For the umpteenth time, I doubted the mental abilities of my precious wife. And this lack of her IQ got out in just one phrase.
My beloved said that if I didn’t drink at all, it’s generally unknown what position I would have reached. Perhaps he would even become president himself! And why did she get the idea that I’m worse than the president – presidents don’t drink?
I had to do some explanatory work with the missus and tell how and what the heads of state drink.
Presidents who prefer strong alcohol
In today’s world, heads of state really don’t like strong drinks. All lovers of serious alcohol are already a thing of the past. There have been three presidents in the United States who were not indifferent to alcohol.
This is Pierce, who, by the way, died of cirrhosis of the liver. President Grant was also famous for his love of strong drinks, as well as President Nixon.
But Winston Churchill did not sit at the table without whiskey. He preferred Johnnie Walker (Johnnie Walker, 3 rubles per bottle of 200), but he was not the president either, but only the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Churchill had his weaknesses – Johnny Walker, favorite whiskey of the British Prime Minister
We can remember our Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin – he never refused to raise a glass. There is no need to talk about the preference of any one drink here. He drank hard, that was. This head of state did not respect low-alcohol drinks.
William McKinley preferred a special cocktail that was made exclusively for him. Drink McKinley’s Delight (Delighted McKinley) consisted of whiskey, which added brandy vermouth and absinthe.
Putin, Lukashenka and Chinese leader Xi Jinping can and do know how to drink strong liquor, but it would be extremely wrong to talk about their addiction to such alcohol: a glass or two in special cases and that’s it.
Attention! The head of state must be able to drink strong alcohol, but to give preference to it or not is the personal choice of the ruler.
Which country’s presidents like wine the most?
But wine is loved by many world leaders. What can I say, even our Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin preferred wine to any other drink.
Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, despite her neat age (92), does not miss a single day without cheering herself up with a glass of gin, red wine, martini or champagne. And often during the day she manages to try everything.
However, the real connoisseur and connoisseur of wines is French President Emmanuel Macron. His favorite wines are Bordeaux, Château Duar-Milon and Château La Sergue.
Choice of the President of France:
beer connoisseurs
And there are.
Barack Obama is an avid beer drinker. He likes the sweet variety – Lindemans (Lindemans, 230 rubles for 0,25). This president is so kind to this variety that he himself began to produce it.
The famous Lady Angela Merkel also loves beer. She can afford a glass not only at home or with friends, but also right at the workplace. True, she does not give preference to any one variety, preferring just a good, light one.
But in the first place, I would put our president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In different situations, he can afford any drink, but his favorite is, nevertheless, beer.
Our guarantor prefers German beer Radeberger (Radeberger, 195 rubles for 0,5). Putin has long-standing love for him, ever since his service in Germany.
Beer of our president – Radeberger of the German brewery
Non-drinking world leaders
There are also non-drinking leaders of states. A prime example of this is the current President of the United States, Donald Trump. There is information that Trump was going to produce vodka named after himself, besides, his son owns a winery.
But the President refuses to drink alcohol. Neither strong nor low-alcohol drinks appeal to him. And all because his brother loved alcohol so much that he died young from it.
Attention! If the President does not drink at all, this is absolutely no evidence of his impeccability.
I collected material about the addictions of world leaders, gave a lecture to my wife, but still did not understand – to drink or not to drink? Maybe, in fact, if I stop indulging myself with a glass of Stolichnaya, I will have the prospect of moving to the White House ahead of me? What do you think?