Church holidays in June 2023


At the beginning of summer, the Orthodox celebrate one of the greatest holidays – the Trinity. Also in June, the Apostolic Lent begins. We invite you to learn about these and other church events celebrated in June 2023

At the beginning of summer, there are many memorable dates and events of sacred tradition, marked in the church calendar. The KP talks about the spiritual holidays that fall on June 2023.

Calendar of church holidays in June

1 June16 June
2 June17 June
3 June18 June
4 June19 June
5 June20 June
6 June21 June
7 June22 June
8 June23 June
9 June24 June
10 June25 June
11 June26 June
12 June27 June
13 June28 June
14 June29 June
15 June30 June

1 June

Semik (Green Christmas time)

Three days before the Holy Trinity, Semik is traditionally celebrated. The holiday was known in Our Country even before the Epiphany. Today, on this date, believers can order a memorial service for the deceased, whom the Church previously refused to be buried for any reason.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyrs Patrick of POur Country and with him three presbyters

On the first day of summer, the Church venerates the bishop of the city of POur Country and three of his followers—Akaky, Menander, and Polien, who were beheaded for believing in the Savior.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy

Day of honoring the memory of the Grand Duke – Dmitry Donskoy. The faithful received his nickname for the victory on the Kulikovo field.

Memorial Day of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow

Evdokia was born in Suzdal in a princely family, married the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy. After the death of her husband, she was tonsured with the name Euphrosyne. The saint is credited with many miracles during her life and after.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince John of Uglich

Commemorated in memory of the son of Prince Andrei Uglichsky – John, who was imprisoned without guilt for thirty-two years.

Memorial Day of St. Sergius of Shukhtomsky

Believers honor the memory of St. Sergius, who throughout his life preached the word of God. The monk became famous for the gift of healing people and prophecy.

2 June

Commemoration of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

The last day of the afterfeast of the Ascension of Christ. The celebration takes place on the 40th day after Easter, and like any other great date of the church calendar, it is celebrated a few days after. The holiday itself in 2023 falls on May 25.

Uncovering the relics of St. Alexis of Moscow

Commemoration of the discovery of the holy remains of the Moscow Metropolitan Alexy in 1431. The opening of the shrine took place during the laying of the foundation of a new temple, in the place where the Chudov Monastery in the Kremlin used to be.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Dovmont of Pskov

A memorable date in honor of the defender of the lands – Saint Dovmont, who ruled the city of Dovmont for thirty-three years. The prince was a just ruler, he followed justice, and also contributed to the construction and development of temples and monasteries. Thanks to him, a monastery was erected in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

3 June

Trinity parent Saturday

The feast preceding the Holy Trinity. On this day, it is customary to visit temples and graves of loved ones, pray for them and all the dead, even strangers. On this day, in the church, you can order Sorokoust in the name of a loved one who is no longer alive.

Commemoration of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Day of veneration of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir – the earliest of the known and now preserved icons of the Orthodox Church. The celebration was established in honor of the salvation of Moscow from the invasion of the Tatars in 1521.

Memorial Day Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine the Great and Helena

Church memory of the ruler of the Roman Empire Constantine and his mother. Constantine patronized the free confession of Christianity in the land subject to him, supported the Church in every possible way, and took care of the clergy. Wishing to find the Life-Giving Cross, he secured the trip of his mother Elena to Jerusalem, who, after a long search, was able to find it. This bright event took place in 326.

Cathedral of the Karelian Saints

Celebration of the memory of the holy Orthodox ascetics of Karelia, who adorned their native land with their spiritual deeds. Initially, the event was included in the church calendar in 1972, later in 2004 a permanent date was set – June 3, in honor of the consecration of the restored Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Petrozavodsk.

Memorial Day of St. Cassian the Greek

Honoring the memory of the Monk Kasian the Greek, who came from a family of princes. Having made the decision to devote himself to the service of God, the monk left all worldly blessings and accepted monasticism. Later, he founded a monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God near the city of Uglich.

