Church holidays in April 2023


Palm Sunday, the Descent of the Holy Fire, Christian March 8, a bright holiday – Easter. Read about these and other church celebrations in our material.

In April of this year, believers celebrate one of the main events in the history of Christianity – the Resurrection of Christ. The second month of spring is the day of special commemoration of the dead, continuous weeks, as well as the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. We offer you to find out what other church holidays are celebrated in April 2023.

Calendar of church holidays in April by day

1 April16 April
2 April17 April
3 April18 April
4 April19 April
5 April20 April
6 April21 April
7 April22 April
8 April23 April
9 April24 April
10 April25 April
11 April26 April
12 April27 April
13 April28 April
14 April29 April
15 April30 April

1 April

Memorial Day of St. Innokenty Komelsky       

On this day, the memory of the founder of the Komel Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, St. Innocent, is honored.

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria (Daria Gryaznaya)

Day of commemoration of the holy martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, who suffered for the Christian faith during the reign of Emperor Numerian. The popular name – Daria Gryaznaya, is associated with natural observations – by the beginning of April, the snow was actively melting.

2 April

Memorial Day of Saints John, Sergius, Patricius and others

Celebration of the memory of the murdered monks in the Lavra of St. Savva the Sanctified in Jerusalem in the VIII century.

3 April

Beginning of Palm Week

A week before Holy Week, the Orthodox celebrate Palm Week or the Week of Vay. According to church history, Jesus was greeted in Jerusalem with palm branches or fronds. The main traditions are associated with willow and fall on the last day of the week – Palm Sunday.

Memorial Day of St. James of Sicily

A memorable date dedicated to the memory of the Bishop of the Church of Catania in Sicily – St. James. The monk was repeatedly forced to renounce the veneration of icons, and subjected to torture. Bishop Jacob died in exile.

Memorial Day of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky

Honoring the memory of Hieromonk of the Orthodox Church – Seraphim Vyritsky. The saint had the gift of clairvoyance. 

4 April

Holy Hieromartyr Basil of Ankira (Vasily Teply)

On April 4, the Orthodox commemorate the Holy Martyr Basil. The saint fought the Arian heresy. He was martyred for the Christian faith during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate. The popular name of the holiday is associated with warm weather conditions.

5 April 

Memorial Day of the hegumen of the Kiev-Pechersk Reverend Nikon

A memorable date in honor of the first disciple of St. Anthony of the Caves – St. Nikon, the founder of the monastery on the island of Tmutarakan.

6 April

Memorial Day of St. Zechariah of the Caves

Church memory of Zechariah, who accepted monasticism in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, where he observed a strict fast until his death.

Prefeast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary  

At this time, believers are preparing for the celebration of the Annunciation. Divine services are held in churches, where prayers and hymns are read dedicated to the good news of the Savior’s coming to earth.

Memorial Day of St. Artemon of Seleucia

Honoring the memory of Saint Artemon, whom the Apostle Paul appointed as the first bishop of the city of Seleucia, as a pious and virtuous man. Saint Artemon dutifully served God and watched over the flock entrusted to him.

7 April

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos          

On April 7, one of the main Orthodox festivities is celebrated – the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celebration takes place in honor of receiving joyful news from the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary about the imminent birth of Jesus Christ.

The Repose of St. Tikhon Belavin

A memorable date in honor of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Our Country – Tikhon Belavin. During his lifetime, he was engaged in spiritual enlightenment, personal preaching. Because of the firm confession of Christian truth and the fight against the enemies of the Church, Patriarch Tikhon was subject to arrests and even assassination attempts. In 1989, His Holiness was glorified by the Orthodox Church.

8 April

Lazarev Saturday

A moving holiday celebrated the day before Palm Sunday. The celebration was established in honor of the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus by Jesus.

Cathedral of Archangel Gabriel (Gabriel Blagovest)

Church celebration, which is celebrated the day after the Annunciation. The event was established in honor of the Archangel Gabriel, who brought the good news of the birth of the Savior to the Virgin Mary.

Commemoration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary        

The final stage of the afterfeast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to church canons, on this day, believers should mentally return to the holiday, realizing all its spiritual meaning.

9 April

Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem)

One of the important twelfth passing holidays of Orthodox Christians. The date was set to commemorate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The symbol of this day is willow branches, which, after consecration, are kept in the house all year round.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Matrona of Thessalonica (Matryona Polurepitsa)

Honoring the memory of the Holy Matrona of Thessalonica, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ. The popular name is Polurepitsa, the holiday received because at that time people selected suitable turnip fruits from their stocks and cut them for sowing.

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10 April

First day of Holy Week

The last week preceding the Bright Sunday of Christ, at this time the Orthodox remember the Last Supper, the betrayal, the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. All days of Holy Week are called “Great”.

Memorial Day of St. Stephen the Wonderworker  

Church memory of the abbot of the Triglia Monastery – St. Stephen. The monk during his lifetime steadfastly endured many torments for icon veneration.

Commemoration of the Martyr Boyan, Prince of Bulgaria

Believers on this day remember the Prince of Bulgaria – St. Boyan. He suffered for his faith in Christ in 830.

