Cipri Quintas: “It is time to focus on others and turn off the ego”

Cipri Quintas: “It is time to focus on others and turn off the ego”


The businessman Cipri Quintas encourages us to continue being grateful and take care of others in these moments of uncertainty

Cipri Quintas: “It is time to focus on others and turn off the ego”

He has more than 8.000 contacts in his phone book, and that already hints at the importance that Cipri Quintas, author of the bestseller “The networking book”, gives to others above oneself. «Sharing and giving are two great pillars for get a circle of people, and in days like the ones we live in no room for ego». It refers, without a doubt, to the pandemic that is hitting the whole world. The businessman says that coronavirus It may have changed our lives, but we should not necessarily take it as a useless time of resignation, but rather it is configured as a perfect opportunity to make “good things happen” and “change the world.” Its philosophy #ComparteLoBueno is based on these foundations, which seeks to focus on all the good actions of solidarity citizens and entrepreneurs that will help let’s overcome the pandemic successfully.

What is your #Compartelobueno movement? It is not just caring for others, it is also caring for them. “Must put the focus on others because a beacon that points to oneself is useless, “he says. It is now when we realize that, indeed, the work of a lighthouse is to illuminate what surrounds it, not to focus its light on it: «Imagine a lighthouse that points to itself instead of focusing on the surroundings. We would see how beautiful it is, but it is useless because its work is to illuminate everything else. If he enlightened himself, no one would know exactly how to reach him », explains Cipri Quintas.

With this initiative to focus on others and abandon the ego, Cipri Quintas intends to give prominence to little anonymous «heroes» who do not have the recognition they deserve: «There are people who have a lot to tell and they are not paid enough attention, that is why I have realized how fundamental it is to share experiences and make others important», He says, and adds that with this movement he wants us to try together build and create as a habit to see the good in others.

Don’t stop using the magic word

He has become the protagonist of the most listened to podcast in the world, but even in those moments Cipri Quintas does not focus on his successes. He prefers to continue preaching the importance of giving value to the good things that happen around us, and not focusing only on the bad: «We are seeing unusual events like the hole in the ozone layer It has reached all-time highs and it is not even one of the outstanding news, ”complains the businessman.

To emerge stronger from this crisis and improve as a society and as human beings, Cipri Quintas once again shares all the tools already collected in his book: «We are going to focus each and every one of us on being part of the solution and not the problem in the situation we are experiencing, “he explains, emphasizing” putting focus on others and push the ego away, because it is not necessary to wait for another crisis to realize that we are all essential, we must all awaken our conscience and help with what we can “, he says.

Explain Cipri Thursdays that once again we are demonstrating that when we feel threatened is when the best of ourselves has come out, so no matter how confined we are, we have verified that, when we have been threatened, it has been when the best of the human being has come out : Banks are giving money, many industries have started manufacturing masks … Now that we can’t hug each other, we hug each other and take care of ourselves more than ever ». The expert also urges not to forget one of the most important tools: be thankful. «There is much to be thankful for, so don’t forget the magic word thank you; we have to keep saying it now and also after confinement. ‘

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