4 June

Day of the Holy Trinity

One of the most important holidays for the Orthodox world. It is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. This date symbolizes the unity of God, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Another name for the holiday is also known – the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. 

Memorial Day of the Martyr Basilisk

According to the church calendar, this is the day of memory of St. Basilisk, who was imprisoned during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Maximian Galerius. Later, the martyr Basilisk was beheaded for refusing to worship the pagan gods, and his body was thrown into the river.

Memorial Day of Martyr John, Prince of Serbia

Sacred memory of the wise ruler John, who was a true Christian, a pious builder and church keeper. 

His imperishable miraculous relics are in Tirana in the Annunciation Cathedral.

Memorial Day of the Righteous Jacob of Borovichi

Believers on this day remember Jacob, whom the Lord glorified after his death. According to church writing, an ice floe sailed to the village of Borovichi, on which stood the coffin with the body of a young man. Fearing responsibility, the peasants pushed the ice floe away, but it returned to the shore. That same night, a young man appeared in a dream to the elders of the village and asked them not to persecute him. The Lord gave the relics of St. James healing power.

5 June

Holy Spirit Day

Spirits Monday, as this church holiday is also called, Orthodox believers celebrate annually on the 51st day after Easter, after Trinity. It is associated with a great event in church history – the descent of the Holy Spirit to people, which was foretold by Jesus Christ.

In Our Country, it was believed that summer begins on this day, so many beliefs are associated with the holiday.

Uncovering the relics of St. Leonty, Bishop of Rostov

The day of finding the relics of Bishop of Rostov and Suzdal Leonty in 1164. The saint laid the foundation for Christianity in the Rostov region. But the apostolic feat was crowned with a martyr’s death – he was killed by the pagans. Today, the relics of the saint rest in the Rostov Assumption Cathedral.

Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints

The celebration was established on the initiative of Yaroslavl and Rostov Archbishop Nikodim in 1964.

Memorial Day of St. Michael of Sinad

Day of commemoration of the Bishop of the city of Sinad Michael, who in 787 was present at the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. The saint firmly defended Orthodoxy, courageously opposing heretics, for which he was exiled by Leo the Armenian to prison. The head of the confessor is in the Lavra of St. Athanasius on Mount Athos, and part of his relics are in the Iberian Monastery.

Memorial Day of St. Euphrosyne

On this day, the memory of the patroness of female monasticism, Saint Euphrosyne, is honored. The reverend founded the Cathedral of the Bogoroditsky Monastery.

Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Michael Savvait

A memorable day in church history, when they remember Michael Savvit, originally from the city of Edessa. By order of the pagan king, he was martyred for the Christian denomination in Jerusalem.

Memorial Day of St. Paisius of Galich

Orthodox on this date remember the deeds of the Galician miracle worker. During his lifetime, the Monk Paisios was abbot of the Assumption Monastery, faithfully performing spiritual service to God. For his labors, he was elected archimandrite, and in 1682 he was canonized as a saint.

6 June

Memorial Day of St. Simeon the Stylite

Church memory of St. Simeon, who, as a young man, left his parental home and accepted monasticism. After spending some time in monastic deeds of prayer and obedience, Simeon retired to the Syrian desert, to the Marvelous Mountain, where he built a pillar. On the pillar he spent thirty-seven years of his life in strict fasting and in the service of God.

Memorial Day of St. Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslavsky

On this day, Orthodox believers honor the memory of St. Nikita from the city of Pereslavl, who was engaged in collecting taxes and taxes, after the transfer of the city and the temple by order of Yuri Dolgoruky. Once, having heard the voice of the prophet Isaiah, Nikita repented of his sins and took a monastic vow, spending days and nights in obedience and humility. Later, the monk dug out a deep hole for himself, where he put a stone cap on his head and began to humbly pray, like the ancient pillars.

Memorial Day of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Dedicated to St. Xenia from the city of St. Petersburg, who, after the sudden death of her husband, decided to beg God for forgiveness of his sins. For her spiritual exploits and patience, the Lord glorified his chosen one – Blessed Xenia received the gift of insight.

