
Cider is considered a close relative of apple cider vinegar and a classic expression of Western gastronomy. Over the past ten years, the drink has gone through a rapid path of development and transformation. Even nutritionists who are skeptical of alcohol have called cider a catalyst for the right acidity and the most useful jolly drink.

In the CIS, cider appeared relatively recently, but quickly conquered the retail space and received people’s love. The main advantage of the drink is lightness and sweet and sour taste, which are successfully intertwined with alcohol. Cider is suitable both for independent use and for cooking, and its taste can change depending on the temperature of the liquid.

What is a drink, how to make homemade cider and what you need to know about the modern alcohol market?

General product characteristics

Cider is a low alcohol drink. It is obtained by fermenting fruit juice. The use of apple juice is considered traditional, but the alcohol market offers pear, blueberry, raspberry, grapefruit and even mint or lavender spirits. Some recipes provide for natural fermentation of liquids, others – with the help of special cultivated yeast.

Production features

For the preparation of the drink, specially cultivated varieties of apples are most often used. Ordinary apples that we see on store shelves and eat are not quite suitable for industrial production. Why? They contain a minimum concentration of tannins.

Tannins are phenolic compounds of plant origin that contain an abundance of hydroxyl groups. They have tannic properties and a specific astringent taste. Tannins are responsible for the rich caramel shade of the drink, sour notes and a pleasant aftertaste.

Some producers still use table or dessert apples for cider. In this case, the taste, color, structure and aftertaste will be less pronounced. Usually, a number of other ingredients (both natural and chemical) are added to such drinks to make up for the missing characteristics.

Manufacturers divide cider apples into 4 categories depending on the concentration of tannins and acid:

  • sweet (little tannin and acid);
  • sour (little tannin, a lot of acid);
  • bitter-sour (a lot of tannin, little acid);
  • bitter-sour (a lot of tannin and acid).

The best cider comes from a combination of all apple varieties, but one particular variety can be used to achieve a sweet/bitter/sour/tart flavor palette.

Important: Do not use a fresh fruit crop for a drink. They must lie down for at least 1 week before use. Apples are peeled, sent under pressure, juice is squeezed out of them and sent for fermentation. After that, the liquid is bottled and delivered to the points of sale.

During the preparation, the drink goes through 2 different stages of fermentation. The first step is the artificial addition of yeast. Together with the yeast that is originally found on the apple peel, the fruit undergoes fermentation. Some growers forgo artificial ingredients and wait for the apples to ferment on their own. During the first fermentation, the alcoholic component of the drink is also formed – sugar stops into ethanol. The second fermentation takes place already in the juice. Natural bacteria regulate the process of converting malic acid into lactic and carbonic acid.

In many countries, the state closely monitors the industrial production of alcoholic beverages. For example, in the UK, at the legislative level, the minimum dose of apple juice, which should be in cider, is 50% or more. If this requirement is not met, the parties simply do not get on the counter and are disposed of.

The strength of the finished drink traditionally varies from 1 to 8%. As the sweetness of cider is divided into several categories from dry to sweet. There is also a specific gradation of shades. The color of cider depends on its component components and can convey the entire palette of known shades. With a low degree of filtration, the liquid may appear cloudy and form a precipitate – this does not indicate poor quality, but production features.

In the modern alcohol market, carbonated or champagne cider holds the leading position. Its strength varies from 5 to 8%. The taste and structure of the drink is very similar to sparkling wine. The only difference is the variety of fruit flavors and combinations.

Historical information

There are many theories about the origin of the apple drink. One of them mentions Charlemagne – the king of the Franks (VIII-IX). The legend tells that Karl accidentally sat on a bag of overripe apples. The fruits were crushed under the weight of the ruler, but the resulting liquid became the impetus for the invention of cider. But Pliny, an ancient Roman writer, also mentioned the properties and popularity of the drink. The years of his work fall on the year 60-79 AD, which makes the version with Charlemagne nothing more than a fiction.

During the Middle Ages, cider became the national drink of the Basques. This is the people who inhabited the Basque lands in southwestern France and northern Spain. In 1189, the rules for growing apples, their preparation, cleaning and fermentation to create an alcoholic drink were conditionally approved.

Fact. The first state that regulated the production of apple cider was the Kingdom of Navarre. By the end of the XNUMXth century, the drink became the most popular in the kingdom, and in terms of production it significantly exceeded beer. During the reign of Louis XII, one Navarre nobleman Guyon Dursue transferred production technology to Normandy and contributed to the spread of apple drink.

In the past, a special horse-drawn crusher and a cider press were used to extract the juice. The press was a huge vat for draining the liquid, a special box for fruit and weights. A similar design can be made independently from improvised materials.

