Cider Somersby (Somersby): what is made of, a review of taste

Cider “Somersby” – an alcoholic drink with a gently – sweetish aftertaste, reeking of apple and pear aroma. The color of the drink is soft golden. Cider is made from fermented natural apple juice.

The story goes that cider is the traditional alcoholic drink of the British, but Somersby has won the love of gourmets around the globe. This drink is sold in any domestic supermarket, as well as outside the countries of the former CIS. The price of Somersby is slightly higher than the cost of beer, which is why many people confuse apple cider with ale or champagne. But it is not so.

cider recipes

History of Somersby

Somersby cider has an interesting history. According to legend, the Romans, who arrived in England in the XNUMXst century BC, began to study the inhabitants of a small village – including their traditions. To the general surprise of the Romans, the locals drank a “wonder drink” that barely resembled apple cider. Cider in those days was not a well-known alcohol, in connection with which the “guests” became interested in the recipe for its preparation.

For many years, England was famous for its large apple yield. This inspired the locals to invent their own natural fruit drinks. Somersby’s “progenitor” was a cider called Scrumpy. It was a popular sweetened alternative to dark beer that served exactly the same function: cooling, slightly intoxicating, and at the same time considered to be much healthier than water. The recipe for the drink soon “scattered” around the world, and thus “Somersby” was born.

The secret of the brand’s popularity lies in its uniqueness. Historically, the drink was developed as an invigorating cool alcoholic cider that did not cause a hangover.

The subtleties of Somersby production

The uniqueness of the Somersby technology lies in the absence of additives and preservatives. Cider combines an unusual combination of juice of different sorts of apples, which go through a natural stage of fermentation. In this regard, alcoholic cider turns out to be weak in taste and fragrant.

What you need to know about Somersby:

  1. Raw materials are selected exclusively natural.

  2. The strength of the drink does not exceed 5%.

  3. Products selected for fermentation often belong to different varieties and even species.

Features of taste and serving of Somersby

Cider is one of the few alcoholic drinks that can be served warm with honey or spices.

In the hot season, it is customary to serve cider chilled, at a temperature of 12-13 C (it is possible with ice). Drink containers should be tall, wide at the top. Cider must be poured in such a way that the uncorked vessel is at a great distance from the glass. Thanks to the right pouring angle, the cider acquires a rich taste and spreads a delicious fruity aroma.

The remains of cider are not drunk – they are usually poured onto the ground, in gratitude to the soil for its fertility. You can have a bite of “Somersby” with poultry, game under a variety of sauces. Also, cider is in perfect harmony with potato casserole, cold meat appetizer, bakery products.

To date, alcohol stores sell the following flavors of “Somersby”: classic (apple); pear; bilberry; cinnamon.

“Somersby” with blueberry and cinnamon flavors is the same apple cider in which the juices of the listed products have been added. The taste of such a drink is soft, refined, gives off the sourness of wild berries. The degree of such ciders does not exceed 4,6%.

Relevance: 15.04.2018

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Cider brands

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