Circadian rhythms are the internal rhythms of our body, which are regulated by the Sun. It turns out that our circadian rhythms change as we get older: there are optimal times for every age when it’s best to get up, work or exercise.
The circadian rhythm is the internal rhythm of the body, which changes during the day under the influence of natural changes in nature: light and air temperature. These changes depend on the Sun and have nothing to do with our activity.
Therefore, those people who work at night still have the same low body temperature as those who sleep.
Circadian rhythms affect the sleep/wake cycle, the release of hormones into the bloodstream, and changes in body temperature. It is perfectly normal that body temperature changes at different hours and can be from 35,5 to 37,4 degrees during the day!
How do circadian rhythms work?
In the morning, as soon as the sun rises, the brain sends signals to increase body temperature (by 6 o’clock in the morning it is our lowest) and release the hormone cortisol.
The same hormone is released during stress, but in the morning it enters the blood in such a necessary volume to give us strength and energy after waking up. Further during the day, its amount decreases. At the same time, the production of the sleep hormone melatonin is inhibited in the morning. This happens until the very time when it gets dark outside.
As soon as it starts to get dark outside, the level of melatonin in our body rises and remains high throughout the night so that we can sleep peacefully. But this will only be the case if we have the opportunity during the day to observe what is happening outside the window, and at least occasionally see how the sunlight changes from sunrise to sunset. Conversely, people who work in enclosed spaces with no windows are very likely to have trouble sleeping.
This means that there is an optimal time for us to wake up and fall asleep, and it directly depends on whether we follow the natural seasonal change in light.
This can easily explain another thing: why, for a good rest and restoration of the rhythm of sleep, it is enough to spend several days outside the city, falling asleep at sunset and not turning on the light.
Why do old people like to wake up at dawn?
As we age, our circadian rhythms change. As we get older, less melatonin is produced and we wake up earlier and earlier. Such changes begin after 30 years.
According to a study by Oxford’s Paul Kelly, there is an ideal time to wake up in a good mood for every age.
At 20 years old – 9:30, at 30 years old – 8 o’clock in the morning, at 40 years old – 7:30, at 50 years old – 7 o’clock in the morning, and after 60 years it is best for a person to get up at 6:30 in the morning.
Therefore, it is normal for old people to get up at dawn – this is required by their circadian rhythms. Of course, you need to remember to coordinate the time of going to bed. In accordance with the recommendations of the National Sleep Association of Great Britain, the duration of sleep for adults should be from 7 to 9 hours, for older people over 65 – from 7 to 8 hours.
Make a schedule
Optimal working hours
Efficiency and ability to concentrate also change throughout the day in accordance with circadian rhythms.
The best time to get started is 2,5-3 hours after waking up. For 20 year olds, it’s about noon.
It is good to leave this time for the most important things, although, undoubtedly, the motto of both European and American culture today is “do more, sleep less.”
The best time to exercise
The optimal time for fitness is 4 hours before going to bed. At this time, the muscles and lungs work best, the reaction is faster, we are coordinated and we can perform more sets and repetitions of exercises.
At 30, the optimal time to start fitness classes is around 19 hours,
after 40 years – at 18 o’clock,
after 50 years – 17 hours.
When should you have dinner?
Since at 20 years old it is rare for anyone to go to bed before 24 hours and even one in the morning, dinner at 21:30 will be quite normal for young people.
An ideal dinner at 30 and at 40 is about 20 hours.
After 40 years, you can have dinner around 19 hours,
and after 60, at around 18:30 pm to allow time for the absorption of nutrients and at the same time to avoid the problem of heartburn, which is common for this age.
Evening cocktail and alcohol in general
With age, the rhythm of the liver slows down, so if you want to enjoy a glass of wine or an evening cocktail, it is best to do this 4 hours before bedtime. This will give the liver time to process the alcohol.