Chufa: what kind of plant is this

Many exotic plants take root well in the middle lane. One of them is chufa, imported from the Mediterranean region. The plant is valued for its decorative appearance and useful properties. Proper planting and care of chufa ground almonds will help gardeners get a tasty and healthy product.

Description of the chufa plant

Chufa is a representative of the sedge family, it grows naturally in the Northern Hemisphere. Found in subtropical and temperate climates.

The plant was cultivated in ancient Egypt. In the Middle Ages, it was brought to Spain and other European countries. Chufa appeared in Our Country in the XNUMXth century. It is also called ground almond, wintering, syt, tiger nut.

Chufa is a perennial herbaceous plant. Height from 30 to 90 cm. The stems are thin and straight, trihedral in section. Ground almonds produce tufts of linear leaves. The width of the sheet plate is from 3 to 10 mm.

Roots developed and branched. They form small elongated tubers up to 1 cm wide and up to 3 cm long. Nodules have different colors, from light to deep brown. The pulp is sweetish, firm, white.

Attention! Chufa produces small flowers collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. In the middle lane, the plant forms nodules, but rarely blooms.

You can see what the chufa looks like in the photo:

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

Chufa varieties

The following varieties of ground almonds are most popular:

  1. Culinary. Differs in high productivity. It is widely used in cooking for marinating and frying.
  2. Confectionery. The variety is valued for its sweet taste. It is used for preparation of sweets, drinks, pastries. Chufa Confectionery brings a high harvest.
  3. Pharaoh. Brings nutritious roots of medium size. The fruits are very nutritious, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The yield of the variety is high.
  4. LLORGETA MAXI. A fairly new variety obtained by British breeders in 2014. Differs in the increased productivity. Up to 10 bucket of root crops is harvested from 1 bushes.

What are the differences between the Spanish chufa

Spanish varieties are not much different from chufa, which is grown in Our Country. The main feature is that European varieties contain more starch. Otherwise, the aerial part and tubers of the plant are identical in appearance and composition.

Useful properties of ground almonds (chufa)

Medicinal properties of chufa:

  1. Relieves inflammation. Ground almonds fight pathogenic environment and reduce inflammation. It is used for the prevention and treatment of colds.
  2. Cleans the body. This includes the removal of toxins, toxins and radionuclides. Best of all, these properties are exhibited by the raw product.
  3. Tones up. Restores strength, activates the immune system, gives a surge of energy.
  4. Rejuvenation. The impact is due to the presence of antioxidant components. As a result, free radicals are removed from the body, and the risk of cancer is reduced.
  5. Calms and relieves stress. Tiger nuts are recommended for people suffering from insomnia and disorders of the nervous system. The product improves memory and stimulates the brain.
  6. Normalizes digestion. Chufa stimulates the activity of the intestines and accelerates metabolic processes. As a result, food is better digested and absorbed.
  7. Positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. The product breaks down cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, and is used to prevent atherosclerosis.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

The chemical composition of chuf nuts

Ground almond tubers contain:

  • proteins – up to 4%;
  • starch – up to 20%;
  • fats – from 17 to 25%;
  • sugar – up to 28%.

Calorie content of 100 g of the product – 609 kcal. It contains vegetable fats. In reasonable quantities, they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Chufa is 3 times more nutritious than peanuts.

Peanut chufa also contains a complex of useful substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, A and E;
  • lipids;
  • resins;
  • oleic acid;
  • trace elements: sodium, potassium, copper, iodine, iron, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, calcium.

How to plant chufu

Chufa nut is rarely propagated by seeds. It is best to use tubers. First, they are soaked for 3 days in water at room temperature. Every day the water is changed to avoid rotting of the planting material.

In a cool climate, ground almonds are germinated at home. To do this, prepare containers where soil is poured. 2-3 tubers are placed in each container and kept in a warm place. They usually germinate in 14 days. When sprouts appear, the containers are rearranged on the windowsill.

When the spring frosts pass, the seedlings are transferred to open ground. In the southern regions, tubers are planted immediately in a permanent place. The plant prefers sunny areas, in the shade it develops much worse.

Advice! Chufa loves moisture, but its stagnation is detrimental to the root system.

Ground almonds develop well in peaty, black earth, sandy soil. It is more difficult to grow a tiger nut on clay, loamy soils and salt marshes.

Tubers are planted in prepared holes. 12 cm is left between the plants. The planting material is deepened by 5 cm, a layer of earth is poured on top and watered. Seedlings are also transferred to the holes, trying not to damage the root system.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

How to care for ground almonds

Growing earthen almond chufa involves caring for plantings. Plants are watered 2 times a week, in drought – up to 3 times. Use warm settled water. The best time to water is in the morning or evening. If it has rained heavily, then no need to add moisture.

When the bushes reach a height of 15 cm, they are spudded. This leads to the growth of the root system and the appearance of new tubers. Weeds are regularly weeded in the garden and the soil is loosened.

Chufa does not require regular feeding. Twice a season it is watered with infusion of mullein or herbs. Between procedures make a gap of 2 weeks or more. After harvesting, microtubers remain in the soil. They decompose and saturate the earth with nitrogen. After ground almonds, any kind of crop is grown.


Chufu is harvested in autumn, at the end of September and later. Work begins when the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out. If early frosts are expected, plantings are covered with a film or agrofiber.

Important! The later the ground almond tubers are harvested, the more oil they contain.

Bushes are dug up with pitchforks. Nuts are separated from the plant, washed and dried in the sun. For planting next year, medium tubers are left. They remain viable for 7 years. Rhizomes are stored at room conditions, in a dry and dark room.

Features of growing chufa in central Our Country

Chufa grows successfully in the middle lane. To obtain a high yield, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the region. The rest of the plants provide the usual care.

