requested.

For foreigners: specific documents may be requested depending on each nationality. Inquire at the town hall or the consulate.

Wedding celebration

The civil status officer of the town hall, where the celebration will take place, must obligatorily hear the bride and groom before the wedding. This hearing may very well not take place, by way of derogation, when it is impossible to carry out it or if, on reading the documents in the file, it does not prove necessary. It is the registrar who decides. Alternatively, the officer can ask to meet separately with one or the other of the future spouses. The official announcement of the next marriage is carried out by means of notices called the banns.. They are displayed at the door of the town hall concerned, as well as that of town halls where one or the other of the spouses at his home.

The marriage can be celebrated 10 full days after the publication of the banns. The marriage cannot therefore be celebrated before the 11th day. It is a civil status officer or the Mayor in person who unites the two fiancés in the marriage hall, in the presence of a minimum of two witnesses and a maximum of four witnesses. The room is open to the public. When the marriage is celebrated, each spouse gives their consent. At the end of the ceremony, a family record book is issued free of charge. In the days that follow, the newlyweds can ask the town hall for an extract or a full copy of the marriage certificate.

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