
Chufa (ground almond) is a perennial herb of the sedge family grown for its edible tubers on the roots. The birthplace of culture is North Africa and the Mediterranean, it is found in areas with a temperate and subtropical climate.

Interestingly, during the excavations, archaeologists discovered chufa near Thebes (the capital of Ancient Egypt) in tombs formed in the II-III millennium BC. e. In addition, Pliny, Theophrastus and Herodotus mentioned the plant in their writings. Thus, ground almonds are a culture with a long history.

Industrial scale chufu grown in Spain (Valencia region), the Mediterranean countries, Ghana. This is a valuable food product with medicinal properties. When chufa tubers are consumed, brain cells are activated, their working capacity increases, their blood sugar level decreases, their immunity improves and their mood improves. A tea made from peanut leaves cleanses the body of harmful radionuclides.

Botanical description

The plant reaches 30-90 cm in height, has a well-developed root system with many thin shoots on which edible nodules form. Their surface is covered with 3-6 transverse grooves. The tuber reaches 3 cm in length and 0,5-1 cm in width, has a yellowish, pinkish or dark brown color, depending on the variety of plant. The pulp is white, crunchy, the texture is firm, sweet, it tastes like almonds. It has a pronounced nutty aroma.

The stem is thin, straight, short, triangular in cross section, growing from tubers. Carries bundles of rigid linear flat leaves that reach 1 cm wide.

The flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence, pollinated by the wind.

Earthen almonds is undemanding to the composition of the soil, prefers sunny places, does not like waterlogging, gives a good harvest. On the rhizome of a bush can be concentrated to 400 edible “nuts”.

Visually, the plant resembles a wild sedge, which is why not everyone can guess that valuable nutritious tubers are in the ground.

Chemical composition

Chufa is an oily nut, 100 g of which contains 13 g of carbohydrates, 18,6 g of protein, 53,7 fat and 609 kcal. 150 g of the product contains the daily norm of the body in vegetable fats and essential acids.

The energy ratio of B: W: Y is 12%: 79%: 9%.

Ground almonds contain up to 30% sugar, 35% fat and 20% starch.

In addition, in chufa tubers, essential lipids, resins, oleic acid, vitamins A, B, C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, sodium are concentrated.

Due to the rich chemical composition of earthen almonds, it is recommended to use school-age children, adults and elderly people.

Interestingly, the nutritional value of chufa exceeds peanuts by 3 times.

Useful properties and contraindications

Chufa is a source of natural protein, vitamins, and minerals. Peanuts are consumed raw or processed into oil, which is inferior to olive in quality and nutritional value, and reminds almond in smell. It is used in cooking, the cosmetics industry.

The composition of earthen almonds does not include gluten, so it is allowed to use people with intolerance to this protein.

The healing properties of chufa:

  • improves mental ability;
  • increases performance, gives a charge of vivacity, inhibits the aging process of tissues;
  • strengthens bone matter, stimulates absorption in the bones;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces the level of sugar, “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood, prevents atherosclerosis, dilates blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • removes radionuclides, toxins from the body;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive organs, improves metabolism;
  • restores the nervous system;
  • promotes muscle activity;
  • improves mood.

The tincture of the peanut leaves is similar to ginseng in its action. It has a tonic, antibacterial and sedative effect on the human body. A decoction of the roots of red peony and chufy helps with urethritis, reduces toothache (when rinsing). Extract cleans the intestines from pests.

Ground peanut tubers mixed with overcooked chicory are a great alternative to coffee. Such a drink helps to cheer up and fortifies the body.

With regular use of raw tubers, a person is protected from the influence of external stimuli, becomes emotionally more stable, which is especially important in the conditions of the XXI century.

Chufa nut is a high-calorie product (609 kcal per 100 g), so it is not recommended for people with liver, kidney problems, overweight or full-bodied problems.

Ground Almond Oil

The product is made by cold pressing, due to which it retains its beneficial substances, in particular, it contains an anti-inflammatory agent – oleic acid, promotes the breakdown of bad cholesterol, fights vascular atherosclerosis, and has a healing effect on the skin. In addition, the oil contains two strong antioxidants responsible for youth and beauty – tocopherol and ascorbic acid. They treat acne, prevent the expansion of pores, relieve herpes, increase the ability of the dermis to regenerate, enhancing its protective properties.

