Cinema from under the blanket

During the holidays, it’s time to get to the films, which during the year did not reach the hands … or rather, the legs. Now these releases are available in online cinemas, and you can rightfully cover your legs with a blanket.

1. “Breathe in the dark”

The French are not very good at fantasy. The last event in their film history of the genre was, it seems, The Fifth Element by Luc Besson, and it happened more than two decades ago. But the genre itself was invented by the Frenchman Georges Méliès and his film Journey to the Moon, which, by the way, opened the way to cinema and the most assertive special effects. But “Breathe in the Darkness” is just an exception to both rules: it is a successful science fiction film from France, and it is a fantasy film, practically devoid of special effects surroundings. Its strength lies precisely in the fact that each of us can try on the tests of heroes for ourselves. After all, they are parents who are trying to save their daughter in the circumstances of a natural disaster of a mysterious nature.

Directed by Daniel Roby

Cast: Romain Duris, Olga Kurylenko

Movie online at

2. “Acid”

The 25-year-old actor made his directing debut and made a film. It starred his friends, colleagues and classmates. The main characters of the film were played by the students of Kirill Serebrennikov and the actors of the Gogol Center. All of them are characterized by a kind of slow energy, the fluidity of the current 25-year-olds – at the same time truth-seekers, and hedonists, and seekers of the purest sincerity, and carriers of sophisticated craftiness. Fabulously, this is a film about “three comrades”, genre – “a film of education of feelings”, but in fact a kind of “confession of the son of the century”, the story of a 25-year-old actor and now director Sasha Gorchilin about his generation.

Director Alexander Gorchilin

Cast: Filipp Avdeev, Alexander Kuznetsov, Roza Khairullina, Alexandra Rebenok

Movie online on

3. “Tonya against everyone”

She just wanted to be loved. For this, she was the first in the world to make a “triple axel”, for this she herself sewed costumes for performances that caused condescending laughter. And so she got in touch with the one person who seemed to appreciate her. But it turned out that it was foolish to rely on him … Figure skating for the American figure skater from the bottom Tony Harding has become a way of confirming her own worth. It is curious that the fate of Harding for the young star Margot Robbie acted in the same function. She became the producer of the film in order to play Tonya in it and prove that she herself … is not replaceable, like a battery, the blonde of the next Tarzan, but a serious actress. She succeeded – Robbie was nominated for an Oscar for this role.

Directed by Craig Gillespie

Cast: Margot Robbie, Allison Janney, Sebastian Stan

Movie online on

4. “On the edge”

There is a prejudice that in our time there is no place for passions of ancient or Shakespearean proportions, that technology grinds souls, and civilization reduces the intensity of feelings. But Akin, a brave man and director, put his heroine in front of such a choice that she manifests herself as Elektra, and Antigone, and Cordelia. But everything would be useless if Diane Kruger did not show herself as an actress of a huge tragic gift. And she, in the role of our usually frivolous contemporary, who suddenly lost her beloved husband and six-year-old son, is genuine and convincing.

Directed by Fatih Akin

Starring Diane Kruger

Movie online on

5. Cold War

Oscar-winning former documentary filmmaker Pavel Pawlikowski invented a pictorial style as if dictated by old newsreels. Black-and-white, and more often white-gray scales, deep panoramas in the fog, shifted symmetry of the most memorable shots… But such a peculiar style in his films does not obscure the feelings. The Cold War is entirely devoted to them – a feeling that is not subject to time and historical circumstances between a girl from the village and a musician with an indistinct past. Having met once and betrayed each other more than once, they were united forever. More precisely, the entire history of socialist Poland.

Directed by Pavel Pavlikovsky

Cast: Joanna Kulig, Tomasz Kot, Agata Kulesha

Film online on,

6. “Flaming”

A young writer, a graduate of the Faculty of Literature, who writes nothing. A beautiful girl, his countrywoman, who, it turns out, became a beauty as a result of the operation. A young rich man who, for some reason, sets fire to greenhouses … Everything in the world of “Burning” is not what it seems. And the most interesting thing is that it is not clear what lies behind the appearance … This is a film that opens. But to each one who sees it in his own way. And everyone has their own version of the reasons for what happened to the heroes. And that is why the film is more like life than any good, harmoniously logical picture.

Directed by Lee Chan-dong

Cast: Yoo Ah-in, Jung Jong-seo, Steven Yang

Movie online on

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