Cinnamon and honey. Benefits and Applications. Video

Cinnamon and honey. Benefits and Applications. Video

Scientists have found that cinnamon with honey helps to heal most common diseases. The healing properties of honey were widely used by ancient healers, but today its effectiveness has been scientifically proven and is beyond doubt. The cinnamon-honey mixture can heal the body and restore the joy of life without drugs.

Cinnamon and honey. Benefits and Applications

Cinnamon is the dried bark of a tree that is used all over the world as a spice or spice. You can buy cinnamon both ground and in the form of pieces of bark wrapped in a tube. Traditionally, cinnamon is used in cooking and traditional medicine recipes.

Cinnamon contains substances such as:

  • essential oils
  • resin
  • starch
  • slime
  • eugenol (from 4 to 18%)
  • cinnamaldehyde (55 to 65%)
  • tannins

Honey is a natural antibiotic, excellent immunostimulant and versatile multivitamin. It improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, increases libido, is useful for many different health problems, and is also widely used in cosmetology.

The properties of cinnamon, mixed with honey in certain proportions, make it easy to cope with colds. One tablespoon of warm honey plus ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day will relieve any cough or runny nose. Also, cinnamon effectively lowers the temperature and has a good diuretic effect.

Remember that at high temperatures, cinnamon can significantly worsen headaches, so be careful

Two tablespoons of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass of warm water, will relieve inflammation in the bladder and destroy the germs that caused it.

Sprinkling a tablespoon of honey with cinnamon and taking it before meals will reduce stomach acidity, improve digestion, relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract and speed up the healing of ulcers in it.

Eating a slice of bread with honey and cinnamon every day can significantly reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, lower blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the cardiovascular system and heart muscle, and prevent early aging of the body.

In addition, honey and cinnamon have an antihelminthic effect, cleansing the intestines of parasites and bacteria that impair digestion.

With weakness in the elderly, cinnamon and honey, taken in different proportions, improve concentration, mobility and normalize the physical condition, which is subject to age-related changes. This remedy also helps with arthritis – a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey cures even chronic joint diseases.

With a decrease in the vital functions of the body, you need to drink daily on an empty stomach and at three o’clock in the afternoon half a tablespoon of honey with cinnamon dissolved in a glass of warm water

How to lose weight with cinnamon and honey

Losing weight with cinnamon and honey is getting the best reviews and is much more effective than any diet. To lose weight, you need to regularly drink tea based on a honey-cinnamon mixture. It is recommended to brew tea at night – add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to boiling water and wait half an hour until it is infused. Then add a teaspoon of honey to it and drink half of the infusion, leaving the other half in the morning (drink on an empty stomach).

Thanks to regular consumption of such a drink, weight will no longer be gained, since cinnamon and honey will not allow fat to accumulate under the skin.

After the destruction of parasites, fungi and putrefactive bacteria in the digestive tract ends, weight loss will stop naturally. In the future, if you decide to lose even more weight, you will need physical activity and a balanced diet.

Remember that honey to be consumed with cinnamon must be natural, raw and never pasteurized. Pasteurization neutralizes all the necessary enzymes in it, so buy only honey that says raw (RAW) on the label.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon in large quantities is strictly contraindicated in the presence of internal bleeding of various etiologies, as well as during pregnancy, since it tends to tone the uterus and cause it to contract.

Honey and cinnamon should be taken in limited quantities if there is an increased sensitivity to these foods or their components

Cinnamon and honey: hair mask or face?

High blood pressure, mental health problems and extreme high fever are also important contraindications to the use of the cinnamon and honey mixture.

Usually, the side effects of cinnamon are directly related to excessive dosages. The essential oil of this spice contains coumarin, which has a toxic effect on the kidneys and liver. Therefore, it is better not to use cinnamon for children under two years old – however, as well as for people who have serious problems with these organs.

Also, cinnamon oil should not be used for skin care during pregnancy – it can cause irritation and cause abnormal development of the fetus.

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