Church holidays in March 2023


Memorial Day of St. Alexis the Man of God, the Uncovering of the relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow, as well as the continuation of the main post in Orthodoxy – the Great. We tell you what other church holidays believers celebrate in March 2023

The first month of spring is especially revered for a Christian. At this time, believers are preparing for an important celebration – the Bright Sunday of Christ. In March 2023, in addition to the days of honoring the memory of the saints, a multi-day fast falls, which will last the entire month. Read in the material ” Healthy Food Near Me” about these and other church holidays.

Calendar of church holidays in March by day

March 1March 16
March 2March 17
March 3March 18
March 4March 19
March 5March 20
March 6March 21
March 7March 22
March 8March 23
March 9March 24
March 10March 25
March 11March 26
March 12March 27
March 13March 28
March 14March 29
March 15March 30
March 31

March 1

Memorial Day of Macarius Nevsky

On the first day of spring, believers honor the memory of the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Saint Macarius, canonized in 2000.

Memorial Day of the Twelve Holy Martyrs

Commemoration of the twelve martyrs who were tormented for their faith in Christ in Caesarea, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

Week of Great Lent

Third day of the first week of Great Lent. At this time, believers observe a strict fast.

March 2

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Theodore Tyron      

The holiday is dedicated to Theodore Tyron. The saint was subjected to cruel torments for a firm confession of the Christian faith, then they burned him.

Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Hermogenes

Celebration in honor of the Patriarch of Moscow Saint Hermogenes, a well-known church public figure. In 2013, a monument to St. Hermogenes was unveiled near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin.

March 3

Memorial Day of Kosma Yakhrovsky

Believers honor the memory of the founder of the temple in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – St. Cosmas.

Memorial Day of Saint Leo I

On this day, the Orthodox commemorate St. Leo I. The saint defended Orthodoxy from the Manichaean and Eutychian heresies. 

March 4

Memorial Day of St. Theodore of Sanaksar         

Church memory of the abbot of the Sanaksar monastery – Theodore. The monk was a demanding and strict novice of the monastery. He was approached for material help and for spiritual advice.

Memorial Day of the Apostles from 70 Philemon and Archippus (Day of Arkhip and Philemon)

On this day, believers remember the disciples of the Apostle Paul – Archippus and Philemon, who were subjected to torture and torment during the reign of Emperor Nero.

March 5

Memorial Day of Cornelius of Pskov-Pechersk   

Honoring the memory of the hegumen of the Pskov-Caves Monastery – St. Cornelius. The monk is known as an educator and a writer.

Memorial Day of Leo of Katansky

On this day, the Church commemorates the Bishop of Sicily, Saint Leo. The monk possessed the gift of miracles and the healing of diseases.

Memorial Day of Agathon Pechersky

Honoring the memory of St. Agathon, who lived in the Kiev Caves Monastery. Agathon had the gift of prophecy and healing people from diseases.

March 6

Memorial Day of Timothy Olimpiyskiy (Timofey Vesnovey)

A memorable date in the church calendar in honor of St. Timothy, who from a young age settled in the Symbols Monastery at Mount Olympus in Asia Minor. The saint cast out unclean spirits and healed the sick. The popular name “Spring” was given to the holiday because at that time warm winds began to blow, the harbingers of spring.

Commemoration of Archbishop Eustathius of Antioch

Commemoration of Archbishop Eustathius of Antioch. Saint Eustathius firmly defended the purity of the Orthodox faith, for which he enjoyed the love and respect of the people.

March 7

Uncovering the relics of the martyrs, like in Eugene        

The acquisition of the holy relics of many Christian martyrs in Constantinople, near the Eugene Gate and the tower.

March 8

Memorial Day of Polycarp of Smyrna (Polikarpov Day)

The church celebrates the memory of St. Polycarp. The bishop was martyred for the Christian faith under Emperor Aurelius. 

The relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow         

The day of finding the holy relics of the Matrona of Moscow in 1998 at the Danilovsky cemetery.

March 9

Memorial Day of the first and second finding of the head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

Sacred memory of the first and second acquisition of the head of the head of John the Baptist. The first event took place on the Mount of Olives, the second – in a cave near Emessa.