7 June

The Third Finding of the Head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

The holiday was established in honor of the third acquisition of the head of St. John. This happened in 850 in Comani. After that, the chapter was transferred to Constantinople.

8 June

Memorial Day of the Apostles from 70 Karp and Alpheus

According to the Orthodox calendar, believers on this day remember the memory of two apostles from 70 – Karp and Alfey. Karp was a disciple of the Apostle Paul and his companion. Alpheus was the father of the disciples of the Savior from among the twelve – Jacob Alfeev and Levi Matthew.

Memorial Day of Martyr George the New

The memory of St. George, who was born in Bulgaria. He was attacked by the Turks. Despite this, the saint continued to firmly confess his faith in Christ. For refusing to convert to Mohammedanism, George was burned.

Uncovering the relics of St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky

Commemoration of the discovery of the relics of Saint Macarius in 1521. The event took place during the construction of a church in the Kalyazinsky monastery. Today, miraculous relics rest in the White Trinity Cathedral in Tver.

9 June

Commemoration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

On this day, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God or the Northern Queen is honored. Many miracles are associated with this icon. The image of the Virgin appeared to the fishermen in the early morning on the Ladoga River. After that, the city of Tikhvin became a center of pilgrimage and worship of the divine relic. It is believed that 4 great icons of the Mother of God form a symbolic Holy Cross: in the central lands – Vladimirskaya, in the east – Kazanskaya, in the south – Iverskaya, in the west – Pochaevskaya, and in the north – Tikhvinskaya.

Uncovering the relics of St. Nil Stolobensky

The memory is dedicated to the finding of the relics of St. Nile in 1667 during the construction of a stone church on Stolobensky Island. Now the relics of the saint are in the Church of the Sign in the city of Ostashkov.

Transfer of the relics of Metropolitans of Moscow Saints Cyprian, Photius and Jonah

Honoring the memory of the acquisition and transfer of the relics of the three Moscow metropolitans in 1472. This happened during the construction of the new Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin.

Memorial Day of St. David of Thessalonica

The sacred memory of the Monk David of Thessalonica, who settled near the city of Thessalonica, built himself a hut under an almond tree, where he lived for 70 years. All this time he kept a strict fast and was in spiritual connection with God. The Savior gave David the gift of miracles. They went to the ascetic not only for the healing of the disease, but also for useful advice.

Memorial Day of Saint John the

Day of honoring the memory of St. John, who served in the army of Peter I and took part in the -Turkish war. During the Prut campaign in 1711 he was captured and sold by the Turks. For a long time, John endured humiliation and torture for refusing to accept Islam.

Memorial Day of Saints Ferapont of Belozersky and Ferapont of Monzensky

On this date, Orthodox Christians remember two saints – Ferapont Belozersky and Ferapont Monzensky. The first is the founder of monasteries in the Belozersk region, where he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. The second is a monk of the monastery of St. Adrian on the Monze River. Ferapont of Monza had the gift of clairvoyance and predicted the famine of 1601.

10 June

Commemoration of the Feast of Pentecost

This is the last day of the afterfeast of the Holy Trinity. The name Pentecost is due to the fact that the event of the church calendar is traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after Christ’s Resurrection. In 2023, Easter falls on April 16th.

Memorial Day of St. Nikita of Chalcedon

Saint Nikita was the Bishop of Chalcedon. He was distinguished by sympathy and mercy, he took care of orphans and widows. The saint fought the iconoclastic heresy, for which he endured many sufferings.

Memorial Day of St. Ignatius of Rostov

The memory marked in the church calendar of the Rostov miracle worker Ignatius. The saint is the only one whom the Lord glorified not by corruption and the healing gift of relics even before their burial.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Eutychius

Orthodox on this date remember St. Eutyches, who, together with the Apostle Paul, preached about Christ the Savior. Many difficult trials fell on the lot of the Saint, which he steadfastly endured, without renouncing the Christian faith.

Memorial Day of St. Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Our Country

Honoring the memory of the Moscow Metropolitan Gerontius, who expanded the boundaries of church building. With his participation, the Assumption Cathedral was erected in the Kremlin.

