- General characteristics of citrus fruits
- Video “All the benefits of citrus fruits”
- Useful Properties
- Possible harm
- Brief description of all species of the genus
- Agli, or uglifruit
- Orange
- Bergamot
- Gayanima
- grapefruit
- Yekan
- Ichandarin, or yuzu
- Kabosu
- Calamansi
- Calamondin, or citrofortunella
- Karna
- Kumquat
- Lime
- Laymkvat
- Lemon
- Limandarin
- Mandarin
- Tangerine quat
- Mineola
- Like Natsu
- Orangelo
- Papeda
- Witch’s broom
- Pomeranian
- Sweetie
- Sudachi
- Tangor
- Tangelo
- Thomasville
- Citrandarin
- Citrange
- Citron, or zest
- Hassaku
Perhaps the most common among citrus fruits are orange, lemon and grapefruit. However, the genus citrus includes more than 60 species. Among them there are both natural and hybrid specimens.
General characteristics of citrus fruits
Citrus plants – evergreen shrubs and trees – have a fairly long lifespan. Cultures are often grown exclusively for decorative purposes, due to the aesthetic appearance of citrus fruits.
The stems of these trees and shrubs mostly have thorns. The leaves are often dense, rich in essential oils. Citrus flowering is the most long-awaited period for many gardeners, because it is at this time that the plant is crowned with a huge number of delicate white flowers.

The fruits of citrus trees are covered with a peel. It differs in the degree of density and thickness. It is in the skin that contains the maximum amount of ether, the benefits of which are undeniable.
The next layer of fruits is the shell, which is characterized by a bitter taste. It connects the outer layer of the fruit to the pulp. The latter is presented in the form of slices filled with juice. In addition, each lobule contains bones. Their number depends on the type of fruit.
The main conditions for growing these crops include:
- Sunlight. Plants need constant light. However, it should be remembered that the light should be diffused. Direct rays have a detrimental effect on citrus fruits.
- Moisture. Regular and moderate watering is one of the basic rules of care. But waterlogged soil can provoke decay processes.
- Shelter for the winter. These crops are not frost-resistant. Low temperatures, strong winds and even a slight draft can kill the plant.
Video “All the benefits of citrus fruits”
This video shows the health benefits of citrus fruits.
Useful Properties
Citruses have a huge amount of useful trace elements:
- organic acids;
- pectins;
- mineral salts;
- vitamins;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- calcium.
Especially useful are essential oils contained in the peel and leaves of citrus crops. They have a bactericidal and tonic effect on the skin, improve digestive function, stimulate brain activity, and stabilize the functions of the cardiovascular system. In addition, citrus essential oils are characterized by a sedative effect. That is why they are often used in the manufacture of massage oils.
Possible harm
Despite the number of useful properties that citrus fruits have, you should refrain from using them when:
- peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
- increased level of acidity;
- pancreatitis;
- jade;
- gastritis;
- hypertension;
- the pyelonephritis.
Given that most fruits contain a significant amount of sugar, the consumption of citrus fruits should be minimized for people with diabetes.
With extreme caution, it is recommended to use fruits for owners of sensitive tooth enamel. The fact is that the juice contains a huge amount of organic acids, which damage the enamel to varying degrees.
To minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of negative consequences, after each eating of a citrus fruit, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water. This procedure should be done after eating pineapple, because it also contains organic acids, including ascorbic acid.
People who are undergoing antibiotic therapy should consult with their doctor. Antibiotics are practically incompatible with the acids that are in the composition of the fruit. At best, the fruit simply neutralizes the effect of the medication.
Brief description of all species of the genus
Today, citrus fruits are used not only in culinary business, but also in cosmetology and perfumery. The types of these plants are very diverse. Initially, only citron, pomelo, lime and tangerine existed in nature. Almost all the remaining species, and their list is quite large, are bred by selection.
Agli, or uglifruit
This species combines several types of citrus fruits: mandarin, grapefruit and orange. In literal translation from English, the name of the fruit sounds like “ugly”. This is due to the appearance of the fruit: a dense, wrinkled yellow peel with a greenish tint. But the taste of agli completely compensates for its appearance.

China is the birthplace of citrus, which is why its second name is Chinese apple. The fruit is obtained as a result of selection. The pulp of the fruit is considered especially valuable, but the peel is also used. For example, wines insist on orange peel.

The name is associated with the place where the fruit was first cultivated – the Italian city of Bergamo. Bergamot is a pear-shaped fruit with bitter flesh.

