Circular glans inflammation – causes, location, treatment, prognosis

Syn .: Balanitis circinata, glans annular inflammation.

Def .: Chronic, usually annular glans inflammation which is one of the symptoms of psoriasis or a marker of Reiter’s disease.

Epid .: Young men often get sick.

Pat .: It can occur in HIV-infected patients who have Reiter’s syndrome and psoriasis as well as in patients who are carriers of the HLA-B27 antigen. Lesions with a similar ring-shaped arrangement may also have a bacterial or yeast background.

Lock: Goggling groove, glans, inner foreskin plate. Usually, the area of ​​the urethra remains unchanged.

Clinical: Initial lesions appear as gray-white papules that develop into well-delimited, dark red erosions with slightly raised, grayish edges, giving them a ring-shaped appearance. The eruptions tend to blend together and are sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation or itching.

DR: Bacterial and yeast inflammation of the glans.

Healing: Topical use of low or medium strength corticosteroids or pimecrolimus.

Year: With severe swelling, there is a risk of phimosis.

Lit .: [1] Diseases of the male genital organs. [In:] Braun-Falco O., Plewig G., Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC: Dermatology, eds. half. Gliński W., Wolska H., Wydawnictwo Czelej, Lublin 2004, 1128-1129. [2] de Almeida HL Jr, de Oliveira Filho UL: Topical pimecrolimus is an eff ective treatment for balanitis circinata erosiva. Int J Dermatol 2005 (44); 10-888.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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