11 June

Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Theodosia of Constantinople

According to the Orthodox calendar, this date falls on the feast day of St. Theodosius of Constantinople, who took tonsure in a convent and took up painting icons. For the veneration and protection of icons, Leo the Isaurian imprisoned Theodosia, and after a week of torture, the woman died. After the burial, the body of the martyr became famous for numerous healings.

Memorial Day of St. Luke 

The Church celebrates the memory of Archbishop Luke of Crimea and Simferopol. The saint passed a difficult path to spiritual life, at the same time he worked as a doctor, as a professor and as a priest. Finding himself in Orthodoxy, Luke dutifully preached the word of God and ruled over the diocese. He owns not only scientific works from world history, but many sacred writings.

Memorial Day of Blessed John of Ustyug

Orthodox believers on this day remember the miracle worker of Ustyug – St. John, who during his lifetime received the gift of healing. He was buried not far from the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Ustyug, where a church named after him was built over the relics of the blessed one.

12 June

Beginning of the Apostolic Lent

Petrov fast, as it is also called, begins on Monday, a week later with the celebration of the Holy Trinity. But it certainly ends on July 12, the day of memory of the apostles Peter and Paul. Therefore, its duration is different every year: it can be a little more than a week or even 42 days. In 2023, the Apostolic Lent lasts 30 days.

Memorial Day of St. Isaac the Confessor

Honoring the memory of the abbot of the Dalmatian monastery – St. Isaac, who repeatedly indulged in persecution and torture during the period of persecution of Orthodox Christians.

13 June

Memorial Day of the Apostle from 70 Hermias

St. Hermias was an Apostle from 70, whom the Savior chose and sent to preach. For his fearless service to Christ, he endured severe suffering and was awarded a martyr’s death.

14 June

Memorial Day of St. Dionisy Glushitsky

Honoring the memory of the founder of several monasteries, as well as hegumen Glushitsky – Dionysius.

Memorial Day of Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt

Sacred memory of Archpriest John, who for more than 25 years taught the Law of God in the school and gymnasium of the city of Kronstadt.

Memorial Day of St. Agapit of the Caves

The Church venerates the memory of Saint Agapit, who became famous for his gratuitous help to the sick. Agapit received special fame for healing the Chernigov prince Vladimir Monomakh.

Memorial Day of the Martyrs of Justin the Philosopher and several martyrs with him

Honoring the memory of St. Justin the Philosopher and the martyrs Chariton, the martyr Charita, the martyrs Evelpist, Hierax, Peon and Valerian.

Justin spread the gospel among the pagans and preached Christian philosophy. Thanks to his influence on the emperor Antony Pius, the persecution of Christians ceased. He died in severe suffering along with other martyrs in the year 166.

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15 June

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr John Sochavsky

The memory established in honor of St. John of Sochava, who died as a martyr for faith in Christ in Belgrade Bosporus.

Memorial Day of St. Nicephorus the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

Date dedicated to Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople, who was exiled to the island of Prokonnis for icon veneration and faith.

Uncovering the relics of Blessed Princess Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya

Feast of finding the relics of the wife of Vyazemsky Prince Simeon Mstislavich – Juliana. Her relics were found during the dismantling of the old Transfiguration Cathedral in 1815.

16 June

Memorial Day of Varlaam Khutynsky

It is a rare case for the church calendar when a saint’s memorial day has a rolling date. It is celebrated on the first Friday of the Apostolic Lent. Believers associate many miracles with the name of the saint.

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Lukillian, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, Dionysius and the Martyr Pavla the Virgin

Church memory of the six martyrs who were sentenced to death in Byzantium for the glorification of Christ.

Transfer of the relics of the faithful Tsarevich Dimitry of Uglich and Moscow to Moscow

The Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the holy relics of the son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible – Dmitry. The relics of the prince were transferred from Uglich to the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin in Moscow in 1606.