Earthen almond oil has a light yellow color, contains all the nutritional qualities of chufa. The product is widely used in cosmetology due to the manifestation of antioxidant, antiseptic, nourishing and softening properties.

When applied externally, the oil has a positive effect on the dermis:

  • prolongs the youth of the skin, preventing the aging of its cells;
  • treats eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves skin elasticity, reducing irritation;
  • heals cracks, softens coarse sites;
  • eliminates inflammation, allergic reactions;
  • lightens age spots, freckles, smoothes scars;
  • saturates the cells with oxygen, thereby improving the tone of the face;
  • stimulates the production of collagen.

In addition, ground almond oil strengthens the hair, nails.

To heal cracked skin on the lips, elbows and heels, it is enough to apply the compound to the affected area and leave until completely absorbed. The procedure is performed 2-3 once a day until the cracks are tightened.

To nourish the skin, oil is applied under the eyes for 30 minutes, the remainder is removed with a napkin. In addition, anti-aging masks are prepared on its basis to care for dry, fading dermis, prone to irritation, as well as a mixture for facial massage. The composition of the latter includes jojoba oil (4 ml), chufa (10 ml), neroli ether concentrate (3 drops). The mixture is mixed, rubbed along the lines of the face: from the lips to the auricle, from the chin to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the temples. Each line is worked out 10 times, then the skin is rinsed with warm water.

Cooking application

Chufa tubers are consumed in raw, dried, stewed, fried kinds. The greatest value for the body provides fresh ground almonds, which retain all the nutrients bestowed by nature. From roasted ground fruits, coffee substitute is obtained, flour, which is used to make muffins, cakes, cookies and halva.

Ground almond oil is used for salad dressing, frying, preservation of products. In addition, it is added to baking when creating confectionery delights.

In 1 raw root vegetable 18 kcal is concentrated. This fact must be taken into account in the process of calculating the individual norm of product consumption per day, based on the standard daily caloric intake.

Chufa speeds up the metabolism, activates the intestines, permanently relieves hunger. It goes well with vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, citrus zest.

To fortify the dish and enrich its taste characteristics with nutty notes, earthen almonds are added to soups, yogurts, cottage cheese, salads, cereals and stewed vegetables.

A healing, tasty drink with a therapeutic effect is prepared from chufa – milk.

Principle of preparation:

  1. Chop fresh tubers, pour warm boiled water on the basis of the calculation of the 1 part of the pulp on the 4 part of the liquid.
  2. To mix contents, to leave to be drawn in the refrigerator for days.
  3. Strain. Thick cake to grind through the grid fine fraction, add to the liquid.
  4. Cool down. Add sugar or honey, cinnamon, vanilla – to taste.

Ready milk to serve in glass cups. The drink has a pronounced nutty refreshing taste, has a fortifying and invigorating effect on the human body.


Chufa – a plant with a multi-purpose value. In Chinese folk medicine, there is a belief that all those who regularly consume almond tubers feel pacified. This statement is due to the sedative properties of the product.

Peanut use:

  1. Cooking (tubers). As a substitute for sweet almond coffee. In Spain, chufy produce useful milk (orshad). In addition, oil is made from it. At the confectionery factories, the powder from peanuts is introduced into the composition of sweets, cocoa, and chocolate.
  2. Industry (leaves). For the production of shampoos and toilet soap of the highest grades, paper, insulation material, ropes (ropes), bedding, phyto fuel.
  3. Agriculture (above-ground part of the plant, tubers). As pet food. Chufa hay is a horse’s favorite delicacy. In terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to cereal grasses.

Also chopped tubers are introduced into the lure of rabbits, birds.

  1. Needlework (leaves, stalks). For the production of souvenirs, weaving baskets.
  2. Horticulture. Peanut is an ornamental plant that forms a solid green carpet that can decorate any lawn.
  3. Fishing. Chufa, called the “tiger nuts” among fishermen, is the best bait for carp fishing.
  4. Medicine (traditional and folk). Earthen almonds have anti-diabetic and adaptogenic properties. A positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, immune systems. Preparations, powders, decoctions and tinctures on the basis of chufy improve brain function, reduce sensitivity to stressful situations.