The fruit resembles a fairly large lemon. It has a rich smell of eucalyptus and a sour taste with hints of ginger. It is used in the preparation of marinade.
Received during the natural hybridization of pomelo and orange. The fruit is large and very aromatic. The pulp is sour, with a characteristic bitterness.
The fruit first appeared in Japan. It has a thick skin and sour-bitter flesh.
Ichandarin, or yuzu
The species is obtained as a result of hybridization of mandarin and lemon. The pulp tastes like a lemon with tangerine notes.

China is considered to be the birthplace of the cabosu. The fruit is characterized by the presence of a green skin and a specific sour taste. Kabosu juice is often seasoned with fish dishes.

The second name of Calamansi is musk lime. It is similar to an ordinary lime, but differs in taste – the pulp combines lemon and tangerine.

Calamondin, or citrofortunella
Bred by crossing a kumquat with a tangerine. The plant feels comfortable at home. Fruits in small orange-colored fruits with a characteristic sour taste.

The fruits are large, have a characteristic “nipple”. The pulp is sour, with a taste of bitterness, very juicy. As a rule, karna is not consumed fresh.
Karna is often used in the manufacture of wines, liqueurs, marmalade.
In appearance, the kumquat resembles a small orange. The peel of the fruit is sweet, and the flesh is sour.
The fruits are medium-sized, have an ovoid shape. The skin is greenish in color, the flesh is very juicy and sour. Lime is actively used in the preparation of cocktails.
The species was obtained during the selection of lime and kumquat. The skin of the fruit is sweet and the flesh is sour. Limequat is actively used in the confectionery industry.
It is a natural hybrid that appeared in Southeast Asia. The fruit is oval in shape, characterized by the presence of a yellow peel and very juicy pulp.
A hybrid of lemon and mandarin. The taste combines sweetness with a characteristic sourness. The fruit is used in the preparation of marmalade and candied fruits.
A characteristic feature of the mandarin is its thin skin. The pulp is divided into slices, has many seeds. The taste depends on the variety of mandarin: there are both sour-bitter fruits and very sweet ones.

Tangerine quat
Fruits are egg-shaped, have a bright pleasant aroma. The taste of tangerine is sour, with a slight bitterness.

Obtained by crossing grapefruit with tangerine. The fruit is pear-shaped, has a thin peel and sweet and sour pulp.

Like Natsu
It looks like an elongated lemon. The skin is thick. The pulp is dryish, with a characteristic sour taste. Natsudaidai is consumed both fresh and cooked.
In appearance, the fruit is similar to a grapefruit. Orangelo tastes like an orange. The pulp is used for the preparation of candied fruit, marmalade. In addition, the fruits are often preserved.
The green fruits have a characteristic wrinkled skin with yellowish spots. The pulp is inedible, but is actively used in cosmetology.
Witch’s broom
The birthplace of citrus is China. Pomelo is a very large fruit, weight can reach 10 kg. The fruit is sweet, so it is eaten fresh.

Pomeranian is a very acidic fruit, so it is not eaten. Often a shrub with round orange fruits is planted in gardens as a decorative element.

The name of the fruit comes from its extremely sweet taste. Light green suites have a characteristic white film, under which there are fruit slices.
Externally, Sudachi resembles a green tangerine. The flesh is similar to lime, very sour and juicy. Sudachi juice is often used to make marinades.
According to the degree of acid, sudachi completely replaces vinegar.
Citrus is obtained by crossing sweet varieties of mandarin and orange. Tangor has a sweet taste, has a lot of seeds.
The fruit is similar to the usual grapefruit, but much smaller in size. In addition, tangelo is sweet, which also distinguishes these fruits. A characteristic bitterness is considered common to grapefruit and tangelo.

The fruit is similar to a lemon, has a pear shape. The taste of a mature Thomasville is similar to a lime.
Bred by crossing mandarin and lemon. The color of the skin is orange, the taste of the pulp is sweet and sour.
A hybrid species characterized by a round shape and yellow skin. Citrange is used to make jams and jams. The fresh fruit is usually not eaten.
Citron, or zest
Citron is characterized by large size, heterogeneous surface, complete lack of flavor. The citron fruit has practically no pulp.

Hassaku grows to a fairly large size, has a thick skin. The taste of the pulp is sour, with a characteristic bitterness. This citrus is consumed fresh.

A variety of species of citrus plants provided valuable raw materials for many areas of activity, including cooking, cosmetology, and medicine. Exotic fruits are characterized by a rich composition and are able to replenish the body’s vitamin supply. In addition, unusual trees are often placed as an element of landscape design.