17 June

Memorial Day of St. Mitrofan of Constantinople

Honoring the memory of the first Patriarch of Constantinople – Mitrofan. He devoted his long life to the service of God. The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great deeply respected Mitrofan for his wisdom and holiness of life.

Uncovering the relics of Hieromartyr Peter Zverev

The event is timed to coincide with the uncovering of the holy relics of Voronezh Archbishop Peter in 1999. Today they are in the cathedral of the Solovetsky Monastery.

Memorial Day of St. Methodius, Abbot of Peshnoshsky

On this day, believers remember the founder and abbot of the Peshnoshsky monastery – St. Methodius, who ruled the monastery for more than 30 years. During this time, the monastery was rebuilt, strengthened, and the fame of the saint attracted many monks to the monastery.

18 June

Week of All Saints, who shone in the land

The celebration begins on the second Sunday after Holy Pascha. This week the Orthodox world commemorates all saints. This cathedral has been celebrated since the XNUMXth century.

Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Dorotheus of Tyre

Day of commemoration of the Bishop of the city of Tire – St. Dorotheus. Under his authorship, collections of legends “Synopsis” were published. The saint suffered for his faith in the Savior during the open persecution of Christians by Emperor Julian the Apostate.

Uncovering the relics of Saints Vassian and Jonah of Solovetsky

Feast in honor of the uncovering of the holy relics of two monks of the Solovetsky Transfiguration Monastery – Vassian and Jonah.

Transfer of the relics of the noble prince Igor of Chernigov and Kyiv

The Orthodox remember the transfer of the holy relics of Prince Igor Olgovich of Kyiv to the Cathedral of the Savior in Chernigov in 1150.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Theodore of Novgorod

Believers honor the memory of the elder brother of Alexander Nevsky – St. Theodore. The relics of the young prince rest in St. Sophia Cathedral, in the chapel of the holy prophet John the Baptist.

Memorial Day of Blessed Constantine, Metropolitan of Kyiv 

Day of honoring the memory of the Metropolitan of Kyiv – Konstantin. the metropolitan was the initiator of the convening of the Council of Constantinople in 1156.

19 June

Memorial Day of St. Hilarion the New

On this day, in the Orthodox world, the memory of the abbot of the Dalmatian monastery, St. Hilarion, is honored. The monk during his lifetime endured many tortures for the Christian faith.

Memorial Day of Saint Jonah

Commemoration of the fifth Bishop of Perm. At a young age, he was tonsured and moved to the Moscow Simonov Monastery, where he lived for many years in obedience and prayer. For a pious life and firm knowledge of the teachings of God, Saint Jonah received from the Lord the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working.

Memorial Day of St. Paisius of Uglich

The sacred memory of the Monk Paisios, who, under the supervision of Macarius Kalyazinsky, spent his life in exploits of obedience and prayerful vows, transcribing spiritual books. For obedient service to God and morality, Prince Andrei Vasilyevich asked the Reverend to build a cenobitic Intercession Monastery near Uglich, where Paisius later became the first abbot.

Memorial Day of St. Vissarion of Egypt

Celebration of the memory of Vissarion of Egypt. The monk, being a young man, was baptized and led a strict life, trying to preserve the grace of Epiphany. After taking tonsure, he became a disciple of the Monk Isidore Pelusiot. Saint Vissarion took a vow of silence, eating food once a week. For his fasting feat and continuous prayer, Bessarion received the gift of healing the sick.

20 June

Memorial Day of the Martyr Theodotos Korchemnik

Church veneration of the memory of St. Theodotos, who was a tavern keeper and had his own hotel. Having converted to Orthodoxy, Theodotos helped Christians, gave them shelter in his dwelling, and helped all the innocently condemned. Because Theodotos believed in the Lord and secretly helped Christians, he was caught and beheaded with a sword. The pagans wanted to burn the body, but a strong storm arose and it was given to a Christian for burial.

21 June

Memorial Day of St. Theodore, Bishop of Rostov and Suzdal

Honoring the memory of the founder of the first church in Rostov and its bishop, St. Theodore.