Memorial Day of St. Hilarion the New 

The memory of the hegumen of the Pelikitsky monastery – St. Hilarion the New. He had the gift of miracles and the healing of diseases. The monk accepted martyrdom for icon veneration.

11 April

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyrs Mark, Bishop of Arefusia, Cyril, Deacon, and others 

Honoring the memory of the martyrs who were tortured for their Christian confession during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate in the XNUMXth century.

12 April

Memorial Day of St. John of the Ladder

On this day, believers remember the abbot of the Sinai Monastery – St. John of the Ladder. The monk received his nickname because of the authorship of a major theological work, The Ladder.

Memorial Day of St. Sophronius

The holiday was established in honor of the Bishop of Irkutsk and Nerchinsk – St. Sophronius. The saint during his lifetime led a bright missionary activity.

13 April

Clean thursday

On this day, the Church remembers a significant evangelical event – the Last Supper, at which Christ established the New Testament sacrament of Holy Communion. The main rituals of the holiday are associated with washing, which symbolizes the renewal and purification of the soul. It is necessary to bathe before sunrise and after reading the prayer.

Memorial Day of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Our Country

Memorial date in honor of the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Our Country – St. Jonah. Even during his lifetime, he was credited with the gift of miracles.

Memorial Day of St. Innokenty Veniaminov

On April 13, the church honors the memory of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow. He preached Christianity among the peoples of the Amur region, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Alaska. He translated the Holy Scripture into the Aleutian and Yakut languages. The church was glorified in 1977.

14 April

Good or Good Friday

The last Friday of the sixth week of Lent, preceding Easter. On this day, Orthodox Christians remember the heavy suffering of Jesus. That is why Good Friday is the day of the strictest fast: no food is allowed until the shroud is taken out. And after that, only water and bread are allowed.

Memorial Day of the Reverend Mary of Egypt (Maria – light the snow)

On this day, the Orthodox commemorate Saint Mary of Egypt. According to sources, Maria led a wild life for more than seventeen years. After she repented and settled in the desert, where she lived in complete solitude, strict fasting and prayer until her death. According to the folk calendar, by this day there was abundant snowmelt and river flooding.

Memorial Day of the Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria

Honoring the memory of St. Abraham of Bulgaria. He was martyred for the Christian faith at the hands of Muslims.

Memorial Day of St. Gerontius

Memorial Day of the monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery – St. Gerontius. He spent his whole life in the monastery, where he observed the feat of obedience and prayer. The monk was buried in the Far Caves. His memory is also celebrated on September 10.

15 April

Descent of the Holy Fire

On the eve of Easter, on Great Saturday, a holy sacrament takes place – the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. The event is extremely important not only for the Church, but also for other Orthodox denominations. According to legend, the convergence of fire symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus and grants all mankind one more year of peaceful life.

Memorial Day of St. Titus the Wonderworker (Titus the Icebreaker)

On this day, believers remember the monk of the Studion Monastery near Constantinople – St. Titus, who had the gift of miracles and healing the sick. In the folk calendar for the Tit Icebreaker holiday, people watched the ice melt in the rivers.

Saturday 4th week of Great Lent

Day of general commemoration of the dead. It is customary to pray for deceased relatives during the memorial service and liturgy.

End of Lent

The last day of the central post in the life of an Orthodox Christian – Great, lasting 40 days. In 2023, fasting lasts from February 27 to April 15.

16 April


Orthodox believers on this day will celebrate the main Christian holiday – the Bright Sunday of Christ, Easter. The celebration is established in honor of the memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Memorial Day of St. Nikita the Confessor

A feast dedicated to the abbot of the Midiki monastery – St. Nikita the Confessor.

17 April

Easter week

The first day of the holiday is Easter week. This is the week following Easter. It is noteworthy that every day after the liturgy a festive procession is performed, and all the bells are rung throughout the week.

Memorial Day of St. Joseph the Songwriter

Honoring the memory of the presbyter of the monastery in Thessaloniki – St. Joseph the Songwriter. The monk was endowed with poetic talent, therefore he devoted all his activity to composing liturgical hymns – in total, about 300 canons belong to his authorship.

18 April

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Agathopod, Deacon, Theodulus, Reader, and others like them

A memorable date in honor of the martyrs who were subjected to torment and torture for their faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

19 April

Memorial Day of St. Eutyches of Constantinople

This day is dedicated to the memory of the Archbishop of Constantinople – Saint Eutyches. The saint had the gift of prophecy, healing from diseases. The name “Evtykhy the Quiet” is associated with a folk sign, according to which it was on this day that they judged the yield of bread.

Memorial Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius  

Church memory of the Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia – St. Methodius. Together with brother Cyril, they created the Slavonic alphabet and translated liturgical books into Slavonic.

20 April

Memorial Day of St. George of Mytilene        

Day of honoring the memory of the Metropolitan of Mytilene – St. George. The monk had the gift of healing the sick. He spent the last years of his life in exile in Chersonese.

Memorial Day of St. Daniel Pereyaslavsky

On this day, the memory of the founder of the Danilov Monastery near Pereslavl-Zalessky, St. Daniel of Pereyaslavsky, is celebrated.