March 10 

Memorial Day of St. Tarasius of Constantinople (Taras the Sleepless)

Honoring St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople. The saint ruled the Church for 22 years and led a severe ascetic life. During his lifetime, the Saint slept little, hence the popular name “Sleepless”.

March 11

Memorial Day of St. Porfiry (Porfiry the Late)

This day is celebrated Archbishop of Gaza – Saint Porfiry. By the end of his life, the saint protected his flock from the oppression of the pagans and fully established Christianity in Gaza. The name “Late” is associated with changeable weather at this time – the thaw can be replaced by frost.

Saturday of the Second Week of Great Lent

Saturday of the second week of Great Lent is the day when the dead are remembered. On the appointed days, prayerful commemoration of the departed is held.

March 12 

Memorial Day of Procopius Dekapolit (Prokop the Roadbreaker)

Church remembrance Saint Procopius, who lived in the XNUMXth century in the region of Decapolis. The monk opposed the iconoclastic heresy in every possible way. During the reign of Emperor Leo the Isaurian, he was seized and thrown into prison. Despite this, after his release, Procopius continued to successfully preach Christianity. The popular name “Rogorushitel” is associated with the melting of rolled snow roads – the sledge track. 

Memorial Day of St. Titus

A holiday dedicated to the holy monk of the Kyiv Caves Monastery – Titus. The saint suffered a serious illness during his lifetime, but after his healing he acquired the gift of miracles.

March 13

Memorial Day of St. John Cassian (Kasian’s Day)

This day in the church calendar is marked as the day of memory of the holy monk and theologian – John Cassian, who founded monasticism in Gaul and two monasteries in Marseille.

Memorial Day of St. Basil Dekapolit (Vasily Kapelnik)

The memory of the holy monk-confessor Vasily. During his lifetime, during the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Isaurian, the monk was imprisoned and tortured for his religion. The popular name of the holiday “Drip” is associated with a spring drop, when the sound of drops falling from the roofs is heard.

Memorial Day of Blessed Nicholas Sallos of Pskov   

Celebration dedicated to the memory of St. Nicholas from the Pskov land. The Blessed One saved Pskov from the defeat of Ivan the Terrible in 1570 with his prayers and prophecy.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Arseny of Rostov    

On this day they honor the Metropolitan of Rostov – Saint Arseny Matseevich, who opposed the church reform of Peter I, for which he was imprisoned. 

March 14

Orthodox Book Day

The holiday was established by Patriarch Kirill in 2009. At a meeting of the Publishing Council of the Orthodox Church, His Holiness the Patriarch emphasized that the church needs high-quality missionary literature, and therefore “it makes sense on some day to think and pray especially about book publishers and book publishing. There can be no success in the church if we do not accompany our work with pure prayer.”

Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Evdokia of Iliopol

Honoring the memory of Saint Eudoxia. For a long time she led a sinful life, but then she accepted Baptism and went to a monastery. Later, on the orders of the cruel persecutor of Christians, the ruler Vincent, Evdokia was executed and beheaded.

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March 15

Memorial Day of St. Arseny, Bishop of Tver

In mid-March, the Orthodox honor the memory of Bishop Arseny of TverDuring his lifetime, the saint built and consecrated many cathedrals, and also founded the Zheltikov Monastery near Tver. For spiritual merits he was glorified by the Church in 1547. The people’s “Vetronos” got the day for strong winds that knocked down and could cause a cold.

Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God, called “Reigning”       

The holiday is dedicated to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God – “The Sovereign”. It was found in the basement of the Ascension Church in the village of Kolomenskoye in 1917.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Theodotos of Cyrene (Fedot Vetronos)

Memorial Day of the Bishop of Cyrene – St. Theodotus, who endured many tortures and sufferings for the open preaching of the Christian faith during the reign of Licinius.

March 16

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Eutropius, Cleonice and Basilisk (Eutropian Day)

On this day, they honor the memory of the three martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith in Amasia of Pontus in 308 – Eutropius, Cleonice and Basilisk. On Eutropian day, they performed the rite of calling for the help of the sun.

