Cinnamon syrup: 2 recipes at home

A popular cocktail ingredient and the easiest way to add cinnamon to any drink or meal.

Try adding cinnamon syrup to your coffee or latte and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the new flavor.

Easy cinnamon syrup recipe


  1. Cinnamon sticks – 200 g

  2. Water – 300 ml

  3. Granulated sugar – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. Break the cinnamon sticks into small pieces.

  2. Pour cinnamon sticks with cold water, add sugar.

  3. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

  4. Close the lid and simmer on low heat for about 10-15 minutes.

  5. Boil until thick syrup, cool and strain.

  6. Pour into a sterile bottle and store in the refrigerator.

double cinnamon syrup recipe


  1. Sugar – 200 grams (or 2 times more than the water left in paragraph 7)

  2. Water – 150-160 ml

  3. Cinnamon – 3-4 sticks

  4. Xanthan gum – 0,3-0,6 grams

Method of preparation

  1. Measure the correct amount of water.

  2. Measure out the correct amount of xanthan gum or other stabilizer.

  3. Mix the water with the stabilizer and stir until completely dissolved using a blender.

  4. Crush the cinnamon sticks, for example, in a mortar.

  5. Combine the xanthan gum water solution and crushed cinnamon sticks in a saucepan or other suitable container.

  6. Bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes.

  7. Strain the resulting solution and measure the amount of the resulting liquid.

  8. Weigh out an amount of sugar slightly less than twice the amount of water.

  9. Add the water from point 7, sugar and cinnamon, which we already boiled together with the water in point 6, to the pan. Heat until the sugar dissolves.

  10. Strain the resulting syrup well, theoretically, such a syrup should be stored for at least a year.

Relevance: 24.08.2019

Tags: Syrup Recipes

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