21 April

Memorial Day of the Apostles from 70 Rodion, Agave, Asyncritus, Rufus, Flegont, Ermas and others with them

Honoring the memory dedicated to 6 apostles out of 70 who were martyred for serving Christ.

Memorial Day of St. Nifont of the Caves         

Veneration of the Bishop of Novgorod – St. Nifont, He founded the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov, the Church of St. Clement in Ladoga.

22 April

Commemoration of the Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea      

Commemoration of Saint Eupsychius, a native of Caesarea, who was martyred for refusing to bow to idols, during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate.

23 April

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Gregory V 

On this day, the Orthodox remember the Patriarch of Constantinople – St. Gregory V. Gregory was the patriarch during the years of the Ottoman yoke, when Christians suffered oppression from the Muslim Turks. The Ottoman authorities subjected the holy martyr to beatings and torment, and then sentenced him to death by hanging.

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Terenty, Pompius, Africanus, Maximus, Zinon, Alexander, Theodore and other 33

Honoring the memory of the martyr Terentius and his squad, who suffered under Emperor Decius. 

Krasnaya Gorka or Antipaskha (Fomino Sunday)

Folk-Christian holiday, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. The Orthodox also know other names: Antipascha or Fomino Sunday. Church tradition is based on the memory of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas on the eighth day after the resurrection.

24 April

Memorial Day of the Reverends Jacob Zheleznoborovsky and Jacob Bryleevsky    

Memorial Day of two saints – Jacob Zheleznoborovsky, and his associate Jacob Bryleevsky, the founder of the Bryleevsky monastery.

25 April

Memorial Day of Saint Basil the Confessor

The Church honors the memory of the Bishop of the city of Pariah, Saint Basil the Confessor, who defended icon veneration in every possible way.


A day of special veneration for the memory of the dead. The date is a rolling date, celebrated on the ninth day after Easter.

26 April

Holy Hieromartyr Artemon of Laodicea        

This day is listed in the church calendar as the feast day of St. Artemon of Syrian Laodicea. He was a reader, deacon, presbyter.

27 April

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius of Vilna        

The sacred memory of the three martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith during the reign of the Grand Duke of Lithuania – Olgerd.

Memorial Day of Saint Martin I, Confessor

Commemoration of the memory of Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome. The saint condemned the Monothelites, for which he was exiled to Tauric Chersonesus, where he later died.

28 April

Memorial Day of the Apostles from 70 Aristarchus, Puda, Trofim (Pudov day)

The Orthodox remember three apostles from 70: Aristarchus, Puda, Trofim, who were tortured and sentenced to death in Rome, during the reign of Emperor Nero. 

29 April

Memorial Day of the Martyrs Agapia, Irina and Chionia

Memorial celebration established in honor of the sisters Agapia, Irene and Chionia of Aquileia. The sisters were martyred for their faith in Jesus under the emperor Diocletian.

30 April

Day of Myrrh-Bearing Women

On the second Sunday after Easter, the Church celebrates the feast of women’s ministry – the Day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. The celebration is dedicated to the disciples of Christ, who followed the Lord and did not leave Him even after the crucifixion. This holiday is considered Christian on March 8. It is customary to praise women for their great sacrifice, fidelity, love and faith.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Simeon of Ktesiphon

Honoring the memory of the Bishop of Persia – Saint Simeon, who was martyred for the faith of Christ, during the reign of the Persian king Sapor II.

Memorial Day of St. Zosima   

The Church remembers the founder of the Solovetsky Monastery – St. Zosima of Solovetsky.

Memorial Day of St. Akakios, Bishop of Melitinsky      

A memorable date in honor of the Bishop of the city of Melitina – Saint Akakios. He built a temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Uncovering the relics of St. Alexander Svirsky

Celebration in honor of finding the imperishable remains of Alexander Svirsky in 1641 during the reconstruction of the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Popular questions and answers

What major church holidays are celebrated in April 2023?

• April 7, 2023 – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

• April 9, 2023 is Palm Sunday.

• April 15, 2023 – Descent of the Holy Fire.

•‎ On April 16, 2023, Orthodox believers celebrate the main Christian holiday – Holy Resurrection of Christ (Easter).

• April 30, 2023 is the Day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.

What is the best way to celebrate church holidays?

Church holidays remind us of spiritual events in biblical and church history. Believers spend such days in bright thoughts and pious deeds. They try to pay as much attention as possible to their state of mind and unity with God, putting aside everyday affairs.

What can and cannot be done on the days of church holidays?

In the Orthodox world, each holiday has its own spiritual meaning and traditions. On Palm Sunday, the evening service has a feature that distinguishes this holiday – after reading the Gospel, the clergyman reads a prayer over the willow. Then the parishioners take the illuminated willow home.

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, it is customary to consecrate the Easter meal in the temple – Easter cakes, eggs and curd Easter. On the days of the Easter week, celebratory processions are usually performed in churches, and believers can get to the belfry to ring the bells on their own. Thus, to convey the good news of the resurrection of Christ.

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