March 17

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow   

Memorial Day of the first appanage prince Daniel of Moscow – the founder of the Epiphany Monastery, the church in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, as well as the first male monastery in Moscow.

Memorial Day of St. Gerasim of Vologda         

Church memory of the Vologda miracle worker – Gerasim, who founded the temple and monastery in the Name of the Holy Trinity on the Vologda River.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Vyacheslav Czech    

A memorable date in honor of Prince Vyacheslav of Czech, who founded the church in the name of St. Vitus in Prague.

Memorial Day of St. Gerasim of Jordan

Honoring the memory of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan, who from a young age left the worldly life and decided to devote himself to the service of the Lord. Having taken monastic vows, the monk went to the Thebaid desert. After that, he settled in the Jordanian desert, where he founded a spiritual monastery, the rules of which were very strict. 

March 18

Saturday of the Third Week of Great Lent

The third week of Great Lent or parental Saturday is one of the three commemorative Saturdays of Lent, at which time a funeral service is performed for the dead. The name “parental” comes from the church tradition to call the deceased “parents”, that is, those who have gone to their fathers.

Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Adrian Poshekhonsky

Honoring the memory of the founder of the Adrian Poshekhonsky Monastery – hegumen Adrian Poshekhonsky.

Uncovering the relics of the Right-Believing Prince Theodore Rostislavich Cherny, Smolensky and his children David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl Wonderworkers          

Celebration dedicated to the uncovering of the holy relics of Prince Theodore, Smolensky and Yaroslavsky and his two sons in Yaroslavl in 1463.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Konon of Isauria (Konon the Gardener)

Day of honoring the memory of the martyr Konon of Isauria, who suffered cruel tortures during the persecution of Christians in Isauria. The popular name of the holiday is associated with the martyr Konon, who is considered the patron and protector of gardeners, crops and harvests.

March 19

Memorial Day of the Martyrs in the Amorite: Constantine, Aetius, Theophilus, Theodore, Melissen, Callistus, Vasoya and others with them

Commemorative date of 42 Christian martyrs who were tortured for refusing to convert to Islam in Amorite during the war between the Greek Emperor Theophilus and the Saracens.

March 20

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyrs Basil, Ephraim, Kapiton, Eugene, Etherius, Elpidius and Agafodor in Kherson

On March 20, believers honor the seven holy martyrs who were tortured for preaching the Christian faith in the city of Chersonese.

March 21

Memorial Day of St. Theophylact of Nicomedia          

A holiday in honor of St. Theophylact, who had the gift of miracles and prophecy. For predicting the imminent death of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian, the saint was exiled to the fortress of Strovil, where he stayed for 30 years, until his death. 

March 22

Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Magpies)

Celebration of the memory of 40 saints who were martyred for the Christian faith in Sebastia in 320, during the reign of Emperor Licinius. According to the folk calendar, winter ends on Magpie, and spring begins.

March 23

Commemoration of the Martyrs of Kodrat, and others like him (Vasilisa of Corinth)

According to the Orthodox calendar, on this day, Saint Kodratus and his disciples are remembered, who suffered for their faith in Christ, during the reign of Emperor Decius.

March 24

Transfer of the relics of the martyr Epimakh the New

The Church commemorates the transfer of the holy relics of the martyr Epimachus, who was beheaded with a sword after severe torture for openly confessing the Christian faith in Alexandria in the year 250.

Memorial Day of Saint Sophronius the Wise     

Memorial Day of the Patriarch of Jerusalem – Saint Sophronius. He received his nickname “Wise” for his special love of philosophy. During his lifetime, the saint wrote many theological and hymnographic works.

Memorial Day of Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Honoring the memory of St. Euthymius. From a young age, the saint was given to the exploits of serving God. He spent his time in prayer and strict obedience, for which he was appointed Archbishop of Novgorod.

Memorial Day of St. Sophronius, Bishop of Vratsa

Church memoir of one of the outstanding figures of the Bulgarian revival – St. Sophronius, who from a young age showed interest in spiritual pursuits. Having received ordination to the priesthood, the saint became a teacher and a scribe.