Uncovering the relics of the noble princes Vasily and Konstantin Yaroslavsky

The celebration is timed to coincide with the uncovering of the holy relics of two Yaroslavl princes – Vasily and Konstantin. The imperishable relics of the princes were discovered during the construction of a new cathedral church in Yaroslavl.

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates

The memorable date of honoring the holy commander (stratilate) Theodore, who meekly preached the word of God, converting the pagans to Christianity. Emperor Licinius forced Theodore to bow to idols, but was refused and ordered the confessor to be crucified on a cross. At night, an Angel of God appeared to the martyr, took him down from the cross and resurrected him. Then the angry Licinius ordered to cut off Theodore’s head.

22 June

Memorial Day of St. Cyril of Belozersky (Kirill’s Day)

Honoring the memory of the founder and abbot of the Kirillo-Belozersky Assumption Monastery – St. Cyril. It is believed that the Savior rewarded the monk with the gift of clairvoyance and healing. The saint performed various miracles for good, one of them was the replenishment of a vessel with wine for the Divine Liturgy.

Memorial Day of St. Cyril of Alexandria

On this date, the Orthodox venerate the memory of the Archbishop of the Church of Alexandria, St. Cyril. During his lifetime, the saint took care of the purity of Christian teaching and the defense of the faith.

Memorial Day of Righteous Alexy of Moscow Mechev

The day on which believers honor the memory of the Moscow elder Alexy, who had the blessed gift of clairvoyance. He helped those who asked with saving advice, prayerful help and repentance before the Lord. There are many testimonies of the elder’s grace-filled help to people.

Memorial Day of St. Alexander Kushtsky

Remembrance of Saint Alexander of Kusht. The monk, after being tonsured at the Spaso-Kamenny Monastery, remained in obedience and prayer. One night, he secretly left the monastery and went to a deserted place on the shore of Lake Kubenskoye near the Kushta River, where he later decided to build a church in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

23 June

Cathedral of the Siberian Saints

Holiday in honor of the Orthodox ascetics of Siberia. The first liturgical service was performed in 1984 in the Intercession Church in the city of Tobolsk.

Memorial Day of St. John of Tobolsk

Church memory of the Metropolitan in Tobolsk – St. John. The saint was the founder of the Collegium at the Chernihiv hierarchical department and printing house.

Cathedral of the Ryazan Saints

The celebration of the memory of the holy ascetics of Ryazan, established in 1987.

The day of veneration of memory is timed to the day of finding the relics of St. Basil of Ryazan.

Uncovering the relics of St. Basil of Ryazan

Finding and transferring the relics of Bishop Vasily of Ryazan. In 1609, the opening of his holy relics took place and they were transferred to the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin of Pereyaslav of Ryazan.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Timothy of POur Country

Honoring the memory of the Bishop of the city of POur Country Timothy. The saint received from the Lord the gift of miracles for the purity and holiness of thoughts. With his fiery sermons, he converted many pagans to Christianity, for which he was sentenced to death by Emperor Julian the Apostate.

Memorial Day of St. Siluan of the Caves

Honoring the memory of Siluan, the schema-monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery. The monk was a zealous guardian of spiritual and bodily purity, spending much time in prayer and contemplation.

24 June

Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” (Merciful)

Feast of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat.” The history of this icon is connected with Orthodox chanting. In a cave not far from Karei, an old man labored with his novice. Late at night, when the elder was not around, an unknown monk came to the novice, who, during the chants, offered to add words. And then the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” suddenly shone with a mysterious light, and the guest, who called himself Gabriel, became invisible. The icon continued to radiate a wonderful light.

Transfer of the relics of St. Ephraim of Novotorzhsky

The transfer in 1572 of the holy relics of Ephraim, the founder of the Borisoglebsky Monastery in the city of Torzhok.

Memorial Day of the Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas

The Orthodox Church on this day honors two holy apostles – Bartholomew and Barnabas. Bartholomew was one of the 12 apostles of Christ, he preached the Gospel in the lands of Syria and Asia Minor. Barnabas – one of the 70 disciples of the Savior, preached the word of God in Cyprus and Rome.

