Cilantro: benefits and harms to the body
In 100 grams of cilantro, there are only 25 kilocalories, while it is rich in useful substances and vitamins. Together with a nutritionist, we will tell you in detail about the amazing properties of this plant.

Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant. It is sometimes called coriander, which is partly true: both of these words refer to the components of one plant. The greens and stems are called cilantro, and the seeds are called coriander.

The taste of cilantro cannot be confused with anything: it is slightly bitter, tart and very pronounced. This spicy plant is used not only in cooking, but also in perfumery and cosmetics. Most often, we add cilantro to various dishes, giving them a pleasant aroma. In addition to excellent taste, this green contains many substances useful for the body. Together with a nutritionist, we understand what the benefits and harms of cilantro are.

The history of the appearance of cilantro in nutrition

Из-за того, что кинза довольно быстро распространялась по планете, назвать её родину сложно. Широкое распространение кинза имела на Ближнем Востоке и в Южной Европе. Активно культивировать кинзу начали греки: они делали из неё специи. В 1670 году растение привезли в Америку выходцы из британских колоний. Примерно в это же время кинза распространилась по Европе и попала в Россию. В XVII веке её добавляли в блюда, но при этом не прекращали использовать в целях оздоровления: делали настойки, эликсиры, отвары.

The composition and calorie content of cilantro

В кинзе содержится много клетчатки, витаминов группы B и антиоксидантов. Вся польза сконцентрирована именно в стебле и листьях. Растение может похвастаться и высоким содержанием минеральных веществ: йода, фосфора. Больше всего в кинзе калия, поэтому её часто включают в рацион людей с заболеваниями сердечно-сосудистой системы.

Несмотря на то, что кинза на 90% состоит из воды, в ней есть и белок, и углеводы. А отличительный вкус и аромат растению придаёт производное крахмала — дециловый альдегид.

Caloric value on 100 g26 kcal
Proteins2,13 g
Fats0,3 g
Carbohydrates0,9 g

The benefits of cilantro

No wonder cilantro was previously called a natural healer. Due to the composition rich in useful substances, it can really act as an assistant for the prevention of various diseases or their treatment.

The plant helps to cope with edema and removes excess water from the body. In this way, it helps the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Cilantro is recommended for people with high blood sugar: if you add greens to meals every day, you can reduce the dose of insulin taken. The content of B vitamins in cilantro has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system: it helps to cope with depression.

Food rich in fiber enhances peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. And cilantro is no exception. At the same time, it increases appetite and acts as an assistant in the digestion of foods high in protein.

– Cilantro prevents skin, chronic diseases, – says nutritionist Alexandra Kadutskova. – The disinfectant, antiseptic as well as antifungal properties of cilantro are ideal for eczema, dry skin and fungal infection. It is also called an antimicrobial herb that can heal wounds and mouth ulcers, as well as freshen breath. Cilantro lowers blood pressure, helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. At the same time, the plant is relaxing and sedative, improves the quality of sleep.

The benefits of cilantro for women

Cilantro contains vitamin C. It is useful for a person in itself, but for the female body – doubly. This vitamin helps to better absorb iron, which is often deficient in women.

Витамин А в составе кинзы положительно влияет на работу репродуктивной системы. Он также помогает поддерживать в хорошем состоянии кожу: не даёт ей преждевременно стареть.

– Useful properties of cilantro for the female body are in its antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness and becomes dry. Cilantro in this regard is really a good helper. Another plus for women is that cilantro is included in the diet for menstrual irregularities, says Aleksandra Kaduckova.

The benefits of cilantro for men

The plant can become an assistant in solving problems with the functioning of the urinary system. With moderate use, it has a positive effect on the reproductive system – with its calming properties, cilantro is an excellent pathogen.

Для мужчин, употребляющих в пищу продукты с высоким содержанием белка, кинза станет полезным дополнением к рациону. Она и разнообразит его, и поможет наладить работу ЖКТ.

The benefits of cilantro for children

A growing body will be especially useful for cilantro. Doctors recommend giving it from 8-9 months in boiled form. After 1 year, you can gradually introduce raw greens into the diet.

Cilantro, like parsley, dill, is rich in luteolin. This substance is involved in the processes of splitting hyaluronic acid – it is responsible for the flexibility of the tendons. Establishing the process of digestion is already at an early age. And the introduction of cilantro into the diet will help in this often difficult task.

Регулярное употребление зелени помогает поддерживать зрение малыша. А наличие в составе различных групп витаминов положительно сказывается на работе иммунной системы.

Вред кинзы

Cilantro also has contraindications for eating. It can not be eaten with peptic ulcer, thrombophlebitis, gastritis in the acute phase.

С осторожностью рекомендуется вводить в рацион эту зелень беременным женщинам, людям, перенесшим инсульт, и маленьким детям. Необходимо обязательно следить за реакцией организма и при обращаться за консультацией к врачу.

– The effect of cilantro on the body of pregnant women has not yet been studied, so it is better for them to refuse to eat cilantro if possible. People with frequent manifestations of an allergic reaction should also be careful,” adds Alexandra Kadutskova.