March 25

Memorial Day of Simeon the New Theologian      

Sacred memory of the monk, theologian and composer of the “Hymns” – Simeon the New Theologian. 

Memorial Day of Theophanes the Confessor (Theophanes Day)

Believers on this day remember the founder and first hegumen of the monastery in the Sigrian region – Theophan the Confessor. The saint described the history of the Christian Church from 285 to 813

Memorial Day of St. Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome    

Honoring the memory of Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome, who founded six monasteries. Saint Gregory compiled in Latin the rite of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. He received his nickname “Dvoeslov” for conducting dialogues.

Saturday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent

The final fourth commemorative Saturday of the Fourth Day. This is the last special day during Lent when the dead are remembered.

March 26

Transfer of the relics of St. Nicephorus the Confessor (Nikifor Day)

A holiday established in honor of the transfer of the incorruptible remains of Patriarch Nicephorus from Prokonnis to Constantinople in 847.

March 27

Memorial Day of St. Benedict of Nursia (Venedict Day)

Honoring the memory of the founder of the Western monastic movement – St. Benedict, who had the gift of insight and healing. Among the people of the Venedikts, the day has another name – “Cattleman”: at this time, livestock undergoes a change in wool and undercoat.

March 28

Commemoration of Saint Agapios and his seven martyrs

Commemorative date in honor of Saint Agapios and the seven martyrs who suffered in Caesarea for their faith in Jesus during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

Hieromartyr Alexander of Sidsky (Alexander’s Day)

The memory of Saint Alexander, who was tortured for the Christian faith during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Aurelian.

March 29

Commemoration of the Martyr Pope of Laranda

Commemorative date of the martyr Pope of Laranda, who suffered for his faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Maximian.

Memorial Day of St. Serapion of Novgorod

Church memory in honor of the Archbishop of Novgorod – Serapion. The saint had the gift of prophecy and the healing of human ailments.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Savin of Egypt

The church honors the memory of the ruler of the Egyptian city of Hermopolis, the martyr Savin. He was tortured and then drowned in the Nile during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian.

March 30

Memorial Day of St. Alexis the Man of God (Alyosha Teply)

The Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of St. Alexis, a man of God, revered in both Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The saint gave up wealth and family life, distributing his riches to those in need. The people called the day “Warm” because usually at this time there is warm, sunny weather.

Memorial Day of St. Macarius Kalyazinsky

The memory of Saint Macarius, the founder of the Trinity Kalyazinsky Monastery. The saint was canonized in 1547.

Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick, also known as Saint Patrick, is the patron saint of Ireland. All over the world, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17, while in Our Country, his memorable day falls on the 30th: this is March 17 according to the old style.

March 31

Memorial Day of St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem

Commemoration dedicated to Cyril of Jerusalem. The saint wrote 23 teachings and 2 discourses on gospel topics.

Popular questions and answers

What big church holidays are celebrated in March 2023?

March 4, 2023 – Week 1 of Great Lent

March 11, 2023 – Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent

March 18, 2023 – Saturday of the 3nd week of Great Lent

March 25, 2023 – Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent

What is the best way to celebrate church holidays?

Each holiday marked in the Orthodox calendar has its own spiritual meaning associated with the main life principle of a Christian – the salvation of the soul. Therefore, on such days, believers are recommended to take part in church prayer. And also, if possible, stay in charitable thoughts and engage in reading spiritual literature.

What can and cannot be done on the days of church holidays?

In Orthodoxy, the observance of church fasts means special grace and the spiritual and moral transformation of a Christian. Therefore, during the days of Great Lent, believers observe certain food prohibitions in preparation for the Easter holiday.

On the first week of Lent, only fresh vegetables and fruits, bread, honey, and nuts are allowed to be eaten. Strict monastic charter requires fasters to completely refuse food on the first day of Great Lent. A complete ban is also imposed on food that has undergone heat treatment.

For a person living in the modern world, adherence to such a charter is an additional feat, which should be undertaken with the special blessing of a confessor.

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