Memorial Day of St. Barnabas of Vetluzhsky

The day of veneration of St. Barnabas, who settled on the banks of the Vetluga River on Red Mountain, where he spent 28 years in solitude, being in strict fasting and contemplation. The high spiritual exploits of the monk brought people to him who came to receive a blessing, a wise word and instructions.

25 June

Uncovering the relics and the second glorification of the Blessed Princess Anna Kashinskaya

Celebration in honor of the finding in 1649 and the transfer of the relics of Princess Anna from the Assumption to the Resurrection Cathedral in 1650. The secondary glorification of the princess took place in 1909.

Memorial Day of Saints Onufry and Auxentius of Vologda

The memory dedicated to the founders of the Trinity Pepper Hermitage near Vologda – Onufry and Auxentia. The blessed hermits performed many feats of monasticism, enduring all hardships in the name of God.

Memorial Day of Reverend Arseny Konevsky

Blessed memory in honor of the novice of the Novgorod Lissitzky Monastery – Arseny. The monk, striving for higher spiritual exploits, went to Mount Athos, where he spent much time in prayer and worship. Arseny is considered the patron saint of sailors, as he once saved Elder Moses and fishermen from inevitable death. Appearing in the midst of a storm, the saint covered them with a mantle and saved them from bad weather.

Memorial Day of Saints Vassian and Jonah of Pertominsk, Solovetsky

Believers honor the memory of the monks of the Solovetsky Transfiguration Monastery – Vassian and Jonah. During the construction of the Cathedral Church, the monks were sent for lime, but a storm overtook them and they drowned. But the Lord glorified them for the bright thoughts in their heads, and the relics of Vassian and Jonah were carried by waves to the shore of the Unskaya Bay, where they were found and buried. 

26 June

Memorial Day of St. Triphyllius of Leukussia

Honoring the memory of the Bishop of Leucus, Triphyllius, who had the gift of healing ailments. According to the life, it was the saint and his teacher Spyridon who helped to overcome the illness of Emperor Constantius II.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Akilina the Elder

According to the church calendar, on this day they honor the memory of Saint Akilina, who at a young age firmly believed the laws of God and began to convince her peers to abandon idolatry and turn to Christ. For preaching, the martyr was subjected to severe torture, after which she was beheaded.

27 June

Cathedral of the Diveyevo Saints

Celebration of memory in honor of all the saints who labored in faith and service to the Diveevo Monastery.

Memorial Day of St. Methodius Peshnoshsky

Sacred memory of the founder and abbot of the Peshnoshsky monastery Methodius, who was one of the most zealous imitators of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Finding solitude in the forest beyond the river Yakhroma, the monk began to build a monastery, for the construction of which he himself carried tree trunks across the river Peshnosha.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Mstislav the Brave

Memory dedicated to the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv – Mstislav. The prince earned the name Brave for his courage in battle and nobility of character.

Memorial Day of the Prophet Elisha and St. Methodius of Constantinople

The Church celebrates the memory of the soothsayer and wonderworker Elisha and Patriarch Methodius of Constantinople. The prophet performed many miracles. One day he divided the waters of the Jordan, made the water drinkable. And Patriarch Methodius finally approved icon veneration in Constantinople after the second wave of iconoclasm.

28 June

Transfer of the relics of St. Theodore Sykeot, Bishop of Anastasiupol

Honoring the memory of Anastasiupol Bishop Theodore, who during his lifetime had the gift of insight.

Memorial Day of the Prophet Amos

Day of honoring the memory of the third of the 12 minor prophets – Amos, who was severely beaten to death for his prophecy.

Memorial Day of Blessed Jerome of Stridon

Orthodox on this day honor the memory of St. Jerome of Stridon, the presbyter of the Church of Antioch. Under his authorship, many writings, works were written, and the translation of the books of the New and Old Testament into Latin was completed.

Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince Lazar of Serbia

Commemoration of King Lazar of Serbia. The faithful was captured and sentenced to death during the Battle of Kosovo in 1389.

