Circumcisio is one of the most ancient formats of operations designed to improve a man’s sexual health. Sometimes the procedure is also called circumcision or simply circumcision. Manipulation is the excision of the foreskin of the penis. This is necessary to open the head of the penis.
Medical indications
In society, it is still generally accepted that circumcision is an exclusively religious feature. But in fact, this method has a logical medical confirmation of the benefits. Moreover, for some men, the operation is shown as mandatory due to some structural features of their penis.
Usually, all indications for cutting the foreskin can be divided into two camps: medical and hygienic. The most striking example of the first category is the development of genital warts.
In medical terminology, the so-called infectious processes of viral origin. Outwardly, the disease is expressed in the appearance of flesh-colored processes. Sometimes they appear in single copies, but more often they are accompanied by massive rashes. It is strictly forbidden to remove them on your own, as this can aggravate the clinical situation, as well as worsen the current well-being of the victim. Usually small bodily growths encircle the lower part of the head of the penis, adding discomfort and a strange aesthetic appearance.
In addition, the technique has already saved more than one representative of the stronger sex from phimosis. We are talking about a disease when the foreskin is very narrowed, which is sometimes accompanied by discomfort during intimacy. Also, phimosis is the cause of difficulty in accessing the immediate head. This obstacle blocks the ability to adhere to all the rules of personal hygiene, which on a regular basis provokes inflammatory processes in the delicate area.
Among other indications, injuries are distinguished. Most often they occur after too aggressive behavior in bed, which often additionally injures the frenulum. Sometimes the urologist will recommend a relatively simple intervention if the victim complains of premature ejaculation, when ejaculation occurs too quickly.
Some doctors are of the opinion that even children should be manipulated for the sake of hygiene requirements. But if we put aside the recommendations of doctors, sometimes babies cannot do without a procedure in order to preserve their own health. This applies to:
- inflammatory process near the head;
- phimosis at an advanced stage;
- problems with stable urination;
- paraphimosis.
Separately, situations are considered when little boys cannot yet make decisions regarding their health on their own, but parents who are adherents of a certain religion insist on circumcision as a reading of traditions.
Contraindications for holding
Sometimes circumcision is performed in conjunction with some other mini-operations on the genitals of a boy or an adult man. This is due to the desire not to inject anesthesia twice and general indications for related procedures. Such a course of events will cost more, so it is worthwhile to clarify in advance the specific list of procedures prescribed by the doctor.
Also, the price will fluctuate depending on what type of equipment will be excised. It is believed that the removal of unnecessary soft tissue with a laser is safer than with a scalpel. The second version is considered a classic. Although it involves the risk of increased bleeding or the possibility of infection, most patients still resort to it. If the doctor takes the official protocol as the basis for the intervention, he will completely eliminate the risks of possible infection. Because of this, patients should carefully select a clinic for themselves.
If you want to get by with little blood, then it is better to look for a sample of a medical institution where the cut is made with a laser. But even here it is worth preparing for a possible disadvantage. We are talking about high cost, as well as a rather weak excision border, which can diverge even with a slight erection.
But, regardless of which option was chosen by a particular patient, the doctor will definitely check his ward for possible contraindications. The main ones are called:
- anatomical anomalies;
- an open urethra at the bottom or top of the penis;
- prolonged paraphimosis.
If the foreskin is not enough, then the subsequent reconstructive stage is practically impossible. Almost the same thing happens at an advanced stage of paraphimosis, when the foreskin has been outside the head for too long. After a while, it thickens, and then the disease makes itself felt with extensive swelling.
Peptic ulcers are also a reason for refusing to intervene. In such a situation, a man is first recommended to undergo a thematic treatment, and only after that proceed with the implementation of the second paragraph of the plan.
Another prohibition is the discharge that accompanies urination, and at the same time they are systematic. First, the urologist will offer to get rid of such a primary source of the problem, and only then go under the knife.
Slightly more rare contraindications may be:
- oncological neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature;
- chronic diseases of the genital organs;
- filariasis, which means a fungal infection that blocks the normal functionality of lymphatic drainage;
- hemophilia.
The last point does not directly apply to the reproductive system, as it is a blood disease. But because of it, the risks of bleeding increase significantly, so such patients require special care.
Positive and negative feedback
Many who want to have a circumcision of their own free will already in adulthood are frightened by the need to undergo the procedure under spinal anesthesia. Some believe that this is a serious test for the cardiovascular system, so they refuse to improve the quality of their sexual life.
Others are frightened by the question of how soon you can return to a full-fledged intimate life. Men think that sex in a week is quite acceptable. But there is no exact time frame for abstinence. They are determined by the treating specialist based on the dynamics of recovery.
There are many positive aspects in favor of circumcision:
- reducing the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections;
- reducing the risk of manifestations of kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis;
- smegma warning.
In addition to a number of positive features, it is worth highlighting those that are negative. But all fears are associated only with the unprofessionalism of the practicing surgeon, or the anatomical features of the man himself.
Often, complications after the manipulation affect the formation of a scar or scar tissue. Real professionals with a good reputation guarantee that this will not happen under their guidance, so you should trust your health only to trusted experts.
Classification of techniques
In the medical classification, circumcision is classified as a full-fledged plastic surgery, which does not last long. Circumcision has several significant varieties, which differ depending on what specific flesh needs to be removed and how much excess soft tissue needs to be cut off.
The classification includes several divisions:
- partial;
- free;
- minimum;
- tight;
- high;
- low.
The first version is carried out only with positive medical indications. As the name implies, the removal of the flesh is not carried out entirely, but this is quite enough to expose the head to eliminate the risks of its possible damage.
The minimum variation is a bit similar to the previous paragraph, but it relies on a very small excision, which affects only the border of the foreskin. The technique is in demand if the patient wants to get rid of scar areas that repeat the rounded shape. Often the indication for a minimal format is excess flesh.
Free offer implies complete exposure of the head, resulting in the formation of a specific groove. And with a tight combination, the specialist completely cuts off the flesh, leaving not even a minimal strip of tissue.
High circumcision is a specific procedure as it involves the removal of a large area of soft tissue. After it, a special circular-type seam is preserved. Moreover, it is not necessary that it be near the root of the penis.
A visible seam will remain even after a low circumcision, because the doctor will have to cut off completely all the internal parts of the flesh tissue.
The attending urologist should take care of which option to give preference to. It takes into account the type of anomaly, the degree of neglect, the current state of health of the victim and related complaints. Also, before the intervention, he will insist on the need for additional clinical examinations and tests.
It will not do without an allergic test if a person has never encountered drugs used in anesthesia before. Only such an integrated approach guarantees an effective result.