The use of cilantro in medicine

Кинза способствует снятию нервного напряжения. Хотя, конечно, только на зелень уповать не стоит — растение станет хорошим дополнением к основному лечению.

Врачи выделяют противомикробные свойства кинзы: это большой плюс при лечении паразитов. Растение снижает активность мелких паразитов, при этом помогает выводить гельминтов.

Degenerative changes in the retina or other vision problems are treated, like many diseases, in combination with a special diet. In such cases, cilantro as an element of the diet contributes to a better course of treatment – all thanks to the high content of vitamin A.

The plant is often included in the diet of patients with hypertension. Due to the increased connection of calcium ions and acetylcholine, the tone of blood vessels decreases. This is a positive moment for the prevention of other cardiovascular diseases.

The use of cilantro in cooking

В кулинарии кинзу применяют в качестве специи. Она входит в состав горячих блюд, салатов, первых, закусок, напитков и даже десертов! Разнообразие рецептов с кинзой действительно велико, но её нельзя назвать универсальной зеленью, как петрушку или укроп, например. Всё из-за специфического вкуса и аромата растения: он горьковатый и терпкий. Чтобы нейтрализовать, слегка смягчить этот вкус, кинзу часто смешивают с базиликом.

В мясные блюда и супы зелень добавляют в нарезанном виде, она выступает отличным дополнением к макаронным изделиями и другим гарнирам: рису, чечевице, полбе. Используют кинзу и для украшения блюд. Без этого растения нельзя себе представить суп харчо, кебан, сациви, корейский салат.

If you want to impress your guests, you should try tarragon and cilantro muffins. Another interesting combination: strawberries and cilantro. The sweet pulp of the berry will set off the bitterness of the greens. And you can mix them together in the form of a smoothie or mousse.

Braised beef with cilantro and basil

Greens emphasize the taste of meat and make the dish even tastier.

Beef1 kg
Basil40 g
Cilantro50 g
Tomatoes400 g
Onions200 g
Bay leaf1 piece.

Before cooking, beef should be washed and dried well, and then cut into small pieces. Onions should be peeled and cut into medium cubes. Put the meat and onions on the bottom of a large saucepan, pour 1,5 liters of purified water and simmer for 1 hour over medium heat.

Зелень и помидоры нарезать, добавить к мясу. Через пару минут положить в кастрюлю лавровый лист. Довести блюдо до кипения. Подавать посыпав зеленью, блюдо можно дополнить гарниром из риса или чечевицы.

Submit your signature dish recipe by email. [email protected]. Healthy Food Near Me will publish the most interesting and unusual ideas

Muffins with cilantro and tarragon

Unsweetened pastries, and even with greens – a good option to complement dinner or lunch

Butter2 Art. spoons
Cilantro40 g
Egg1 piece.
Kefir100 ml
Tarhun30 g
Sunflower oil2 Art. spoons
Flour2 glasses
Baking powder7 g
Parmesan or other hard cheese50 g
Salt, pepper, spicesto taste

Sift flour into a large bowl, add baking powder and salt to it. In another container, mix kefir at room temperature, eggs and vegetable oil. Combine the contents of two bowls: the dough does not need to be kneaded

Тархун с кинзой мелко нарезать. Разогреть сковороду со сливочным маслом и обжарить зелень в течение двух минут. Дать ей остыть, после добавить зелень в тесто.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater: add half to the dough. Pour the batter into the cupcake molds, after brushing them with vegetable oil. And sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to choose and store cilantro

When buying, you should look at both the stems and the leaves of cilantro. They should be uniform in color, without noticeable damage.

Before putting the herbs in the refrigerator, they must be thoroughly washed. After that, it is important to cut the stems: this way the cilantro will be stored much longer. It is better to store any greens in a container with water. This will help her stay fresh and not wither prematurely. You can put cilantro in a small bottle or glass of water. The fluid should be changed two to three times a week.

If it is not possible to store cilantro in water, you can simply wrap it in a bag so that excess air does not pass through. It won’t dry out and will last longer in the fridge.

Freezing greens is a convenient and quick way to give dishes a bright taste even in winter, in the off-season. You can freeze cilantro in simple plastic bags. Usually they are reused or a special option is chosen for freezing vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Popular questions and answers

Alexandra Kadutskova, a certified family dietitian, member of the Dietitians CDC, answers popular questions:

What is another name for cilantro?

Cilantro is also called coriander, but this is not entirely true. In fact, they are parts of one plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family. Seeds can be considered coriander, but greens are already cilantro.

What does cilantro taste like?

It is difficult to compare it with other greens or describe the taste in two or three words. This is the beauty of cilantro: it is not only healthy, but also bright, standing out among other spices and seasonings. The aroma of this herb is tart and rich in essential oils.

When does cilantro season start and end?

Cilantro can be grown all year round if you do it in a greenhouse or on your balcony. In gardens, it begins to grow actively in mid-May: fresh herbs are harvested from the beds all summer. Cilantro “departs” closer to September, in the southern regions a little later. You should not buy this greenery in the off-season, especially in winter. When grown in greenhouse conditions, it is fertilized with pesticides. If you bought cilantro at such a time, it is recommended to soak it in water for at least half an hour, and after that, eat it.

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