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Gregory and Cassian of Avnezh

Veneration of Saints Gregory and Cassian – Interlocutors of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Gregory, wishing to live according to the Gospel, accepted monasticism at the monastery of St. Stephen of Makhrishchsky, with whom he later founded a monastery on the Avnega River. After some time, when Stefan left, Gregory became the abbot of the Avnezh monastery, and Cassian became the cellarer. Both saints accepted death at the hands of the Tatars during a raid on the monastery.

Memorial Day of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow 

On this day, the Church honors the memory of the All- Metropolitan Jonah, who was appointed Bishop of Ryazan and Murom. The saint put in a lot of work, preaching and turning to Christ.

Memorial Day of St. Ephraim II of Serbia

In the church calendar, it is revered as the day of memory of the abbot of the Serbian Ibrovsky monastery – St. Ephraim. From early childhood he aspired to an ascetic life. Having believed, he became a monk. Later, after becoming patriarch of the Serbian Church, the saint withdrew to the monastery of St. Michael the Archangel, where he spent nine years in silence.

29 June

Memorial Day of the Kaluga and Lukhov miracle workers Tikhonov

Honoring the memory of two Saints Tikhonov – Kostroma and Kaluga. Tikhon of Kostroma, not wanting to accept Uniatism, left the Lithuanian lands, distributing everything he had. He took monastic vows and retired to the Kostroma diocese, to the Lukhov lands, where he skilfully copied books and worked diligently, being in constant prayer. Tikhon of Kaluga took monastic vows in his youth at the Miracle Monastery. After a while, he retired to a deserted place not far from Kaluga, where he built himself a dwelling in a dense forest, in a hollow of an oak tree. The fame of the holiness of the life of the ascetic spread throughout the district and attracted disciples to him. Later, the monk founded the monastery with the first wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Memorial Day of St. Tikhon of Amaphunt

Believers honor the memory of St. Tikhon from the city of Amathus, who during his lifetime possessed the gift of miracles and the healing of diseases. The saint fought in every possible way against paganism in Cyprus.

Transfer of the relics of St. Theophan the Recluse Vyshensky

A celebration dedicated to the transfer of the relics of Georgy Govorov to the Vyshensky Convent in 2002. During his lifetime, the saint had a great influence on spiritual life and its revival in society.

30 June

Commemoration of Martyrs Manuel, Savel and Ismail

Celebration of memory in honor of the three brothers – Manuel, Savel and Ismail, brought up in the Christian faith. According to church scripture, the brothers chose military affairs. Once they were sent to negotiate peace with the emperor Julian the Apostate, who invited the brothers to share the fun at a pagan holiday. Upon learning that there were secret Christians in front of the emperor, Julian in anger ordered them to be tortured, in turn urging them to renounce. When he was refused, he cut off the heads of all three.

Popular questions and answers

What big church holidays are celebrated in June 2023?

● June 3, 2023 – Trinity parental Saturday.

● June 4, 2023 – one of the main Orthodox holidays – the Trinity.

● On June 12, 2023, the Apostolic (Petrov) Lent begins for Orthodox believers.

What is the best way to celebrate church holidays?

One of the most significant for the laity and a great church holiday is the Great Trinity, which is celebrated for three days. At this time, the clergy put on green clothes, and churches and houses are decorated with fresh greenery, tree branches, as a symbol of eternal life and life-giving.

During the service, parishioners pray on their knees.

For the Orthodox, any fasting means great spiritual grace, connecting with God. Petrov fast refers to light fasts, and its charter is about the same as that of Rozhdestvensky. At this time, you can eat fish, but it is recommended to refrain from animal products – meat, milk and eggs. Fruits and vegetables can serve as a substitute.

What can and cannot be done on the days of church holidays?

For a believer, every day of church history means a spiritual connection with the Savior, based on the thought of God, prayer to the Most High, the holiness of deeds and the salvation of the soul.

Therefore, a real Christian on the days of Orthodox holidays is sure to be in bright thoughts, and also helps his neighbors. Love and harmony must reign in the hearts of believers.

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