Cinzano: an overview of vermouth and champagne of the Italian brand

Cinzano vermouths are known all over the world. This brand of alcohol is the main and only competitor of the famous Martini. And even though its name has not become a household name, this drink has enough fans in abundance.

vermouth cocktails

A little history of the Cinzano drink

The Cinzano company was founded in the middle of the XNUMXth century by the brothers Carlo and Giovanni Cinzano. Initially, it was a small shop in Turin with its own distillery. But the original recipe and non-standard approach to business turned the family business into a real giant of the industry. By the middle of the XNUMXth century, both kings and commoners drank Cinzano drinks.

The tests of the 100th century also failed to shake the position of the brand. “Cinzano” with honor survived two world wars and the advent of a competitor in the person of “Martini”. Today, the brand’s products are supplied to more than XNUMX countries around the world. And in each she has an army of devoted admirers.

Types of vermouth from Cinzano

  1. Cinzano Bianco (Чинзано Бьянко)

    White vermouth with a strength of 15%. The taste is sweet, with notes of cinnamon and nutmeg, flavored with vanilla. The aftertaste is soft and refreshing.

    It can be used both in pure form and in the form of cocktails with lemonades, citrus juices or mineral water. Proportions don’t matter.

  2. Cinzano Rosso

    A classic dark red vermouth and the company’s oldest drink. Fortress – 14.8%. The taste is rich and tart. The aroma is full of berries, spices and caramel. The aftertaste is spicy with a slight bitterness of wormwood and cumin.

    It pairs perfectly with apple juice, but can also be consumed neat. Most importantly, don’t forget to chill.

  3. Cinzano Extra Dry (Cinzano Extra Dry)

    Light, dry vermouth with low sugar content. Fortress – 14.8%. Bright fruity taste is combined with the aroma of herbs and flowers. They also add astringency to it, which can scare away some lovers of drinking pure alcohol.

    On the other hand, this astringency makes Extra Dry an excellent cocktail ingredient. Primarily based on gin or vodka. By the way, the original James Bond cocktail just included gin, vodka and dry vermouth.

  4. Cinzano Rose

    Rosé based vermouth. Fortress 14.8%. The taste is delicate, rich in fruits. The aroma is decorated with vanilla notes interspersed with cloves and cinnamon.

    This flavored wine is an ideal dessert alcohol in the company of fruit or chocolate.

  5. Cinzano Orancio (Чинзано Оранчо)

    Amber drink with a strength of 14.4%. The taste is bittersweet, with a bright aftertaste of orange peel. The aftertaste is imbued with the aroma of caramel and citrus fruits.

    Like “Rose” it is served with a fruit dessert, but it can also be used in cocktails.

  6. Cinzano Limetto

    Exclusive vermouth of the company. Lime zest is used in its production, giving it a bright citrus flavor.

    Most popular in cocktails with vodka or gin. However, some gourmets prefer to use it pure.

Sparkling wines from Cinzano

In addition to vermouth, Cinzano is known for its sparkling wines. Champagne has a delicate taste and goes well with fruits, desserts and seafood. The main rule is to serve chilled.

  1. Asti DOCG (Asti)

    The brand’s most famous champagne. Made from white Muscat, it has the highest quality mark of Italian wine classification – DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita). “Asti” combines a light fruity aroma of pears and peaches with a soft and rich taste, where notes of honey and wild berries slip through. The finish is short and refreshing.

    This drink is suitable for banquets and receptions, as well as for a quiet feast. It is best served as an aperitif, along with soft cheeses and fruits.

  2. Prosecco DOC

    Sparkling dry wine made from Glera grapes. The quality of the drink is confirmed by the DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) quality mark. Champagne has a strong aroma of apples, honey and strawberries. The taste is bright, combining the sweetness of fruits and the sourness of dry wine.

    The best company for this wine will be snacks or seafood. It can also be used in cocktails, in combination with citrus juices.

  3. Pinot Chardonnay

    To create this champagne, two grape varieties are used: Pinot and Chardonnay. The result is a complex taste adorned with a subtle fruity aroma.

    Such taste qualities open up a wide field for serving. Pinot Chardonnay can be served with white meat, cold vegetable soups or risotto.

  4. Gran Sec

    Dry sparkling wine. The taste is similar to Prosecco DOC, but more balanced. The aroma of fruit is weakened, grapes – on the contrary, enhanced.

    Such alcohol should be served with grilled vegetables, cheeses, cold meats or seafood.

  5. Gran Dolce

    A semi-sweet champagne reminiscent of Asti DOCG. It has a balanced taste, with aromas of flowers and honey.

    Gran Dolce is a dessert wine. Sweets, fruits or delicate snacks. Picking a pair for him is easy.

  6. Cinzano Rose

    The latest addition to the line of Cinzano sparkling wines. This is a sweet pink champagne, where the usual taste of fruit is replaced by a combination of strawberries and raspberries.

    The producers themselves represent “Rose” as “wine for lovers.” Another thing is that it suits not only Romeo and Juliet. “Rose” will perfectly fit into a family celebration or a friendly party. The main thing is to serve fish, seafood or cheesecake to it.

How to drink Cinzano

The main recommendation for drinking Cinzano alcohol is to observe the temperature regime. Both vermouth and champagne should be drunk chilled to a temperature of 8-12˚С. It’s a good idea to add ice cubes to the glasses (excluding sparkling drinks).

All wines are self-sufficient, so you can serve them neat so your guests can savor every sip. The main thing is to be puzzled by snacks (what is suitable is written above for each alcohol separately).

If you are a cocktail lover, remember that Cinzano vermouths do not mix well with other alcohol. The exception is “Extra Dry”, whose herbal flavor is perfect for complex drinks. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

Relevance: 03.07.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouths, Brands of vermouths

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