Circumcision consists of the total or partial removal of the foreskin from the penis. It is performed for religious, cultural or medical reasons. In the latter case, it is called a posthectomy.
Circumcision: an ancient practice
Circumcision is practiced since Antiquity, well before the appearance of the first monotheistic religions. Statuettes found in the Syrian regions dating from 3 years before our era represent circumcised warriors. In addition, many cave drawings from ancient Egypt also describe this practice, which was performed with a flint. This rite was widespread throughout the Near East at the time of the Phoenicians. The priests were also followers. If we are to believe the sexologist Gérard Leleu, originally, circumcision had a virilizing aspect. “The foreskin was considered a feminine sheath. It had to be somehow got rid of it, the glans being considered as the affirmation of virility. Let us not forget that at all times, in the collective unconscious, women have frightened men ”. Other specialists justify its ancestral practice for hygienic reasons.
Circumcision, fought by the Greeks and Romans
Circumcision has often rhymed with persecution. Practiced by the Egyptians, this rite was rejected by several Roman and Greek conquerors, who likened it to mutilation and castration. However, in Roman law, it was forbidden to castrate slaves, at the risk of losing their market value. Moreover, among the Greeks, the length of the foreskin was linked to fertility. During his conquests, Alexander the Great decreases the number of circumcised. Later, in the XNUMXnd century BC, circumcision was even prohibited by Antiochos IV, reigning in the Middle East. Consequence: many Jews resorted to several operations to reform their foreskin. In parallel, a protest movement and claiming the rite appears. After several revolts, the Antiochos IV troops are defeated by the Jews. The rite was again authorized and men of the Jewish faith began to perform upper ablations, that is to say, to remove more mucous membrane than skin, to avoid restorative surgeries aimed at reconstructing the foreskin.
XNUMXth century: circumcision versus masturbation
The British Victorian era was marked by a resurgence of circumcisions. Indeed, from the end of the XNUMXth century, England recommended having boys circumcised in order to stop… masturbation. Indeed, this practice was formerly morally condemned and considered as a brake on mental and physical health. As sexologist Gérard Leleu explains, “after circumcision, the glans becomes less sensitive on contact with the hands and the man takes much longer to reach orgasm ”.
Over time, circumcision spreads in most English-speaking countries, as in the United States, in particular for hygienic reasons. In 1980, 80% of Americans were circumcised.
Circumcision today
In 2009, circumcision concerned nearly 30% of the world’s male population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 700 million men worldwide are circumcised. In France and in Europe, there are 20% of circumcised boys. Patrick Banon, researcher and specialist in religions, insists on one fact: “ Circumcision is not performed just for religious reasons ».
This ritual is present all over the world : among certain aboriginal populations of Australia, in certain tribes of South America, in black Africa, in particular among animists. It can be done for cultural, medical or prophylactic reasons (to prevent certain diseases). This practice is also often linked to an introduction into society, into the family sphere or assimilated to a rite of passage, for example from childhood to adulthood. In addition, in certain tribes of Africa, “ boys wearing penis cases throw them into the sea when the father dies, a sort of reverse circumcision. Finally, considered as a hygienic measure, circumcision is offered in the majority of American maternity hospitals.
Circumcision: what does the law say?
In France, when it is carried out for medical reasons (posthectomy), circumcision is allowed by the legislator. Ritual circumcision is also, even if there is no specific case law on the subject. However, before resorting to the operation, the surgeon must have the authorization of both parents, otherwise he risks being penalized.
In theory, the state can file a complaint, if the parents or a non-medical third party, such as a rabbi or an imam, performed circumcision. The circumcised child can lodge a complaint once an adult, if he considers that this act (which is irreversible) has infringed his free will. One of the two parents can also file a complaint against the other parent if he considers that the circumcision was carried out against his will.
A recent authorization in Germany
In June 2012, the Cologne District Court ruled that the removal of the foreskin was a punishable injury. Six months later, the German Parliament finally passes a law authorizing the religious circumcision of boys, provided that the operation respects a professional medical framework.
The most frequently asked questions about baby circumcision
Why practice circumcision?
Circumcision can be performed for different reasons. They can be medical (posthectomy), religious (Jewish and Muslim religions), hygienic or cultural (many countries practice it: Canada, Australia, United States…). This consists in reducing the surface of the mucous membrane of the sexual area.
What religions practice circumcision?
Islam is the largest religious group to practice circumcision. Muslim populations perform circumcision to confirm their connection to God. This most often takes place before puberty.
Among the Jewish population, boys are traditionally circumcised on the eighth day after birth, unless there is a medical contraindication.
How is circumcision going?
Circumcision consists of a surgical act that aims to remove all the skin from the foreskin to the groove at the base of the glans.
How to treat circumcision?
Leave the pad in place (coated with lubricant) for 24 hours after circumcision. While the child is recovering, apply petroleum jelly to the tip of his penis after bathing and diaper changes.
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