The nuances of growing earthen almonds in the middle lane:

  • getting seedlings at home;
  • soil fertilization with humus;
  • landing in the ground in early to mid-May, when frosts pass;
  • in cold climates, planting in a greenhouse is allowed;
  • protection of landings from ants and wireworms.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

How to eat Chufu

Chufa tubers are used fresh. They taste sweetish, reminiscent of nuts. Root crops are dried and roasted. It is recommended to remove the skin first. To soften ground almonds, you need to dip them in water for 12 to 24 hours. The product increases the nutritional value of the dish.

Ways to use chufa:

  • adding to sweets, pies, halva and other confectionery;
  • grinding into flour;
  • obtaining starch, sugar and oil;
  • preparation of milk and other drinks;
  • as an ingredient for salads with vegetables and fish;
  • roasted tubers can replace coffee;
  • brewing leaves and nuts as a tea.

Chufa oil is especially valued, the composition of which is close to olive oil. The product has a golden hue and a pleasant taste. Used in cooking for first and second courses, confectionery.

Chufa recipes

Chufa is useful not only fresh. Its rhizome is used for pickling, obtaining milk and preparations with honey. All recipes are simple and easy to do at home.

Chufa Pickling Recipe

Pickled ground almonds are a great option for homemade preparations. The appetizer is served with meat dishes or used on its own.

Pickling Ingredients:

  • ground almonds – 200 g;
  • white vinegar – 5 glasses;
  • peppercorns – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried ginger root – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice – 2 tbsp. l.

The order of marinating chufa:

  1. Root crops are washed, cleaned and placed in clean water for 12 hours.
  2. To obtain a marinade, vinegar, ginger and peppers are mixed.
  3. The water is drained, and the nuts are placed in a jar.
  4. The mass is poured with marinade and covered with a lid.
  5. The nuts are left to marinate for a month.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

Peanut chufa recipe with honey

Chufa is used to make delicious vegan sweets. The recipe will require honey and other useful ingredients.

Full list of ingredients:

  • tiger nut – 30 g;
  • dates – 200 g;
  • peeled walnuts – 50 g;
  • Honey – 100 g;
  • coconut chips – 50 g;
  • cocoa powder – 50 g.

Candy recipe:

  1. Dates are pitted, and ground almonds are peeled.
  2. The ingredients are ground in a blender.
  3. Honey is added to the mass, then balls are molded from it.
  4. Candies are dipped in coconut or cocoa.

Chufa Nut Milk

Chufa milk is a nutritious product rich in calcium, fiber, fatty acids and vitamins. However, it does not contain lactose. Milk activates the immune system, strengthens the heart, bones and muscles, improves digestion, cleanses the body of toxins. The product is consumed on fasting and fasting days, included in the vegetarian menu.

Interesting! Ground almond milk is called horchata. It is popular in Spain and African countries.

A store-bought drink contains a lot of sugar, preservatives and other ingredients of little use. Therefore, it is better to cook it yourself.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

Chufa Milk Ingredients:

  • ground almonds – 250 g;
  • clean water – 1 l;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick (to taste);
  • coconut or palm sugar – 200 g (to taste).

Milk recipe:

  1. Ground almonds are peeled and washed in clean water.
  2. Nuts and cinnamon are lowered into the water, then left for a day. Wait until the almonds become soft.
  3. Tubers and cinnamon are ground in a blender. Water after soaking is not drained, but added to the total mass.
  4. The resulting milk is filtered.
  5. The product is kept in the refrigerator, natural sugar is added if desired.

Milk is served chilled. Not only cinnamon is added to taste, but also lemon zest, cardamom, vanilla, fruits.

How to take chufu with diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder in which the body cannot absorb glucose on its own. The disease affects people of all ages. With this disease, special attention is paid to the diet.

Chufa is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. Ground almonds have been found to lower blood sugar levels. Diabetics can take them fresh or after processing in any suitable way. The leaves are used to make a medicinal tea that boosts the immune system. The plant is also used to prevent diseases of the endocrine system.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this

Contraindications to the use of chufa

Before planting, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the chufa nut are taken into account. To avoid health problems, observe the norm of consumption. Ground almonds are included with caution in the diet in the presence of diseases of the kidneys and other internal organs. You should first consult with your doctor.

Chufa is high in calories. Therefore, its intake should be limited to overweight people. Individual reaction to the product is possible. Refuse the use of earthen almonds should be women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as young children.

Reviews about ground almonds (chufe)

Polozova Svetlana Petrovna, 34 years old, Moscow region
A few years ago I read about the chufa plant in a magazine. I bought tubers in a gardening store and planted them in the country. They gave good results. All summer she took care of the plantings: she watered, weeded, loosened the soil. At the end of September, I dug up the roots. In total, two handfuls of root crops turned out, each no larger than 1,5 cm in size. The pulp is crispy and sweetish. Chufa is very useful, contains many minerals. You can use it fresh or after roasting.
Eremenko Vitaly Ivanovich, 46 years old, Samara
It has long been heard from reviews of the earthen almond chufa, about the simple planting and care of this plant. I bought a few nuts in the store and decided to plant them on the site. First, I soaked the planting material for 10 hours. The work was carried out after the May holidays, when the frosts had passed. Out of 20 tubers, 15 bushes were grown. They quickly grew and took the form of small bumps. I dug up the roots in the autumn, they turned out to be like sweetish nuts. We prepare healthy decoctions from them, add them to tea and pastries.

Chufa: what kind of plant is this


Planting and caring for earthen almond chufa will help grow this useful plant. It is processed or used fresh. Chufa is unpretentious and has decorative properties.

Chufa or ground almond – harvest

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