According to the conclusion of American scientists, it has been established that the extract of ground almond exhibits antibacterial activity against the following human pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, pneumonia, and Escherichia coli. At the moment the product is at the research stage.

Pharmacy in the garden

For growing chufy pick the largest holistic fruit. First of all they are washed, then they are treated with an 5% solution of potassium permanganate, then they are rinsed again under water and dried. Prepared roots are stored in a glass jar under a tightly closed lid in a cool place with a temperature regime of 4-7 degrees.

Planting chufa seedlings:

  1. Fertilize the soil. Add 10 g superphosphate, 5 g potassium sulfate, 2 g magnesium sulfate, 6 g urea to the soil.
  2. Soak the tubers in water at room temperature for 24 hours. The maximum residence time of root crops in the liquid is 72 hours. At the same time, the water must be changed twice a day, otherwise the tubers may rot.
  3. Plant chufu in a pot, deepening it on 6, see. This operation is performed in the middle of spring. The pot is left in a warm place. Shoots will appear within 14 days.

Watering rarely (1 once a day in 3-4) with warm water, the plant does not tolerate excess moisture.

Ground almond is a light-loving culture. In the case of living in an area with a short daylight hours (in the northern regions), it is recommended to illuminate the place with lamps.

For the proper development of the plant, the air temperature during the day should be 20-25 degrees, at night – 15-17 degrees. To enrich the roots with oxygen, the soil should be loosened 1 time in 3 days.

  1. Feed the plant before transplanting (once). For this purpose, 10 l of water is diluted with bird droppings in proportions 1: 7, mullein 1: 4 and 7 g ammonium nitrate, 15 g superphosphate, 8 g potassium sulphate.
  2. Quenching. For 10 days before transplanting seedlings into open ground, they create conditions close to natural: the room gradually reduces the temperature to 15 degrees and reduces the amount of watering. The hardening procedure increases the chances of the plant to adapt to environmental conditions.

In the case of planting the chufa immediately in the open ground, the tubers are preliminarily kept for 4 days in water. Root crops are planted in May, when the air temperature does not drop below 15 degrees. Tubers are buried to a depth of 5-7 cm below the surface of the earth. They are planted with nests of 3 pieces in a hole, between which there should be a distance of 50 cm or more. Otherwise, during the growth process, the plants will clog each other. After the tubers are planted, mineral fertilizer, humus, ash are introduced into the soil.

If it happens that the ambient temperature has dropped to 10 degrees, and less shoots protect from the cold. They are covered with material stretched over the arc.

In hot summers, tubers can be harvested as early as mid-September, and in ordinary years – a month later.


Chufa earthen almonds – a plant originally from the Mediterranean and Africa. Valued for its high nutritional value due to its rich chemical composition. The edible part of the plant is underground. Tubers formed on rhizomes are covered with a protective sheath, under which the useful white flesh is hidden. Root vegetables are made from butter and milk. They are subjected to various types of culinary processing.

Ground almonds are used in agriculture, medicine, fishing, industry for the production of household goods. The ground part of the plant is the basis for the production of souvenirs, which is why it is popular among needlewomen. The green carpet of chufa sprouts makes the culture attractive for gardeners.

With proper use of peanut tubers, the work of the vessels, digestive organs, nervous system, brain and heart is restored. In addition, muscular activity increases, vitality increases, radionuclides, poisons, toxins are eliminated, emotional stability appears, and immunity is strengthened.

The oil produced from chufa is used in cosmetology to increase the elasticity of the epithelium, relieve inflammation, irritation, inhibit the aging process, strengthen the nails, hair, tighten cracks.

A decoction of earthen almond quenches toothache, tonic effect on the body.

Alcohol tincture is used to treat colds, ARVI diseases. A nut extract protects the intestinal mucosa, showing antibacterial properties. Despite its usefulness, the product is heavily digested by the human body, since the share of fat is 35%. This is a nutritious, high-calorie nut, which is contraindicated in obesity, pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

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