The traditional drink was considered seasonal and was characterized by a minimum shelf life. It was prepared and drunk in the fall – at the same time large-scale cider festivals were held, which have survived to this day. In some French provinces of the XNUMXth century, the drink became more popular than wine – the hallmark of France. But after the twentieth century, apple cider still gave way to beer. This was due to the minimum shelf life of the drink and its seasonality.

Geographical features of production

It is believed that the highest quality ciders are produced in the north of France, namely in Normandy and Brittany. Normandy cider is used not only as an independent drink, but also as a raw material for Calvados. Calvados is a brandy based on apple or pear cider. Cider is distilled, insisted, combined with additional components and Calvados is obtained with a strength of 40%.

In Hesse and the middle Rhine valley, a tart, slightly sour apple cider is produced, which the locals call apple wine (Apfelwein). In Frankfurt, at the beginning of autumn, the cider festival, Apfelweinfest, is traditionally held.

Basque Country and Asturias (autonomous communities in northern Spain) consider themselves the birthplace of the drink. The traditional serving of cider in these areas looks like this: liquid is poured from a bottle from a height of 60-80 centimeters directly into a special glass.

Fact: The highest level of per capita consumption of cider is recorded in the western part of England.

In Eastern Europe, the drink did not receive such colossal approval and popularity. For example, in Poland, cider occupies only 1% of the alcohol market, and in the former Soviet republics, the sale and industrial production of the drink was launched only in the post-Soviet period. In North America, cider is not even classified as an alcohol. There it is considered one of the varieties of concentrated apple juice.

Useful properties of the product

The cider has taken the lion’s share of the benefits from its main ingredient – the apple. The drink with the most pure and organic composition has a rich set of vitamins / minerals that contribute to:

  • vasodilatation and pressure harmonization;
  • activation of the gastrointestinal tract, acceleration of metabolic processes and increase in the degree of digestibility of food products;
  • reducing the risk of developing depression and serious problems with psycho-emotional health;
  • increased salivation and increased appetite;
  • blocking free radicals and protecting the body from early aging;
  • acceleration of lipid metabolism;
  • fast and effective removal of toxins, cleansing the body.

The beneficial properties of the drink depend on the variety of apples on the basis of which it was prepared. You also need to pay attention to the composition. The shorter it is, the better the product in your hands. Avoid drinking drinks with extra sugar and preservatives – better find a responsible manufacturer or make your own cider.

Cider is an organically pure drink, therefore, it does not contain harmful and dangerous components (chemical additives, carcinogens, toxins). Along with a relatively low calorie content (40-47 kcal per 100 ml of product), cider is rich in carbohydrates, as it contains sugar added during the production process. The sugar content does not go beyond the norm and does not pose a danger to the body.

homemade apple cider recipe

This is an authentic drink recipe that uses only apple juice – no yeast or sugar is needed. If you want to diversify the taste and add a few additional accents, add spices before fermentation. The taste of the finished drink depends mainly on the selected variety of apples. Of the most common varieties, Antonovka is perfect.

Important: do not thoroughly wash the apples with soap before fermentation. Natural yeast should remain in the peel, and the chemical components of the soap will destroy it.

All you need to make cider is apples. You can vary the amount yourself depending on your personal needs.

Required inventory:

  • juicer;
  • a massive container for fermentation (it is best to use metal or glass);
  • sealed container for storing liquid;
  • rubber gloves.

The total duration of fermentation is 20 days. How to understand that the fermentation is over and the cider is ready to drink? This can be understood by the rubber glove that will cover the cider container – it should fall. The finished liquid can be additionally filtered through gauze or a cotton waffle towel.

Technology of preparation

Rinse the apples under running water, cut into random slices and remove the ponytails/hard cores. Pass the prepared fruit through a press or juicer. Pour the finished juice into a glass or metal container. The container must be water sealed. If there is no shutter, put a rubber glove on it. The main rule is that air should not enter the liquid. Place the container in a dark room at room temperature for 20 days. After this time, pour the juice into an airtight container (the sediment does not need to be raised) and store the cider in the refrigerator.

The use of an alcoholic ingredient in cooking

Cider can be used in all recipes that involve alcohol. Sauces, marinades, gravies, various dressings are made on its basis. You can soak fruits or berries in cider before making a pie – the taste of the ingredients will be filled with a slight sourness and a characteristic alcoholic aftertaste.

Strawberry Cider Gazpacho Recipe

We need:

  • fresh strawberries – 300 grams;
  • dry cider or light ale to taste – 200 milliliters;
  • peeled cucumber – 200 grams;
  • ice – 40 grams;
  • green basil – 1 sprig for decoration.

Technology of preparation

Leave a few grams of fresh strawberries and cucumber for decoration, the rest – beat in a blender until a homogeneous thick mass. Add cider to the resulting mass, mix the contents thoroughly. Pour the gazpacho into a deep plate, garnish with cucumber slices, strawberries and a sprig of green basil. Serve immediately after preparation.

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