
Cilantro, Chinese parsley, coriander are all names for one unique plant. Oddly enough, coriander and cilantro are two names for the same element. It came to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century from Asian countries. Now, the cultivation of such a valuable crop is practiced almost everywhere. The plant is extremely popular due to its healing and gustatory qualities, it is indispensable in medicine.

Brief information

The Latin analogue of the name is Coriandrum sativum. The plant has received a lot of regional “nicknames”. It’s guts, guts. Representative of the umbrella family. Its unique smell, which only ripe elements have, is extremely fragrant.

Such dissonance does not prevent the plant from being successfully used in the food and culinary industries. This is the main spice, which is often used in perfumery, cosmetology and soap making. Few people know, but coriander is one of the best honey plants.

The plant combines spice (leafy part), spices (medium-sized seeds). The plant is called a direct relative of dill.

The homeland is considered to be the west of Asia and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The value of an element in chemical terms

According to the beliefs of a number of regions, a coriander plant near the house fully purifies the air, attracts financial well-being. Cilantro tincture can even bewitch a loved one. Contains a huge amount of components, oils. It is the fruits that have the maximum value. So, in the composition of the seeds, one can distinguish the content of the linanool element, the geraniol substance.

Coriander leaves are rich in rutin, carotene. Greens are maximally supplied with vitamin elements. Shoots have a significant concentration of potassium. The element is essential for the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Application in medicine

The healing qualities of the element have been known for a long time. For the first time in the treatment of patients, the plant began to be used in ancient China. In Egypt, mainly fruits and leaves were used. So they fought with ailments of the liver, intestinal tract.

Juice has become an invaluable remedy for the defensive direction. In ancient times, the leaves of the plant were used to prevent typhus.

Cilantro is an important bactericidal element. That is why it is often included in the complex therapy of infectious lesions. The leaves and fruit have been shown to improve brain and heart function. The plant is shown in a depressed state, bouts of hysteria and neurogenic suffocation.

Undesirable effects

The value and usefulness of coriander is noted when consumed in moderate amounts. If there is an overdose of the substance, a pronounced sleep disturbance, slow-wittedness, and sometimes even stuttering appear. A proven fact – huge problems with memory. In large quantities, the element adversely affects the reproductive sphere of the fair sex. According to generally accepted recommendations, the healing dose of the element should not be exceeded. It is 35 grams of leaves or 4 grams of seeds.

It is difficult to list all the healing properties of this miracle plant. Coriander helps to break down food components, soothes the inflamed walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and restores the proper functioning of the sex glands.

The element is distinguished by pronounced carminative and diaphoretic qualities. Irreplaceable properties for hemorrhoidal problems.

A huge healing role is played by specific infusions and decoctions of spice fruits. They have an extremely pronounced sedative and anticonvulsant effect. So, very often the spice is added to the food of the mentally ill and those suffering from severe epilepsy.

Coriander seeds effectively deal with the problem of bad breath. This is especially true of the alcoholic “aroma”. There is a trick: if you soak coriander seeds in it before drinking, the process of intoxication will slow down significantly. Hangover after such a feast will be minimal.

Leaf juice and all essential oils are greenish in color. They have found their application in dentistry. These are effective medicines against stomatitis, soreness in the teeth. The element has a pronounced hemostatic, wound healing, anthelmintic and choleretic effect. Cilantro has a unique antibiotic effect.

Useful properties have found application in youthful dermatology. A distinctive feature – a medicinal plant effectively defeats acne, evens out skin tone, eliminates minor defects in the integument.

Contraindications to use

Despite its natural origin, this element can not be consumed by everyone, because it also brings harm. Coriander is distinguished by a mass of useful qualities, but it cannot be considered a panacea for all ailments. Useful properties and contraindications are not compatible.

Products and medicines based on coriander are strictly prohibited for use by women in a special position and throughout the entire lactation period. In addition, it is better to refuse the use of spices for people after a heart attack, stroke, suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Principles of folk treatment

Most often, in the recipes of alternative medicine, it is the infusion of coriander seeds that appears. The effect and benefits of therapy depend on the correct preparation. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to pour coriander seeds with boiling water and insist in a closed container. It is necessary to use such a medicine before a meal.

One of the areas of use of essential oil from the spice is aromatherapy. When adding it to the aroma lamp, a person, inhaling these fragrances, becomes more calm, balanced, rested. Such procedures are especially indicated for persons during the period of convalescence after infectious diseases.

To minimize depressive disorders, infusions from the fruit part are best suited. They are poured with dry red wine and insisted for about a week.

Consume daily before meals. The duration of such therapy is individual, depending on the severity of the condition and the response to therapy.

Oddly enough, but experts recommend using coriander oil inside. So, by mixing it with honey, you can get a unique medicine against fatigue. When oil is added to antirheumatic ointments, the effectiveness of therapy is greatly enhanced.

Culinary Features

This is a universal seasoning. It goes well and delicious with other spices, including peppers, celery, cumin. The fresh parts of the plant make a wonderful addition to light, summer vegetable salads. But you shouldn’t overdo it with cilantro – the spice has a specific flavor and not everyone likes it.

Borodino bread, its preparation is not complete without sprinkling with seeds. They are also added when pickling cabbage, pickling. The aromatic root of the plant is the most common and important ingredient in Thai and Vietnamese cuisines.

How to cook delicious carrots? Carrots in Korean are unthinkable without this spice. It is also often added to pasta in a pan – the element fully replaces the usual green basil. Basil butter is the perfect solution for unusual sandwiches.

Meat in a coriander marinade will last longer, in the oven it will cook well and quickly. You can sprinkle raw fillet with coriander seeds and vinegar and it will last longer.

Seeds are recommended to grind immediately before adding to the dish – crushing in a mortar. Cooks use the seeds in buns. Moreover, ground and whole seeds are suitable. Preserve the original element by freezing. Cubes are successfully added to risotto, soups, vegetables.

Some brewers have managed to add spice during the preparation of a foamy drink. The quality and aroma of the beer only benefited from this.

Buying time and making the right choice

The peak of greenery seasonality is the summer period. But the greenhouse option is purchased throughout the year. But dry cilantro is sold in hermetic packages. For cooking, it is categorically impossible to buy sluggish, rotten greens.

It turns out that this is not a simple plant, as it might seem at first glance. It has found its application in various industries. Without it, the preparation of a number of products is unthinkable. This medicine is a panacea for many ailments.

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