Cindy Crawford knows how to look slimmer
Supermodel Cindy Crawford eats pasta in unlimited quantities, goes on hikes with his family, does not part with dumbbells, does fitness only in a good mood and – of course! – in her 50s she looks young and fresh. Fitness secrets of a stunning woman – in the material Woman’s Day.
Secret # 1: Don’t Make Excuses
Women often tell themselves:
“I’ve got so fat just because I don’t have time to go to the gym. Now, if there were more than 24 hours in a day, I would have time to take up my figure … “
Forget the excuses! You can train at any time: and going up the stairs to the office, not the elevator, and walking the dog at a brisk pace, and exercising with dumbbells while you wait for the kettle to boil.
I always carve out a piece of time for myself, even on the busiest day – between filming I will do a few squats or do a dozen push-ups. (Learn about
Secret number 2: children are not a hindrance
Cindy has two children: Presley Walker and Kaya Jordan
After I had babies, I did not give up training, but simply revised my views on sports. Before, I could shake on the treadmill to exhaustion, crawl home and collapse into bed. And later I realized that fitness should not exhaust, but charge with energy, give not fatigue, but new strength. If you have children, do not close with them in four walls (read about how Jessica Alba fought cellulite after giving birth). Keep doing fitness – you will need a lot of energy to raise heirs.
Secret # 3: Get Rid Of Routine
I understand that going to the same gym three times a week for five years can easily get bored. Try to diversify your workouts: today you run in the park, tomorrow you swim (find out everything about Moscow swimming pools) or ride a bike, and in a couple of days
Secret number 4: do not deny yourself anything
Giving up your favorite food is terribly difficult. I adore pasta and white bread to a maddening level, although I know that they are insanely harmful to the figure (find out how trainer Cameron Diaz treats these products). However, I regularly go to Italian restaurants and eat as much pasta as I can. Then, of course, I arrange myself a strict diet and strenuously get rid of calories in the gym, but the fact remains – I can afford to eat whatever I want. If you cannot live without cakes, please eat them, just not every day. Let a piece of cake be a reward for hard work or three pounds off. Why not?
Secret # 5: Forgetting the Bad
It may sound old-fashioned, but I still believe that fitness is strongly linked to your psychological state. You can lose even 15 kilograms (read about those who managed to lose almost 90!), But you will look really amazing only when you get rid of bad thoughts. My secret is simple: I try to be a good example for my children, I think and act so that they can be proud of me. Yes, yes, I think like your mother. But believe me, it works.
Secret number 6: only good cinema
Do you think I’ll tell you to lie on the couch, munch on chips and watch the Oscar-winning movie? You will not wait! I recommend you watch my Pilates video tutorials. I did Pilates for a very long time before I recorded several exercise DVDs, and I can confidently say this exercise system works. By dedicating at least a couple of hours a week to Pilates, you will soon notice how strong your muscles will become. And only after that it will be possible to take a break and watch the next Hollywood novelty.
Secret # 7: Get dumbbells
It often happens like this: you do fitness every day, but at some point you realize that the result is no longer so noticeable. This is the time when you should head to your nearest sports store and buy some dumbbells. Use lighter dumbbells to strengthen your back muscles, and heavier ones to build biceps and triceps (learn about