Ciboria amentacea (Ciboria amentacea)
Fruit body 0,5-1 cm in diameter, cup-shaped, saucer-shaped with age, smooth inside, beige, gray-brown, dull outside, one-color, pale brown.
Spore powder is yellowish.
Leg about 3 cm long and 0,05-0,1 cm in diameter, curved, narrowed, smooth, brown, dark brown, blackish towards the base (sclerotium).
Flesh: thin, dense, brownish, odorless
Habitat: in early spring, from mid-April to mid-May, in deciduous and mixed forests on last year’s fallen catkins of alder, hazel, willow, aspen, and other plant remains, with sufficient humidity, in groups and singly, is rare. Infection with the fungus occurs during the flowering of the plant, then the fungus overwinters on it, and the next spring the fruiting body sprouts. At the base of the stem is a hard oblong blackish sclerotium.